- 1. Archivist (users, workers).
- archivist(用户和工作人员)。
- 2. What types of citizen archivist projects are possible?
- 什么样的公民档案管理员的项目是可行的呢?
- 3. As a citizen archivist what kind of projects are you interested in?
- 作为公民档案管理员,你们对什么样的项目感兴趣呢?
- 4. Archivist: Manages all documents collected and created by the team.
- 档案管理员:管理所有小组收集和原创的文件。
- 5. Southerners like sweet things, says Philip Mooney, Coke's chief archivist.
- 可口可乐的首席档案官PhilipMooney认为南方人都爱吃甜食。
- 6. But for several years, archivist Thomas Plante had been troubled by the document.
- 但是档案馆员托马斯·普兰特被这份文件困扰了好几年。
- 7. And of course as an archivist, I was interested in the history of animation cinema.
- 当然并且作为管理档案者,我是对动画戏院感兴趣的历史。
- 8. I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level.
- 我是一个崇拜者存档冲动和一个积习已档案保管员在家庭一级。
- 9. The trademark licensing contract shall be submitted to the Trademark Office for the archivist purpose.
- 商标使用许可合同应当报商标局备案。 。
- 10. Through citizen archivist projects, we can increase public knowledge of our work as well as inspire future generations of archivists.
- 通过公民档案管理员项目,我们能够获得更多工作的公共知识并激励下一代的档案工作者。
- 11. After receipt of quality system documents, the archivist shall duly make them be listed in the "Catalog of Controlled quality system documents".
- 文件资料员接收质量体系文件正本后,应及时将其列入《受控文件清单》中。
- 12. Phillip Mooney (Archivist, The Coca-Cola Company) : What Candler possessed was a vision, and he also possessed a very strong marketing capability.
- 菲利普·穆尼(可口可乐公司档案员):坎德勒目光远大,同时还拥有非常强的市场开发才能。
- 13. It's all music from an archivist we discovered who had a lot of music from postwar East Germany, so it's basically old film music that we rearranged.
- 所有的音乐是从一位档案管理人那里找来的,他保存有很多东德战后时期的音乐,我们对这些老电影音乐进行了编排。
- 14. The archivist should raise the awareness of the importance of filing away the electronic archives according to the characteristic of electronic file.
- 档案管理者要根据电子档案的特点,提高对电子档案归档重要性的认识,确认电子档案归档的合法性和保证电子档案归档的稳定性。
- 15. The photo and ID of USAF Captain Gilbert Tenney that I bring with me were discovered by Archivist Liu Yiquan and his colleagues through strenuous work.
- 我这次为贵军带来的基尔巴特?滕涅空军上尉的照片和证件,就是刘义权和他的同事们费尽千辛万苦找到的。
- 16. The photo and ID of USAF Captain Gilbert Tenney that I bring with me were discovered by Archivist Liu Yiquan and his colleagues through strenuous work.
- 滕涅空军上尉的照片和证件,就是刘义权和他的同事们费尽千辛万苦找到的。
- 17. In 1999 a Saix archivist logged the letter while sorting out local council records and now - a decade later - a motion has finally been passed to get the letter to Seix.
- 1999年,一位档案保管员在整理地方议会纪录的时候,给这封信做了登记。当然,时光又流逝了10年。
- 18. This flag – shown being handed over to Stephen Done, Curator and Archivist at Anfield – has made a marathon journey called "Relay dream – LFC Come to China, Please."
- 照片中这面由俱乐部博物馆馆长史蒂芬.多恩和我一起展出的旗帜在此之前,已经在一场名为“接力梦想——将利物浦带到中国”的马拉松中经历了风风雨雨。
- 19. And neither Kew nor Wisley have fountain displays choreographed by Colvin Randall, who initially trained as a horticulturalist at Longwood and is now their archivist.
- Kew和Wisley都没有的是ColvinRandall设计的喷泉展示,他起初在长木接受园艺培训,而现在却成了档案保管员。
- 20. The work of personnel file of college is an important part of college work, the quality of college archivist influences directly the work of personnel file of college.
- 高校人事档案工作是整个高校工作的一个重要组成部分,高校人事档案工作人员素质的高低直接影响高校的人事档案工作。
- 21. Article 25 the contracts concluded with the holder of copyright for the exclusive use or transfer of the work may be submitted to the administrative authority of copyright for archivist purposes.
- 第二十五条与著作权人订立专有许可使用合同、转让合同的,可以向著作权行政管理部门备案。
- 22. In this tale, set over 20 years before Episode II when Obi-Wan Kenobi was a 17-year old Padawan, Jocasta serves in her role as Temple archivist, and briefs Jedi before they depart on field missions.
- 这个故事发生在《第二集》前20多年,当时欧比—万·克诺比是个17岁的学徒,乔卡丝塔作为圣殿档案管理员,在绝地出发去外地执行任务前,向他们作简单介绍。
- 23. The phrase 'Mapping Future Society' is intended to stimulate proposals which are not based on a narrowly professional discourse but which place the work of the archivist in its wider social context.
- “描绘未来社会”是希望听到不仅局限于档案专业领域的演讲,更希望看到把档案工作放到更广阔的社会背景下的意见和建议发言。
- 24. The phrase 'Mapping Future Society' is intended to stimulate proposals which are not based on a narrowly professional discourse but which place the work of the archivist in its wider social context.
- “描绘未来社会”是希望听到不仅局限于档案专业领域的演讲,更希望看到把档案工作放到更广阔的社会背景下的意见和建议发言。