- 1. At the crack of dawn, he would run up the slopes with his skis on, an unbelievably backbreaking activity.
- 在黎明时分,他会穿着滑雪板跑上斜坡。做这样一项非常耗费体力的运动让人难以置信。
- 2. These machines would relieve the peasants of their backbreaking Labour.
- 这些机器可以把农民从繁重的体力劳动中解放出来。
- 3. Their lack of water was not for want of backbreaking work in trying to find the stuff.
- 缺水的原因不是他们没有付出足够的努力。
- 4. Buffett was horrified that he performed such backbreaking work only to earn pennies an hour.
- 巴菲特为他每小时工作才赚取十几美分的回报感到震惊。
- 5. To get these he needs a regular paying job that doesn't require backbreaking work in the fields.
- 为了得到这些,一个人需要稳定的收入而不是在地里辛劳的工作。
- 6. Success would mean a childhood sacrifice but the reward — an escape from this that backbreaking life.
- 成功意味着要牺牲掉童年的美好时光,但是回报是——摆脱掉累人的生活。
- 7. But the real reason was the backbreaking burden that the colonial masters imposed on the people for over 200 years.
- 但是真正的原因是殖民者强加在人民身上,持续200年的不堪忍受的重负。
- 8. Freelancer is a backbreaking Chongqing stick-man; the difference is that he hardly breaks a sweat even in a highly tiring state.
- 自由翻译是辛苦的重庆棒棒,不同的是,再累也难得流下一滴汗水;
- 9. I think for example of the backbreaking work most Indian women do every day without it appearing to earn them much respect from their own families.
- 再比如,我想到了大多数印度妇女每天都从事的辛勤劳动,而这似乎并不能为她们赢得家人的多少尊重。
- 10. Mr Scheuer says analysis was “backbreaking”, especially for Arabic names, because it involvedmanually compiling lists of variations deemed worthy of tracing.
- 斯奇乌尔先生讲述道,对名字的变体进行分析与匹配是一种极其艰苦的工作,尤其是分析阿拉伯人的名字,因为它包括一些手工编译的名字变体清单,而这些都是值得去追踪的。
- 11. While his income from mining would sometimes 31 dwarf what he makes now, he enjoys not going through the 32 backbreaking work and long periods without income.
- 虽然当时的采矿所得有时会让他如今的收入相形见拙,但他很享受现在这份并不繁重且不会长时间没有收入的工作。
- 12. And no one should want to sugar coat the tougher side of life here either, including long shifts at backbreaking jobs for low pay that is familiar to American workers.
- 但并没人想体验那种包上糖衣的艰难的生活,包括像美国工人一样为了很低的薪水而长时间地干一些累人的工作。
- 13. When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had been completed, the task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines.
- 当有关西部铁路的说服和规划工作终于完成后,真正艰难的任务还没有开始;即危险,吃力,需要伤筋动骨和吵吵嚷嚷的建造这些铁路的实际工作。
- 14. As well as backbreaking mining toil, he carved chopsticks and toothpicks out of planks of wood until his hands were raw and assembled car seat covers that the prison exported to South Korea and Japan.
- 除了做劳累至极的矿工之外,他还要把木板上切开,雕刻成筷子和牙签,直到他的双手刺痛,还要安装汽车座椅套,监狱则把这些出口到韩国和曰本。
- 15. As well as backbreaking mining toil, he carved chopsticks and toothpicks out of planks of wood until his hands were raw and assembled car seat covers that the prison exported to South Korea and Japan.
- 除了做劳累至极的矿工之外,他还要把木板上切开,雕刻成筷子和牙签,直到他的双手刺痛,还要安装汽车座椅套,监狱则把这些出口到韩国和曰本。