- 1. I had to swerve to avoid a cat.
- 为了避免轧到一只猫,我只好猛然将车转向。
- 2. I left early to avoid the rush hour.
- 我早早动身以避开交通高峰时刻。
- 3. We have tried to avoid any moralizing.
- 我们已力图避免任何形式的说教。
- 4. They avoid going out alone after dark.
- 他们避免黄昏后独自出门。
- 5. He tends to avoid all physical contact.
- 他倾向于避免一切身体接触。
- 6. If possible, you want to avoid alcohol.
- 你应尽可能避免饮酒。
- 7. It is better to avoid all food colours.
- 最好避开所有的食品着色剂。
- 8. You should avoid mentioning his porce.
- 你应该避免提及他离婚的事。
- 9. He made a quick exit to avoid meeting her.
- 他迅速离去以避免见到她。
- 10. Most managements are keen to avoid strikes.
- 大多数经营者都很希望避免罢工的发生。
- 11. He hurdled two barriers to avoid reporters.
- 他跳过了两个障碍物以躲避记者。
- 12. Guerrillas avoid fighting set-piece battles.
- 游击队避免打严密策划的战役。
- 13. The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.
- 工人们戴着面罩避免吸入尘土。
- 14. People can keep out of the sun to avoid skin cancer.
- 人们可以通过躲开阳光来避免患上皮肤癌。
- 15. You want to avoid costly legal proceedings if you can.
- 如果能够的话你希望避免昂贵的法律诉讼。
- 16. The general tried to avoid an engagement with the enemy.
- 将军竭力避免与敌军交火。
- 17. Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.
- 一些国家紧缩货币政策以避免通货膨胀。
- 18. She wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.
- 她想避免和父亲再次发生冲突。
- 19. The name was changed to avoid confusion with another firm.
- 改名是为了避免和另一家公司混淆。
- 20. We wanted to avoid a rerun of last year's disastrous trip.
- 我们想避免去年那种极度不顺的旅行再度出现。
- 21. Avoid trips to the country while the pollen count is high.
- 花粉计数高时,尽量避免去乡村旅行。
- 22. The pilots had to take emergency action to avoid a disaster.
- 飞行员们不得不采取紧急措施以避免灾难的发生。
- 23. To avoid attracting unwelcome attention he kept his voice down.
- 为避免引起不必要的注意,他把声音压低了。
- 24. Students should avoid any immodest behaviour, on or off campus.
- 学生们应该在校园内外都避免有任何傲慢无礼的行为。
- 25. People with pale complexions should avoid wearing light colours.
- 肤色白皙的人应当避免穿浅色衣服。
- 26. He tried to avoid saying anything that would implicate him further.
- 他尽力避免说出任何会进一步牵连他的事情。
- 27. Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies.
- 从反方向过来的司机们突然转向以避开这些尸体。
- 28. Also, pre-paying funeral expenses can avoid the effects of inflation.
- 另外,预先支付丧葬费可以避免通货膨胀的影响。
- 29. The course teaches students to avoid ambiguity and obscurity of expression.
- 这门课程教学生避免表达上的模棱两可、含混不清。
- 30. The administration hopes to avoid another bruising battle over civil rights.
- 政府希望避免因民权问题再次发生激烈冲突。