- 1. Digging that clay soil is back-breaking work.
- 挖那粘土是一件艰苦繁重的工作。
- 2. It's back-breaking labor with severe health consequences.
- 它累垮了劳力,造成了严重的健康问题。
- 3. What we don't see is the back-breaking labor behind the scenes.
- 我们没有看到的是,回破劳动幕后。
- 4. It was a dirty, back-breaking man's job, but she never complained.
- 这种工作不但肮脏,而且吃力,原是男人做的工作,但是她从无怨言。
- 5. Meanwhile Rhoda's mother is doing back-breaking work on her husband's cabin.
- 与此同时,罗达的母亲一直在腰酸背痛地忙着建造丈夫的小木屋。
- 6. And postmen are now being forced to walk faster and deliver back-breaking quantities of junk mail.
- 如今,邮差被迫加快步伐,递送量大得能累断腰的垃圾邮件。
- 7. The yield on Irish bonds recently jumped 13 consecutive trading days, bringing them near a back-breaking 8%.
- 爱尔兰债券的收益率最近连续13个交易日飙升,达到了几乎难以承受的8%。
- 8. The ride-in design is a proven labor saving device and tales the back-breaking work out of raking concrete.
- 在设计乘坐了一套行之有效的省力设备和故事背后开拓性工作的清污具体了。
- 9. Their legs were misshapen from their heavy work and all the back-breaking tasks that make up the life of the agricultural labourer.
- 农事劳动者生活中的繁重工作和极端劳累,使得他们的腿都变成畸形的了。
- 10. In fact, the thing that runs contrary to the best interests of the NBA is its own cruel, Unrelenting, Back-Breaking of the Schedule.
- 实际上,对NBA利益造成最大损害的,是他们的残酷的,令人窒息的,使人疲劳至极的赛程。
- 11. On average they earn 17 cents for a 12-hour day of back-breaking, bare-handed work, according to a recent report from Plan International.
- 据最新报道他们平均一天工作12小时,徒手工作累得腰都要断了才能挣得17分。
- 12. One major area is that of trafficked Labour with people used for domestic work or, more commonly, for back-breaking Labour in agricultural industries.
- 一个主要领域是劳动力的非法交易,人们被迫从事家务劳动,更普遍的是从事艰苦繁重的农业劳动。
- 13. While his income from mining would sometimes dwarf what he makes now, he enjoys not going through the back-breaking work and long periods without income.
- 虽然当时偶尔会有大笔赚钱,让如今的工资收入相形见拙的时候,但他依然很享受现在这份不必忍受弯腰之苦,并且不会长时间没有收入的工作。
- 14. Mr Schoose, meanwhile, is out prospecting at his own mines each weekend. It's back-breaking work, he says, but it is the hope of hitting the gold that motivates.
- 同时,每周末乔斯先生也忙着对他的金矿进行勘探,他说,对金子的渴望激发动力哪怕这是个累断腰的活。
- 15. Even if all miraculously went right, the product of a year’s worth of back-breaking legislative work would amount to about 1.5% of the total 2010-20 deficit—a drop in the ocean.
- 即使阴差阳错产生了积极效果,一年的试图通过立法的代价,相当于2010-2020年赤字的1.5%---仍是沧海一粟。
- 16. Farmers who until the 1970s spent half their working day on the back-breaking labour of lifting irrigation water now use diesel pumps, plough with tractors and thresh their wheat by machine.
- 直到20世纪70年代,埃及农民还得花半天时间干挑水灌溉这些繁重的劳动。如今,农民灌溉用柴油泵,犁地用拖拉机,小麦脱粒用机器。
- 17. One could probably live there for years without noticing that for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless back-breaking struggle to wring a little food out of an eroded soil.
- 一个人在那里生活许多年可能也发现不了十分之九的人都为了在贫瘠的土地上挤出一点点食物而整日辛劳,这才是他们真实的生活。
- 18. Wearing heels also creates the threat of getting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate and being thrown to the ground—possibly breaking a nose, back, or neck.
- 穿着高跟鞋也会造成鞋跟被人行道裂缝或阴沟栅卡住以及摔倒在地上的危险,穿鞋的人有可能会摔断鼻子、背部或脖子。
- 19. It is expected to approve proposals to send patrol boats manned by armed police and customs officers with powers to search and turn back ships suspected of breaking the sanctions.
- 预计中国将批准派遣载有武装警察和海关官员的巡逻艇,有权搜查并遣返涉嫌违反制裁的船只。
- 20. He suggested that if a depressed person can't frown because of Botox treatment, then others won't frown back at them, thereby breaking the loop.
- 他建议,如果抑郁症患者因为肉毒杆菌治疗不能皱眉,同样人们也不会以皱眉来回应他,从而打破循环。
- 21. The revolving door whooshes again, and you are back in the middle of the broken (and breaking) relationship.
- 旋转门又启动了,把你拽会一段破碎(或即将破碎)的关系当中。
- 22. The bending, breaking and shearing of metal. I was thrown violently back against the seat, then forward, breaking my nose on the seat in front.
- 金属扭曲断裂,我先是被狠狠地弹到座位靠背上,接着又不由自主地向前栽,结果一头撞上前面的座位,伤到了鼻子。
- 23. Murray got an early boost by breaking Ferrer's serve in the first game of the match, but the Scot gave the advantage right back by making a string of unforced errors to drop serve in the next game.
- 在比赛的第一局中,穆雷首先打破了费雷尔的发球局并取得领先,但随后,穆雷的连续非收获性失误导致第二局的失败,将优势拱手相让。
- 24. Other issues caused by updating the page with Ajax include "breaking" the browser's back button, and the URL in the address bar not reflecting the entire state of the page, preventing bookmarking.
- 由Ajax更新页面造成的其他问题还包括:“破坏了”浏览器的后退按钮,地址栏中的URL也无法反映页面的整个状态,妨碍了设置书签。
- 25. And you can't bring back forests that once grew where there is now desert. If you don't know how to fix it, please stop breaking it!
- 如果您不知道如何拯救,那么请您停止破坏吧!
- 26. Think back to the earlier graphics card example: it is possible for you to replace (or upgrade) your graphics card without having to worry about breaking your entire system.
- 回想一下前面的显卡例子:您可以替换(或升级)显卡,而不需要担心这会对整个系统产生影响。
- 27. If there's breaking news I care about, I check back with sites I consider authoritative or at least reliable.
- 如果发现有感兴趣的突发新闻,我还会到我认为权威的,或者至少说可信的网站去核实。
- 28. Apply the opposite charge and the electrode flips back, breaking the circuit.
- 利用相反的电荷,电极就会复位,进而断开电路。
- 29. Apply the opposite charge and the electrode flips back, breaking the circuit.
- 利用相反的电荷,电极就会复位,进而断开电路。