- 1. I was determined to assert my authority from the beginning.
- 我决心一开始就维护我的权威。
- 2. Critics of your book assert that you're trying to force radical changes on the entire country.
- 批评你的书的人断言,你试图迫使整个国家进行彻底的改变。
- 3. Mergers and acquisitions remain common, and bidders continue to assert that their objectives are economic ones.
- 兼并和收购仍然很常见,而且竞标者继续声称他们的目标是经济目标。
- 4. We just have to be very, very careful especially when we assert with certainly the association of a particular gene and disease.
- 我们只是必须非常非常小心,尤其当我们坚定断言一特定基因与疾病的结合。
- 5. It doesn't help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achi evement for nations and people striving to assert themselves.
- 对于那些努力维护自己权利的国家和人民来说,建造一座巨大而强大的大坝已经成为了阿齐王朝的象征,但这并没有帮助他们。
- 6. Frazier and Mosteller assert that medical research could be improved by a move toward larger, simpler clinical trials of medical treatments.
- 弗雷泽和莫斯蒂勒断言,医学研究可以通过向更大、更简单的医疗临床试验的方向发展而得到改进。
- 7. It doesn't help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achi evement for nations and people striving to assert themselves.
- 对于那些努力维护自己权利的国家和人民来说,建造一座巨大而强大的大坝已经成为了阿齐王朝的象征,但这并没有帮助他们。
- 8. Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by our values, by the ways in which we interpret our situations and by choice.
- 认知心理学家们断言,我们的行为受我们的价值观、我们了解自己处境的方式和我们的选择的影响。
- 9. She continued to assert her innocence.
- 她仍然坚称自己无辜。
- 10. She continued to assert that she was innocent.
- 她仍然坚称自己无辜。
- 11. Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.
- 赫尔姆先生计划坚定地陈述该法案有违《第一修正案》。
- 12. The defendants, who continue to assert their innocence, are expected to appeal.
- 那些继续宣称其清白的被告预计会上诉。
- 13. After the war, the army made an attempt to assert its authority in the south of the country.
- 战后,军队试图在该国南部显示其权威。
- 14. The Nordic countries have been quick to assert their interest in the development of the Baltic States.
- 北欧国家很快就对波罗的海各国的发展表现出兴趣。
- 15. After having been subjugated to ambition, your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves.
- 你那因抱负而退居其次的母性本能终于开始展现出来。
- 16. Competition for good farmland may also have prompted people to bond together to assert rights over the best fields.
- 对良田的争夺也可能促使人们团结起来,宣告他们对于最好的田地的所有权。
- 17. He was willing to assert that "I have a fair share of invention, and of common sense or judgment, such as every fairly successful lawyer or doctor must have, but not, I believe, in any higher degree."
- 他也乐意承认“如每位成功的律师和医生必须具备的素质一样,我具备相当的创造力、常识和判断力,但我认为自己这些能力并不比他们强”。
- 18. The enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert himself.
- 敌人是一定要寻找机会表现他们自己的。
- 19. I'll just assert it.
- 我会断言这件事。
- 20. Assert methods test whether something is true.
- 断言方法测试事情是否为true。
- 21. Assert the components and actions in Edit mode.
- 断言edit模式下的组件和动作。
- 22. The rules will assert themselves soon enough.
- 不久以后,他们自然会明白这些规则的。
- 23. assert.h is for the assert() debugging macro.
- h 用于assert()调试宏。
- 24. SSL does not restrict that ability to assert an ID.
- SSL不限制断言ID 的能力。
- 25. I'd last time talked about the two assert statements.
- 上节课我们已经探讨了,这两个断言语句。
- 26. Therefore I would assert that to be happy is not easy.
- 因此说到底,快乐并不是一件容易的事。
- 27. Finally, invariant tests assert conditions that never change.
- 最后,不变条件测试断言永远不变的条件。
- 28. That is faith; it is to believe and assert what God says.
- 这就是信心;信心就是相信拥护神所说的。
- 29. "Heck," I put in, "even I know why you don't use assert here."
- “见鬼,”我插话道,“连我都知道这个地方为什么不能用断言。”
- 30. It's also a way for them to assert their control and influence.
- 对于他们而言,这仅仅是一种表现控制欲和影响力的方式。