- 1. Percentage of revenue from backplane production.
- 背板产品在营业收入中的比例?
- 2. Percentage of revenue from backplane production.
- 背板产品在营业收入中的比例。
- 3. A design of high speed backplane bus is introduced in this paper.
- 介绍了一个高速背板总线的设计尝试。
- 4. The solidification period of housing backplane casting has been analyzed.
- 分析了机架底板铸件凝固补缩过程。
- 5. The backplane of the scanner mainframe will connect the appropriate Banks of each card.
- 扫描仪主机的背板可连接每个开的相应开关组。
- 6. You can alter various parameters and it will print out a winding template and backplane.
- 你可以改变不同的参数,打印出螺旋模板和底板。
- 7. The backplane anchor address is established by configuration constants or by boot parameters.
- 主板锚的地址可以通过配置宏或者启动参数确定下来。
- 8. The new backplane design is pided into three areas, to ensure more even distribution of steam.
- 新的背板设计分为三个方面,以确保更均匀蒸汽分布。
- 9. The following paragraphs discuss the analog backplane, triggers, and digital I/O in greater detail.
- 以下部分较详细地讨论模拟背板、触发和数字I/O。
- 10. The backplane is a complex system containing a number of variables that can impact signal integrity.
- 背板是一个复杂的系统。它包括了一定数量的影响到信号完整性的变量。
- 11. Most switch CARDS have jumpers that can be removed to disconnect the card output from the backplane.
- 大多数开关卡都有跳线,可以通过拆下跳线将插卡的输出从背板断开。
- 12. Lady Gaga and Google chairman Eric Schmidt are both investors in Backplane, a startup still in stealth mode ie.
- Lady Gaga和谷歌公司董事长埃里克·斯密特都是Backplane公司的投资人。
- 13. Provides basic foundation for any designer through a service and data backplane, and manipulation of metadata.
- 通过服务和数据底板以及对元数据的操作为任何设计器提供基础。
- 14. Plant backplane, Block boards are equipped with navigation, all kinds of accessories for the apparatus to mount.
- 机台背板、座板皆配备导航,可供各种配件仪器之挂载。
- 15. Serial data communication has gained wide application in network transmission, backplane transceiver and I/O interface.
- 串行数据通信在网络传输、背板连接和I/O接口等领域应用非常广泛。
- 16. Scripted and declarative handlers: The Rich Web Application Backplane is designed to be usable and applied with any language.
- 脚本化的声明性处理程序:RichWebApplication Backplane 的设计目的是可以在任何语言中使用和应用。
- 17. Because the shared-memory pool is accessed by all processors on the backplane, that memory must be configured as non-cacheable.
- 因为共享内存池必需能够被主板上所有的处理器访问到,共享内存必须配置成非缓存的形式。
- 18. Block, backplane: high-quality oak molding by the mold pressing, grinding process by profiling, do the multi-layer paint finishes.
- 座、背板:采用优质橡木经模具热压成型,经仿形打磨工序、做多层油漆饰面。
- 19. To connect the outputs of the cards together, certain cards have their outputs connected to the backplane of the scanner mainframe.
- 为了将开关卡的输出连接在一起,特定开关卡的输出都会被连接到扫描仪主机的背板。
- 20. The end result is similar to having a system built with a motherboard, except that the backplane determines the slot configuration.
- 最终的结果是有一个类似的系统内置了主板,但确定的背板插槽配置。
- 21. Especially in the bus design on the backplane, we should pay more attention to the distribution, interconnection of the clock, data line.
- 背板上的总线时钟和数据线的分布,互连设计显得尤为重要。
- 22. A Rapid IO Processor is an inter-connect technology that connects chips on a circuit board and circuit boards to each other using a backplane.
- SRIO处理器是一个互连技术,并用一个背板使电路板上的芯片相互连接。
- 23. The creators of the Rich Web application Backplane hope to produce the standards that make this functionality available to Web applications.
- RichWebApplication Backplane的创建者希望生成的标准能够使此功能在Web应用程序中可用。
- 24. For certain signal types, such as low level or high frequency, the analog backplane should not be used to avoid possible signal degradation.
- 对于特定的信号类型,例如低电平或高频率,则不宜使用模拟背板,以避免造成信号劣化。
- 25. A media card on the switch side connects to the server nic through a media cable and transfers data from the server to the switch backplane.
- 而在交换机这一边,介质卡通过介质电缆接到服务器网卡上,把数据从服务器上传送到交换机主干网上。
- 26. When using multiple matrix CARDS check the specifications to determine if the rows can be connected through the backplane or if they must be wired externally.
- 在使用多个矩阵开关卡时,请确认技术指标,检查开关卡的行是否可通过背板连接,或者是否必须通过外部进行连接。
- 27. For the Rich Web Application Backplane, you will use an XML data model, where the model consists of the core data, validation system, constraints, and actions.
- 对于RichWebApplication Backplane,您将使用XML数据模型,其中模型包括核心数据、验证系统、约束和动作。
- 28. For the Rich Web Application Backplane, you will use an XML data model, where the model consists of the core data, validation system, constraints, and actions.
- 对于RichWebApplication Backplane,您将使用XML数据模型,其中模型包括核心数据、验证系统、约束和动作。