- 1. The audience was nearly all men.
- 观众几乎全都是男的。
- 2. The audience cheered and clapped.
- 观众又是喝彩又是鼓掌。
- 3. The audience grew restive.
- 观众变得不耐烦了。
- 4. The audience laughed uproariously.
- 观众哄然大笑。
- 5. The audience whooped and hollered.
- 观众们欢呼着,叫喊着。
- 6. She had the audience in hysterics.
- 她令观众捧腹大笑。
- 7. The audience laughed and applauded.
- 观众欢笑并且鼓掌。
- 8. The audience was becoming restless.
- 观众开始不耐烦了。
- 9. Her music appeals to a wide audience.
- 她的音乐吸引了大批的听众。
- 10. The audience scrambled for the exits.
- 观众竞相朝出口拥去。
- 11. He invited questions from the audience.
- 他请听众提问。
- 12. The camera panned back to the audience.
- 摄像机摇回拍摄观众。
- 13. He gave a graceful bow to the audience.
- 他优雅地向观众鞠了一躬。
- 14. The Pope granted her a private audience.
- 教皇同意私下接见她。
- 15. A live audience will pose the questions.
- 一位现场观众将会提些问题。
- 16. The audience was helpless with laughter.
- 观众情不自禁地大笑。
- 17. The audience were stamping and cheering.
- 观众又是跺脚,又是欢呼。
- 18. The audience was almost entirely female.
- 观众几乎全是女性。
- 19. The audience laughed loudly at the joke.
- 观众听到这笑话大笑起来。
- 20. They are normally a more benign audience.
- 他们通常是更为和善的观众。
- 21. Her performance electrified the audience.
- 她的表演使观众兴奋不已。
- 22. The audience was shrieking with laughter.
- 观众放声大笑。
- 23. He had his audience listening attentively.
- 他抓住了听众的注意力。
- 24. The audience threw flowers onto the stage.
- 观众把鲜花抛向舞台。
- 25. He had the audience hooting with laughter.
- 他令观众哄堂大笑。
- 26. The audience was surprisingly well behaved.
- 观众令人出奇地守秩序。
- 27. The audience broke into rapturous applause.
- 听众中爆发出一片欢呼喝彩声。
- 28. The debate was thrown open to the audience.
- 辩论会对听众开放。
- 29. The audience burst into spontaneous applause.
- 观众自发地鼓起掌来。
- 30. The audience booed as she started her speech.
- 她一开始讲话,听众便发出一阵嘘声。