- 1. His attendance record was spotty.
- 他的出勤记录时好时差。
- 2. Her attendance in school was sporadic.
- 她在学校的出勤率很低。
- 3. The attendance was encouragingly high.
- 出席人数之多令人振奋。
- 4. Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure.
- 身着防暴服的警察到场实施预防行动。
- 5. Students who don't get enough sleep have poorer attendance and lower grades.
- 睡眠不足的学生出勤率较低,成绩也较差。
- 6. The pupils there with good attendance have been given free hamburgers, toys and T-shirts.
- 出勤率高的学生得到了免费的汉堡包、玩具和T 恤衫。
- 7. Classes are told if they show improved rates of attendance, they can win additional gifts.
- 班级被告知如果他们的出勤率有所提高,就能赢得额外的礼物。
- 8. The studies in which parents were asked about daycare and playgroup attendance varied when it came to the timing, duration.
- 在这些研究中,家长被问及日托和儿童游戏小组的出勤率,在时间、持续时间。
- 9. I am especially concerned about attendance, so if you have the practice these Tuesday afternoons and can't be here every week, you shouldn't take this course.
- 我特别关心出勤率,所以如果周二下午你有实践而不能每周都出勤的话,你不应该选这门课。
- 10. We figured the attendance at 150 000.
- 我们估计有15万人参加。
- 11. There was an attendance of 42 at the meeting.
- 有42人参加了会议。
- 12. Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.
- 听这门课纯粹是自愿的。
- 13. Attendance at these lectures is not compulsory.
- 这些课不是硬性规定要听的。
- 14. He always has at least two bodyguards in attendance.
- 他至少总有两名保镖护卫。
- 15. Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably.
- 听我讲课的学生大大减少了。
- 16. We need changes in the law governing school attendance.
- 我们需要对影响就学率的法规做些改动。
- 17. He was disqualified from the council for non-attendance.
- 他因缺席而被取消理事会资格。
- 18. Rain played a big part in the air show's drop in attendance.
- 下雨是这次飞行表演观众数量下降的主要原因。
- 19. Demerits were given to students for late attendance at prayers.
- 祷告会上迟到的学生被记过了。
- 20. The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a row.
- 这家剧院的观众人数已连续三年打破纪录。
- 21. Everyone admired him, danced attendance upon him, petted and caressed him.
- 大家都尊敬他,围着他跳舞,都真心喜欢他。
- 22. I loved Catherine; and her brother requires attendance, which, for her sake, I shall supply.
- 我爱凯瑟琳;而她的哥哥需要人侍候,为了她的缘故,我就来伺候他。
- 23. It is right and proper that parents take responsibility for their children's attendance at school.
- 父母负责督促子女上课,这是天经地义的事。
- 24. Though the demonstrations were well attended at first, attendance has declined steadily in recent weeks.
- 尽管示威开始时参加的人数很多,但近几周来参加的人数稳步下降。
- 25. She also has a few $1,000 honoraria to offer in exchange for doctors' attendance at her company's next educational lecture.
- 她还可以拿出几份1000美元酬金,来邀请医生参加她公司的下一次教育讲座。
- 26. Attendance at Lightbox's theaters is only just large enough for profitability now and the county's population is not expected to increase over the next ten years.
- 现在灯箱影院的上座率仅够盈利,而该县的人口预计在未来十年不会增加。
- 27. It is thought attendance figures in the US and Canada will rise next year, when sequels to the hit comedies The Hangover and Pirates of the Caribbean are released.
- 人们认为明年美国和加拿大的上座率将会上升,届时热门喜剧《宿醉》和《加勒比海盗》的续集将会上映。
- 28. Other foreign critics and artists who were in attendance praised the film, such as Luigi Pirandello.
- 出席的其他外国评论家和艺术家也对这部电影表示了赞赏,比如Luigi Pirandello 。
- 29. Attendance bonus is a payment made to employees by their employer as part of their wage to reward satisfactory attendance at work.
- 出勤奖金是雇主付给雇员的工资的一部分,用来奖励工作表现良好的员工。
- 30. Attendance bonus is a payment made to employees by their employer as part of their wage to reward satisfactory attendance at work.
- 出勤奖金是雇主付给雇员的工资的一部分,用来奖励工作表现良好的员工。