- 1. He was wearing a stripy shirt and baggy blue trousers.
- 他穿着一件条纹衬衫和一条宽松的蓝裤子。
- 2. She is wearing tight black leggings and a baggy green jersey.
- 她穿着黑色紧身裤和宽大的绿色运动上衣。
- 3. Everyone dressed informally in shorts or faded jeans, and baggy sweatshirts.
- 大家都穿休闲装,或短裤、或褪色牛仔裤、或宽松的运动衫。
- 4. She dresses down in dark glasses and baggy clothes to avoid hordes of admirers.
- 她着装随意,戴墨镜,穿宽松的衣服,以避开大群的仰慕者。
- 5. Tom said, "Most of the time, Baggy is just like any other dog."
- 汤姆说:“大多数时候,Baggy 跟其他的狗一样。”
- 6. Then a rail-thin teenager, in a baggy white T-shirt, skidded up to the beam.
- 然后一个骨瘦如柴的少年滑上了横杆,他穿着一件宽松的白色 T 恤。
- 7. Baggy wears a pollution monitor on her collar so she can take data measurements close to the ground.
- 贝基的项圈上戴着一个污染监测器,这样她就可以在接近地面的地方进行数据测量。
- 8. However, since Baggy stands at about the same height as a child in a pushchair (婴儿车) , she frequently records pollution levels which are much higher than the data gathered by the Environment Agency.
- 然而,由于贝基的站立高度约与婴儿车里的婴儿同高,她所记录的污染水平时常远远高于环境机构收集到的数据。
- 9. His pants were baggy at the knees.
- 他的裤子在膝盖处鼓鼓囊囊的。
- 10. Baggy sweaters are big this year.
- 今年宽松的毛衣大受欢迎。
- 11. I like baggy style jeans.
- 我喜欢宽松式的牛仔裤。
- 12. They had a problem with his baggy clothes.
- 他们看不惯他那些宽大的衣服。
- 13. Women, beware of loose-fitting frocks and baggy shirts!
- 穿宽松的连衣裙和衬衫的女士要注意咯!
- 14. This video demonstrates the final process to make baggy pants.
- 这部影片展示了最终的进程,使宽松的裤子。
- 15. Consider matching your boots with a long trench coat or a baggy sweatshirt, for instance.
- 比如,可以考虑在穿长款风衣或宽松运动衫时穿过膝靴。
- 16. If you are going to wear jeans, make sure they are not too baggy. This does not look good.
- 如果你要穿牛仔裤,不要穿那种口袋太多的,那也不好看。
- 17. Thankfully low, as she rocks a look suitable for her age: baggy green T-shirt and scruffy hair.
- 低。 但庆幸的是做为那个年纪的孩子她算很有范儿了:宽松的绿T恤和乱糟糟的头发。
- 18. I started when I got into skateboarding - all the skateboarders wore baggy, low-slung track-pants.
- 我练滑板的时候开始穿,所有的滑板手都穿得松松垮垮。
- 19. Secondly, he was wearing baggy, grungy clothes unlike the suits the rest of the deceased were wearing.
- 其次,他穿着邋遢宽松的衣服,而这和大多死者所穿的套装很不相符。
- 20. Beware of costumes made with flimsy materials and outfits with big baggy sleeves or billowing skirts.
- 警惕用超薄易损材料做成的服装,以及大袖子和大裙摆的服装。
- 21. Teens today, with their 15)tattoos and baggy shorts, could not seem more different from their grandparents.
- 今天,青少年们刺着纹身、穿着袋袋裤,和他们的前辈有着迥异的面貌。
- 22. So, if you have a baggy tunic, cardigan or a simple dress, don't think twice about it, add an interesting belt!
- 如果你有一件宽松的上衣,开襟羊毛衫或是一条简单的裙子,不用多想,直接佩戴一条腰带!
- 23. Glamour rating? Thankfully low, as she rocks a look suitable for her age: baggy green T-shirt and scruffy hair.
- 魅力指数?低。但庆幸的是做为那个年纪的孩子她算很有范儿了:宽松的绿t恤和乱糟糟的头发。
- 24. To try and hide this from friends (who can be very cruel), I always wore baggy clothes and long sleeved shirts.
- 为了在朋友面前掩饰我的瘦弱,我经常穿宽松的衣服和长袖的衬衫。
- 25. A radical departure from the skinny-pants trend of the past few years, the baggy trousers can take some getting used to.
- 灯笼裤完全背离了过去几年的紧身裤潮流,要适应它还得付出点儿代价。
- 26. Banish the long and baggy and only buy skirts that end on, or just below, the knee, and have shape and proper waistbands.
- 不要买长而宽松的裙子了,要买就买短裙,及膝或者略低于膝盖,再买一条有型合适的腰带。
- 27. Banish the long and baggy and only buy skirts that end on, or just below, the knee, and have shape and proper waistbands.
- 不要买长而宽松的裙子了,要买就买短裙,及膝或者略低于膝盖,再买一条有型合适的腰带。