- 1. All exits must be kept clear of baggage.
- 所有出口必须保持通畅,不得堆放行李。
- 2. The fire started in the baggage compartment.
- 火是从行李舱着起来的。
- 3. She was carrying a lot of emotional baggage.
- 她背负着很多感情包袱。
- 4. Luke and Vlad followed the signs to baggage reclaim.
- 路克和微拉德沿着指示牌到行李提取处。
- 5. The insurance policy covers all baggage and personal effects.
- 这份保险单为全部行李和个人财产提供保险。
- 6. They came panting up to his door with their unwieldy baggage.
- 他们带着笨重的行李,气喘吁吁地来到他的门口。
- 7. The baggage was being rapidly stowed away for transportation.
- 行李正迅速被装好收起以便运输。
- 8. In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels.
- 在古时候,这常常由一队拉行李的骆驼来完成。
- 9. Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 44 lbs per passenger.
- 我们大多数航班的行李限量是每位乘客44磅。
- 10. How much emotional baggage is he bringing with him into the relationship?
- 他正把多少感情包袱带入这个关系?
- 11. Baggage should be cross-checked against the names of inpidual passengers.
- 必须再把行李与各位旅客的姓名核对一遍。
- 12. You are allowed 20kgs of baggage unless indicated otherwise on your ticket.
- 除非票上另有注明,否则可携带行李为20公斤。
- 13. We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage and wandered around the gift shops.
- 我们到达了机场,托运了行李,然后逛了逛礼品店。
- 14. The airline had not been searching unaccompanied baggage by hand, but only screening it on X-ray machines.
- 这家航空公司一直没有手工检查非随身行李,只是在X光机上检查。
- 15. The good thing about these younger players is that they are not carrying any excess baggage from less successful times.
- 这些年轻一些的选手优势在于他们没有背负着来自不太成功的时期的任何包袱。
- 16. The baggage hall was crowded and noisy.
- 行李大厅拥挤嘈杂。
- 17. Can you take my baggage in Pacific Hotel?
- 你能到太平洋旅馆拿我的行李吗?
- 18. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of baggage that day.
- 我记得那天帮一位女士拿了很多行李。
- 19. Remember no more than 10 ounces of carry on baggage are allowed.
- 记住随身携带的行李不能超过10盎司。
- 20. By forgiving, we can throw away the emotional baggage we carry for years.
- 通过宽恕,我们可以扔掉多年来的情感包袱。
- 21. In both years the vast majority of complaints concerned flight delays, cancellations, mishandled baggage, and customer service.
- 在这两年中,绝大多数投诉都与航班延误、航班取消、行李处理不当和客户服务有关。
- 22. Another factor may be that more people are trying to overpack their carry-on bags to avoid checked baggage fees, though the airlines strongly dispute this.
- 另一个可能的原因是,更多的人为了逃避托运行李的费用,而把随身行李塞得满满的,虽然航空公司强烈反对这种行为。
- 23. I was weighed down with baggage.
- 我被行李压得走不动路。
- 24. All hand baggage would be x-rayed.
- 所有手提行李都要拍X光片。
- 25. We loaded our baggage into the car.
- 我们把行李装上了汽车。
- 26. He threw her out onto the street, bag and baggage.
- 他突然把她连人带东西一股脑儿扔到大街上。
- 27. The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage.
- 乘客们通过了移民管理站然后领取了行李。
- 28. In nature, itching and scratching help animals get rid of parasites, plant material, or other unwanted baggage.
- 事实上,骚痒和抓挠帮助动物去掉寄生虫、植物体或其它不想要的垃圾。
- 29. Another factor may be that more people are trying to overpack their carry-on bags to avoid checked-baggage fees, though the airlines strongly dispute this.
- 另一个因素可能是,即使航空公司强烈反对,但越来越多的人为了避免托运行李产生的费用而随身携带行李,。
- 30. For example, you may have to pay for any food or drinks you have on the plane, and you may have to pay extra if you check baggage instead of carrying it on the plane.
- 例如,你可能需要为飞机上的任何食物或饮料付钱;如果你选择托运行李而不是带其上飞机,你可能需要额外付钱。