- 1. The tiny arachnid, found in Australia, shows off a rainbow of colors to impress nearby females.
- 这只发现于澳大利亚的小蜘蛛,会向附近的雌性炫耀其彩虹般的色彩。
- 2. The man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid.
- 这名男子将汽油倒进洞里,然后点燃了一根火柴,试图杀死这只讨厌的蜘蛛。
- 3. The unprecedented flooding in Pakistan disrupted the lives of 20 million people, but it also affected the country's arachnid population.
- 巴基斯坦史无前例的洪水夺去了两千万人的生命,也影响了这个国家蜘蛛的数量。
- 4. Don't look too horrified, but we're about to have a great season for house spiders. So why not turn your home's arachnid invasion into a game?
- 不要太害怕,但是我们即将迎来家里蜘蛛的旺季。那为什么不把你家里的蜘蛛入侵变成一个游戏呢?
- 5. I want that wall - crawling arachnid prosecuted!
- 我要起诉那个在墙上爬的八脚怪物!
- 6. I'm sending you to the arachnid quarantine zone …
- 我要派你去虫族隔黎区…
- 7. An arachnid of the order Acarina, which includes the mites and ticks.
- 螨,蜱,壁虱蛛形目动物,包括螨和蜱。
- 8. To help you unfold the mysteries of the arachnid world, here are ten surprising facts.
- 为了帮助你揭开蜘蛛世界背后的秘密,这里列出了10条令人惊奇的事实。
- 9. One of the most unexpected surprises was my encounter with a race of arachnid creatures.
- 最意想不到的发现之一是我与一族蜘蛛类生物的相遇。
- 10. This new and improved version of the popular Mechanized Arachnid comes fully equipped with poisoned blades.
- 这种广受欢迎的“机械蜘蛛”新型改良版本装备了大量淬毒的刀刃。
- 11. No-one can say for sure how this particular arachnid met her end, but she may have succumbed to a natural catastrophe.
- 没有人能准确地推断,这只特别的蜘蛛是如何死亡的,但它有可能是遭遇了一次自然灾变。
- 12. With even more armor and power than the Mechanized Arachnid, this bipedal behemoth is the ultimate destructive force!
- 拥有甚至超过机械蜘蛛的护甲和力量,这种双足的庞然大物才是终极的破坏力!
- 13. A bellicose humanoid species with some superficial properties both aquatic and arachnid , the Aqualish of Ando can be found the galaxy over.
- 阿夸利什人在宇宙中很常见,这种来自安多星的类人种族很好战,并带有水栖和节肢动物的体表特征。
- 14. With added armor strength for durability and improved hydraulics for increased speed, the Poison Arachnid is a must for today's technologist!
- 拥有额外装甲的力量来增强耐力,以及改进的液压装置以提高速度,“毒蜘蛛”可谓当今科技专家的必然选择!
- 15. The unprecedented flooding in Pakistan in the latter half of 2010 disrupted the lives of 20 million people, but it also affected the country's arachnid population.
- 在2010年的下半年,史无前例的洪水袭击了巴基斯坦,夺去了两千万人的生命,也影响了这个国家蜘蛛的种群。
- 16. Sandking takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature.
- 沙王那巨大蛛形生物的外形源自闪烁荒地那些渺小但无处不及的居民,这身形真实地展示了他残忍的天性。
- 17. Ambulance workers, including a helicopter crew, were called to the scene after the man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid.
- 他将汽油浇到洞里,然后点了根火柴,试图将这只不怀好意的蜘蛛烧死。之后,救护人员被召集到出事现场,其中包括一支直升机救护队。
- 18. Ambulance workers, including a helicopter crew, were called to the scene after the man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid.
- 他将汽油浇到洞里,然后点了根火柴,试图将这只不怀好意的蜘蛛烧死。之后,救护人员被召集到出事现场,其中包括一支直升机救护队。