- 1. He began a new magazine on post-war architecture.
- 他创办了一份专论战后建筑的新杂志。
- 2. He studied classical architecture and design in Rome.
- 他在罗马学过古典建筑艺术和设计。
- 3. The building is a prime example of 1960s architecture.
- 这座大楼是20世纪60年代的典型建筑。
- 4. You'll find this style of architecture all over the town.
- 全城到处可见这种风格的建筑。
- 5. The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture.
- 这座房子是中世纪民居建筑的典型范例。
- 6. These two buildings typify the rich extremes of local architecture.
- 这两座建筑物代表着当地建筑风格的迥异。
- 7. Columns are usually intended in architecture to add grandeur and status.
- 柱子被用于建筑通常是为了增添宏伟和高贵。
- 8. This concept has been applied successively to painting, architecture and sculpture.
- 这一概念相继应用于绘画、建筑和雕塑中。
- 9. The exterior of the building was a masterpiece of architecture, elegant and graceful.
- 该建筑物在外观上是一项建筑杰作,精美雅致。
- 10. Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.
- 主要的绘画、雕塑、镶嵌画和建筑都在威尼斯原地得到了检查。
- 11. Its modular architecture allows modules to be swapped in and out depending on the processor and operating system.
- 它的组件结构使得各组件可以依靠处理器和操作系统进行进出交换。
- 12. Architecture is his line.
- 搞建筑是他的本行。
- 13. Well, I am much more into architecture.
- 嗯,我更喜欢建筑。
- 14. Architecture is a three-dimensional form.
- 建筑是三维形式的。
- 15. No one architecture has a singular focus.
- 没有一个架构具有单一侧重点。
- 16. Listen to part of a lecture in an architecture class.
- 请听建筑课上的部分课堂内容。
- 17. But I think for a career, architecture is more for me.
- 但我觉得对于职业来讲,建筑更适合我。
- 18. It also describes the architecture of this application.
- 它还描述了这个应用的体系结构。
- 19. You understand what domestic architecture ought to be, you do.
- 你知道住宅建筑应该是什么样子的,你懂的。
- 20. At first he studied architecture, but later he switched to geology.
- 起初他学建筑,但后来转到地质学。
- 21. This temple is a textbook example of traditional Chinese architecture.
- 这座寺庙是中国传统建筑的典型范例。
- 22. At the application architecture level, you have to step up to another level.
- 在应用程序架构级别,你必须上升到另一个层次。
- 23. While I know little about architecture, I find that building very impressive.
- 虽然我对建筑学知之甚少,但那个建筑让我印象深刻。
- 24. As one architect puts it, "Architecture is first and foremost about thinking."
- 正如一位建筑师所说:“建筑的首要是思考。”
- 25. It has wide international fame and is included in many architecture textbooks.
- 它具有广泛的国际知名度,被收录在许多建筑学教科书中。
- 26. Not only was our defect rate lower, but the architecture and design were superior.
- 不仅仅是我们的缺陷率更低了,而且我们的架构和设计也更优秀。
- 27. In this architecture, all data for each vertex must be available at the same time.
- 在这一架构中,来自各顶点的所有数据都必须同时可用。
- 28. Even development in architecture has been the result of major technological changes.
- 甚至建筑的发展也是重大技术变革的结果。
- 29. The cedar wood was exported as top-quality timber for architecture and shipbuilding.
- 雪松木被作为建筑和造船的优质木材出口到其他国家。
- 30. As densities increased, domestic architecture became larger, culminating in crowded pueblos.
- 随着密度的增加,住宅建筑变得更大,最终形成拥挤的村庄。