- 1. I must say that his ardour infected me.
- 我必须说他的热情感染了我。
- 2. His ardour for the cause inspired his followers.
- 他对事业的热情激励着他的追随者。
- 3. This ardour for "rebalancing" is understandable.
- 重整经济的热情是可以理解的。
- 4. Said his father, his rugged face shining in the ardour of self - abnegation.
- 他的父亲问,在他满是皱纹的脸上,闪耀着自我克制的热情。
- 5. It creates fragrance in the air, ardour from coldness, it beautifies everything around it.
- 她能在空气中产生香气,能用燃烧的热忘记寒冷,能让她周围的一切都变得美丽起来。
- 6. These thoughts supported my spirits, while I pursued my undertaking with 3 unremitting 4 ardour.
- 就是这些想法成为支持我的精神动力,使我将源源不断的热情投入到工作中。
- 7. Natasha, too, suddenly set to work with the ardour that was characteristic of her in all she did.
- 娜塔莎以自己特有的爱管闲事的热情,突然也真干了起来。
- 8. Taylor had taken away all his ardour for fighting, he contrived to plunder and annoy for a long time.
- 与泰勒的遭遇打击了布雷迪的斗志,但他还是勉强抢劫骚扰了很长一段时间。
- 9. All he had was a little experience in life, some knowledge derived from books, and the ardour of youth.
- 他所有的只是一些生活经验,一些从书本上得来的知识和青年的热情。
- 10. But it was only the hairdresser curling the young gentlemen, and over-heating his tongs in the ardour of business.
- 但实际上只是理发员在给年轻的先生们做卷发,他在热情工作中把火钳子烧得太热了。
- 11. She so vehemently wished to find a response to her own ardour that she closed her eyes to all that did not too readily show itself.
- 她如此强烈地希望她自己的热情得到报答,以致她干脆对那表现不突出的一切视而不见。
- 12. There was something in the clear, pine-scented air of that winter morning that seemed to bring him back to his joyousness and his ardour for life.
- 冬日早晨的空气非常清澈,含有松树的芬芳,使他重又高兴起来,恢复了对生活的热情。
- 13. Love is a wizard… It intoxicates, it envelops, it isolates. It creates fragrance in the air, ardour from coldness, it beautifies everything around it.
- 爱是魔法(巫术),她让人陶醉,让人沉浸,让人与世隔绝。她能在空气中产生香气,能用燃烧的热忘记寒冷,能让她周围的一切都变得美丽起来。
- 14. I dont know, returned the man, clapping his hands to his mouth nevertheless, and vociferating in a surprising heat and with the greatest ardour, 'Spies!
- “我不知道,”那人回答,却对着嘴拍着掌,以惊人的热力和最大的干劲大喊大叫,密探!
- 15. Before he left the firm in 2009, the main object of investors' ardour was its President, Peter Chernin. They now point to Chase Carey, a satellite-television veteran.
- 在2009年其离开公司之前,投资者的热情主要集中在时任董事长的彼得•彻宁身上,而现在都将目光投向资深卫星电视专家蔡斯·卡里。
- 16. Hispanics voted in droves for Mr Obama in 2008 but their ardour has cooled: the proportion approving of his performance fell from 69% in January to 57% in May, says Gallup.
- 2008年,美籍西班牙人成群结队投票支持奥巴马,现如今这股热情已冷却。Gallup表示,这波人对奥巴马工作表现的支持率已从1月的69%下降到5月的57%。
- 17. Brady then became chief leader of the band, and though his encounter with Mr. Taylor had taken away all his ardour for fighting, he contrived to plunder and annoy for a long time.
- 这样布雷迪成为山匪的头目。与泰勒的遭遇打击了布雷迪的斗志,但他还是勉强抢劫骚扰了很长一段时间。
- 18. If our lives are dominated by a search for happiness, then perhaps few activities reveal as much about the dynamics of this quest-in all its ardour and paradoxes-than our travels.
- 假如我们的生活其要义在于追求幸福,那么除却旅行,也许极少有别的活动能如此充分地显示这一追求过程中所有的热情和矛盾。
- 19. If our lives are dominated by a search for happiness, then perhaps few activities reveal as much about the dynamics of this quest-in all its 1 ardour and paradoxes-than our travels.
- 如果我们的生活其要义在于追求幸福,那么除却旅行,也许极少有别的活动能如此充分地显示这一追求过程中所有的热情和矛盾。
- 20. If our lives are dominated by a search for happiness, then perhaps few activities reveal as much about the dynamics of this quest-in all its 1 ardour and paradoxes-than our travels.
- 如果我们的生活其要义在于追求幸福,那么除却旅行,也许极少有别的活动能如此充分地显示这一追求过程中所有的热情和矛盾。