- 1. The meat is served with salad or assorted vegetables.
- 端上的肉配有色拉或什锦蔬菜。
- 2. It should be a great week, with overnight stops in assorted hotels in the Adirondacks.
- 那该是很棒的一周,可以在阿迪朗达克山各式各样的旅馆里停留过夜。
- 3. The scent of that crispy brown turkey, fluffy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and assorted vegetables made my mouth water.
- 脆皮棕色火鸡、蓬松的土豆泥、开胃的馅料以及什锦蔬菜的香味让我口水直流。
- 4. They seem an ill-assorted couple.
- 他俩似乎不般配。
- 5. The jumper comes in assorted colours.
- 各种颜色的针织套衫一应俱全。
- 6. The assorted opposition is unsure how to respond.
- 混杂的反对派不知如何应对。
- 7. Manage assorted view-centric behavior (such as size and position).
- 管理各种以视图为中心的行为(例如大小和位置)。
- 8. These promised cures and assorted breakthroughs turn out to have a long history.
- 这些给人希望的疗法和各种各样的突破都有很长的历史。
- 9. "And then spreads the hand of 10 CARDS, assorted into melds, on the table."
- 然后将手中的十张牌按组排列摊在桌上。
- 10. The reality is that every one of the tech giants has assorted challenges with its mergers.
- 每一个行业巨头在这次收购中都面临着不同的挑战。
- 11. Huang's problem is that he's in prison, serving a 14-year sentence on assorted convictions.
- 黄光裕的问题在于,因各项指控被判处14年监禁的他正在服刑。
- 12. Family friend Donald Vinson of Wyoming gave Cheney 12 bottles of assorted wines valued at $699.
- 切尼家的朋友、怀俄明州的唐纳德·文森送给切尼12瓶酒,价值699美元。
- 13. The bride had 20 maids of honour and the groom had 20 assorted groomsmen of all ages and types.
- 新娘有20个伴娘,新郎则有20个各色伴郎,集中了各种年纪和类型。
- 14. However, Asians enjoy pizza with corn, cucumbers, and other vegetables, not to mention assorted seafood.
- 然而,亚洲人喜欢吃加上玉米、小黄瓜和其它蔬菜的比萨,什锦海鲜更是不用说。
- 15. A man in France swallowed about 350 COINS, along with other assorted metal objects, including needles.
- 法国一名男子吞下了350个硬币和包括钢针在内的其它金属物品。
- 16. When the waitress came, Teacher Fei asked for a bottle of rice liquor and a plate of assorted cold cuts.
- 女服务员过来时,范老师要了一瓶高粱酒和一个冷拼盘。
- 17. Mrs Clinton has followed Mr Obama’s lead in holding out a welcoming hand to assorted anti-American strongmen.
- 希拉里也紧随奥巴马,对各式各样的反美强硬人物不再仇视。
- 18. The 2004 model comes in assorted versions and trim levels, including the Regular Cab, SuperCab, and SuperCrew.
- 2004年福特的车型多样、等级也不同,包括普通的驾驶室、精装驾驶室和双排座驾驶室。
- 19. Here she paused, confused by the vast number of assorted cup, mugs and beakers that stared blankly back at her.
- 这时,她停住了,眼前的景象让她不知所措——一大堆五花八门的杯子—小茶杯,带柄的大杯,大口杯……一个个毫无表情地对视着她。
- 20. Rosneft may face lawsuits from assorted Yukos shareholders, something the planned London listing may make easier.
- 俄罗斯石油公司可能会面临着来自形形色色的尤克斯股东们的起诉,公司的伦敦上市计划也许会让起诉变得更加容易。
- 21. In 2005 France issued a warrant, leading to Ms Dark being repeatedly arrested on assorted holidays and in Britain.
- 2005年法国签发逮捕令,致使达克女士多次在法国和英国度假时被捕。
- 22. Many organic farms grow an assorted range of food, taking natural elements and time-tested tradition into account.
- 许多有机农场种植多种类不同系列的作物,同时考虑了自然因素和常规的时间测试。
- 23. The scent of that crispy brown Turkey, fluffy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and assorted vegetables made even my mouth water.
- 脆皮棕色火鸡的香味、蓬松的土豆泥、开胃的填塞料以及什锦蔬菜甚至连我都口水直流。
- 24. Get some assorted nuts, raisons (or other dried fruit), and maybe some carob chips or yogurt chips if you have the sweet tooth.
- 搁一些坚果、葡萄干或其他干果,如果你喜欢吃甜食,还可加些角豆片或奶酪片。
- 25. Breakfast in Mexico – the delightful plate above consists of beef tips, chilequiles and other assorted goodies eaten in Manzanillo.
- 墨西哥早餐---图中可爱的盘子中有牛肉,Chilequiles和其他一些能在曼萨尼约吃到的什锦食品。
- 26. They are supported by a further six states, two power companies, a ski resort, and assorted clergymen, Indian tribes and others.
- 他们背后还有六个州、两个能源公司、一个滑雪度假胜地以及各类神职人员、印地安部落以及其他机构支持。
- 27. Assorted icecreams can be also found in other European pavilion areas, such as in Greece, the Netherlands, and Belgium pavilions.
- 在其他的欧洲展馆区域,如希腊馆,荷兰馆,比利时馆等,也都可以买到各式各样的冰淇淋。
- 28. Assorted icecreams can be also found in other European pavilion areas, such as in Greece, the Netherlands, and Belgium pavilions.
- 在其他的欧洲展馆区域,如希腊馆,荷兰馆,比利时馆等,也都可以买到各式各样的冰淇淋。