- 1. The autosuggestion integrates mark run may enhance accuracy of run-up to a great extent.
- 自我暗示结合标记跑可以在很大程度上提高运动员的助跑准确性。
- 2. The principle of autosuggestion works in precisely the same manner when your dominating thought are fixed, through controlled attention, upon success and security.
- 如果你的主导思想是明确的、被关注的、成功并且安全的,那么自我暗示的原理也会以同样的方式发生作用。
- 3. Controlled attention, when it is focused on the object of your definite major purpose, is the medium by which you positively apply the principle of autosuggestion.
- 当你控制注意力,使它集中在明确的主目标上,你就可以以它为媒介,积极地应用自我暗示的原理。
- 4. There is nothing to hinder you from "deceiving" your subconscious mind when giving it instructions through autosuggestion, as I deceived my son's subconscious mind.
- 当你对潜意识进行暗示的时候,没有人能够阻挡你去“欺骗”你的潜意识,就像我欺骗我儿子的潜意识一样。
- 5. The principle of autosuggestion works in precisely the same manner when your dominating thoughts are fixed, through controlled attention, upon success and security.
- 如果你的主导思想是明确的、被关注的、成功的并且安全的,那么自我暗示的原理也会以同样的方式发生作用。
- 6. According to the findings, proposed in carries on the psychology to the young people athlete to carry on the psychological adjustment the means: 1. autosuggestion law;
- 根据研究结果,提出了在对青少年运动员进行心理调节的办法:1。自我暗示法;
- 7. According to the findings, proposed in carries on the psychology to the young people athlete to carry on the psychological adjustment the means: 1. autosuggestion law;
- 根据研究结果,提出了在对青少年运动员进行心理调节的办法:1。自我暗示法;