- 1. The earth revolves on its axis.
- 地球环绕自身的轴心转动。
- 2. The third axis is the longitudinal axis.
- 第三个轴是纵轴。
- 3. Precession, basically is the change in the direction of earth's axis of rotation.
- 岁差,基本上是地球自转轴方向的改变。
- 4. The main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time when it goes around the sun.
- 当行星绕太阳运行时,其轨道椭圆的主轴每次都会改变。
- 5. Once we get to feminism, feminism will have certain ideas of its own about the vertical axis.
- 当我们谈到女性主义时,女性主义都会对竖轴有自己的解读。
- 6. The Eiffel Tower is a wonderful way of showing the degree to which the vertical axis is virtual.
- 埃菲尔铁塔是展示垂直轴虚拟程度的绝佳方式。
- 7. The mirrors could orbit—thousands of miles high—at the same speed as the earth turns on its axis.
- 这些镜子可以在几千英里的高空以地球绕地轴旋转的速度运行。
- 8. What I'd like to do now is focus on a piece that emphasizes and foregrounds just the first axis, pitch.
- 现在我要做的是集中精力于一首乐曲,它所强调的、突出的只是这第一个轴,音高。
- 9. The inclination, or tilt, of Earth's axis also varies periodically, moving between 22 degrees and 5 degrees.
- 地轴的倾角也会周期性地变化,在22度到5度之间移动。
- 10. In the meantime, the Eiffel Tower is a wonderful way of showing the degree to which the vertical axis is virtual.
- 与此同时,埃菲尔铁塔是展示垂直轴虚拟程度的绝佳方式。
- 11. Earth's unique and massive satellite, the Moon, plays a crucial role in stabilizing the obliquity of Earth's rotational axis.
- 地球独特而巨大的卫星——月球,在稳定地球旋转轴的倾角方面发挥了关键作用。
- 12. Finally, Earth's unique and massive satellite, the Moon, plays a crucial role in stabilizing the obliquity of Earth's rotational axis.
- 最后,月球作为地球独特而巨大的卫星,在稳定地球旋转轴的倾角方面发挥了关键作用。
- 13. Earth's orbit around the sun and tilt on its axis combine to carry us in this hemisphere further away from receiving the sun's rays most directly.
- 随着地球围绕太阳的轨道和轴的倾斜将我们带到这个半球,我们更远离直接接收太阳光线的地方。
- 14. The tilt of Earth's axis, toward the Sun at some times of the year and away from the Sun at other times, is responsible for the annual cycle of seasons.
- 地轴的倾斜在一年中的某些时候朝向太阳,而在其它时间远离太阳,造成了每年的季节循环。
- 15. The axis of a circle is its diameter.
- 圆的对称中心线就是直径。
- 16. Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the earth.
- 火星自转一周的时间比地球长。
- 17. The axis is pointing away from the sun in winter.
- 冬天,地轴指向远离太阳的方向。
- 18. When the axis points away from the sun, you get less heat.
- 当地轴的指向远离太阳时,得到的热量就会变少。
- 19. The northern end of the earth's axis points towards the sun in summer.
- 在夏季,地轴的北端指向太阳。
- 20. When your town has winter, the earth's axis is pointing away from the sun.
- 当你所在的城镇进入冬季时,地轴指向远离太阳的方向。
- 21. The seasons are made by the northern end of the axis pointing towards or away from the sun.
- 季节是由地轴的北端指向或远离太阳形成的。
- 22. Your part of the world gets more heat from the sun when the northern end of the axis points to the sun.
- 当地轴的北端指向太阳时,你所在的地方从太阳那里获得更多的热量。
- 23. In England, the Saxons are thought to have used both horizontal- and vertical-axis wheels.
- 在英格兰,通常认为撒克逊人同时使用水平和垂直轴的轮子。
- 24. The tilt of the earth's axis, that imaginary pole that runs through the center of the earth.
- 地轴是我们虚构的穿过地心的一个倾斜的直线轴。
- 25. The planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace.
- 金星自转一周需要243个地球日,因此来自太阳的热量以更悠闲、更容易观察到的速度被吸收和分配。
- 26. The principal square root function is defined using the nonpositive real axis as a branch cut.
- 主平方根函数是使用非正实轴作为分支切割定义的。
- 27. A linguiform process possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella.
- 在每个薄片的远端轴处发现具有密集的纤毛和凹坑的舌状突。
- 28. A negative face has an outward normal pointing in a direction opposite that of the positive x-axis.
- 负向的外法线指向与正x轴相反的方向。
- 29. The theoretical equation of the centerlinedilution along the axis of jets in coflow ambient is developed.
- 建立了同流环境中沿射流轴线的中心线稀释的理论方程。
- 30. The theoretical equation of the centerlinedilution along the axis of jets in coflow ambient is developed.
- 建立了同流环境中沿射流轴线的中心线稀释的理论方程。