- 1. I awoke from a deep sleep.
- 我从沉睡中醒来。
- 2. He awoke to find her gone.
- 他醒来发现她已经走了。
- 3. I awoke feeling rested and refreshed.
- 我睡醒后感觉精力充沛,神清气爽。
- 4. He awoke feeling completely refreshed.
- 他醒来感觉精神完全恢复了。
- 5. She awoke early after a disturbed night.
- 她折腾了一夜,很早就醒了。
- 6. He awoke from his sleep in a cold sweat.
- 他从睡梦中醒来,浑身冷汗。
- 7. She awoke to a day of brilliant sunshine.
- 她醒来时是阳光灿烂的一天。
- 8. On the morning of the expedition, I awoke with a feeling of impending disaster.
- 远征出发的那天早上,我醒来就有一种大难临头的感觉。
- 9. When Tom awoke, Sid was dressed and gone.
- 汤姆醒来时,希德已经穿戴完毕走了。
- 10. About midnight Joe awoke, and called the boys.
- 大约午夜时分,乔醒了,叫另外两个孩子。
- 11. The children awoke tortured with a raging hunger.
- 孩子们醒来时,饥饿难忍。
- 12. Tom awoke in the morning, he wondered where he was.
- 汤姆早上醒来时,不知自己身在何处。
- 13. When at last they awoke, it was already dark night.
- 当他们终于醒来时,天已经黑了。
- 14. When the King awoke in the morning, the women were gone.
- 当国王早晨醒来时,女人们都走了。
- 15. At that very moment, Pinocchio awoke and opened wide his eyes.
- 就在这时,皮诺乔醒了,睁大了眼睛。
- 16. When I awoke they were gone and I started out in the darkness all alone.
- 当我醒来的时候,他们已经走了,于是,我开始独自走夜路。
- 17. The weary time dragged on; they slept again, and awoke famished and woe-stricken.
- 令人厌倦的时间慢慢地过去了;他们又睡了一觉,醒来时饥肠辘辘,悲痛欲绝。
- 18. One morning I awoke in my old car on a country road in Ireland and saw a single house.
- 一天早晨,在爱尔兰的一条乡间小路上,我在我的老车里醒来,只见一幢房子。
- 19. When he awoke, he found himself alone, and saw that the ring was gone from his finger.
- 当他醒来时,发现只有他一个人,戒指也不在他的手指上了。
- 20. Andy awoke the next morning in a pool of his own dribble, but ready to walk another day.
- 第二天早上,安迪在自己的一汪口水中醒来,但是已经准备好再走一天。
- 21. Next morning, when he awoke, Pinocchio looked in the manger for more hay, but it was all gone.
- 第二天早上醒来,皮诺乔到马槽里去找干草,可是都不见了。
- 22. Like her sister she awoke in the beautiful meadow, and walked over it till she came to the oven.
- 像她的姐姐一样,她在美丽的草地上醒来,走过草地,走到烤炉前。
- 23. The spell was broken, and all who had been turned into stones awoke, and took their proper forms.
- 咒语被解除了,所有被变成石头的人都醒了,恢复了正常的外形。
- 24. One beautiful morning, I awoke to find myself changed into a donkey—long ears, gray coat, even a tail!
- 在一个明媚的早晨,我醒来了,然后发现自己变成了一头驴——有长长的耳朵,灰色的皮毛,甚至还有条尾巴!
- 25. The King awoke, just as he had completed his work, complained of the cold, and asked what he was doing.
- 他刚做完他的工作,国王就醒了,抱怨说太冷了,还问他在干什么。
- 26. We spent the night in the village of Tann, in Hesse, and awoke at dawn to chill winds and an ominously overcast sky.
- 我们在黑森州的坦恩村过了一夜,黎明时醒来,寒风凛冽,阴云密布。
- 27. Her voice awoke the sleeping child.
- 她的声音惊醒了睡着的小孩。
- 28. A puzzled amazement awoke in every face in the house, not even excepting Potter's.
- 在场的每个人都莫名其妙,惊诧不已,连波特也不例外。
- 29. They did not like to graze in the flowers, and were glad when Peter awoke with their loud bleating.
- 它们不喜欢吃花儿,当彼得听到他们大声的咩咩声醒来时,它们很高兴。
- 30. At that moment, Cosette awoke.
- 这时珂赛特醒来了。