- 1. Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.
- 彼得应为自己感到羞耻。
- 2. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.
- 精神病并不可羞愧。
- 3. I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.
- 我为自己发了这么大的脾气而感到极为惭愧。
- 4. We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed.
- 我们对自己感到失望和羞愧。
- 5. I feel quite ashamed that I have not fulfilled the task.
- 我没有完成任务,感到很惭愧。
- 6. He felt so embarrassed and ashamed that he turned quickly, plunged into the sea, and disappeared.
- 他感到又尴尬又羞愧,赶紧转身跳进海里,消失了。
- 7. Cheating destroys self-respect and integrity, leaving the cheater ashamed, guilty, and afraid of getting caught.
- 欺骗损害了自尊和正直,让欺骗者感到羞耻、内疚、并且害怕被揭穿吧。
- 8. I'm ashamed to say that I lied to her.
- 我真不好意思说我向她撒了谎。
- 9. I'm ashamed of the babyish nonsense I write.
- 我为我写出幼稚的话感到丢脸。
- 10. I feel almost ashamed that I've been so lucky.
- 真有点不好意思,我太幸运了。
- 11. The football riots made me ashamed to be English.
- 足球骚乱事件使我身为英国人汗颜得无地自容。
- 12. He knew full well he'd be ashamed of himself later.
- 他十分清楚他以后会为自己感到羞愧。
- 13. I cried at the end and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
- 最后我哭了,我并不耻于承认哭过。
- 14. She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party.
- 她对自己在聚会上的行为深感羞愧。
- 15. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.
- 你扯这种谎应该感到羞耻。
- 16. You should be ashamed of treating your daughter like that.
- 你这样对待自己的女儿应该感到羞愧。
- 17. His daughter looked such a mess that he was ashamed of her.
- 他为女儿的邋遢样子感到害臊。
- 18. I was ashamed and appalled at my clumsiness and insensitivity toward her.
- 我为自己对她如此笨拙和冷漠而感到羞耻和震惊。
- 19. I've never told this to anyone, but it's true, I was terribly ashamed of my mom.
- 我从未告诉过任何人,但这是真的,我特别以自己的母亲为耻。
- 20. Cynthia is not ashamed of what she does, even if she ends up doing something wrong.
- 辛西娅并不为她所做的事感到惭愧,即使她最终把事情做错。
- 21. He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church after that.
- 他很惭愧。这种感觉持续着,此后他在教堂里就再没有自在过。
- 22. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
- 你不为自己感到羞耻吗?
- 23. I'm ashamed to be your friend.
- 作为你的朋友我都感到丢脸。
- 24. The lion said he was ashamed.
- 狮子说自己太没面子了。
- 25. He was so ashamed by this.
- 他为此感到很羞愧。
- 26. She felt ashamed and avoided looking directly into her teacher's eyes.
- 她感到羞愧难当,避免直视老师的眼睛。
- 27. Robert and his schoolmates were ashamed at having called Henry a coward.
- 罗伯特和他的同学们因称亨利为懦夫而感到羞愧。
- 28. He felt very ashamed of himself and was very sorry for his behaviour.
- 他为自己感到非常羞愧,对自己的行为也感到非常抱歉。
- 29. He is ashamed of his present condition.
- 他为自己目前的状况感到羞愧。
- 30. He was ashamed of himself, and yet he did it.
- 他为自己感到羞愧,但他还是那样做了。