- 1. This order of importance of oral English study should be followed: fluency, accuracy, and appropriateness.
- 英语口语中的重要次序应为:流利,准确和恰当。
- 2. Also, don't discount the appropriateness of silence.
- 而且不要忽视适当的沉默。
- 3. Programming appropriateness is different from abstract equivalence, though.
- 然而,编写合适的程序不同于抽象的对等。
- 4. The appropriateness of selection is still bearing failure analysis must be considered.
- 选材是否得当仍然是轴承失效分析必须考虑的因素。
- 5. This thesis discusses the relationship between the appropriateness and over-correctness.
- 本文从上述几个方面阐述适度与过正的关系。
- 6. As to the appropriateness of his behavior, worry about your own conduct and leave him alone.
- 至于他的行为的合适性,你只需要管好你自己,随他去吧。
- 7. Very few pedestrians on the street, stone on the road clean, bright and clean, appropriateness.
- 街上很少有行人,石板路上干干净净的,明净、妥帖。
- 8. Appropriateness of control-related standards and procedures, including employee job descriptions.
- 控制相关的标准和程序的合理性,包括员工的工作描述。
- 9. Be aware of repetition, consistency, and age appropriateness when your babies are exploring things.
- 在丰富宝宝体验的时候要注意重复性、一致性、适龄性。
- 10. They recommend watching video games and talking with children about the appropriateness of the content.
- 他们建议看电子游戏并与孩子们谈论游戏内容的尺度。
- 11. Lifetime Value is typically used to judge the appropriateness of the costs of acquisition of a customer.
- 生命周期价值通常用来判断拉顾客的成本是否合适。
- 12. The development team wishes to iterate but has yet to prove the appropriateness of the approach to the business community.
- 开发团队想要进行迭代但是已经证明了当前解决方案对业务组织的适用性。
- 13. This gender effect panned out even after controlling for participants' evaluation of the social appropriateness of such ACTS.
- 甚至在控制了参与者对这类行为的社会适当性评估之后,这种性别影响会产生特殊效果。
- 14. A while back, I decided, "Within the boundaries of cost and age-appropriateness, I'll let my daughters dress the way they like."
- 沉思一会,我决定,在花销与年龄段许可的范围内,我让女儿们决定她们自己喜欢的事。
- 15. But balance, the right to refuse to testify relatives of the establishment of the system have their necessity and appropriateness.
- 但权衡来看,建立亲属拒绝作证权制度更有其必要性和适切性。
- 16. Furthermore, the ultimate cause of the disease remains obscure, which makes it hard to gauge the appropriateness of an intervention.
- 更进一步来看,主要致病原因仍不明朗,它造成的结果是,很难制定一个统一标准来考察干涉方案的适宜性。
- 17. Gestures should be unobtrusive; your audience should focus not on the beauty or appropriateness of your gestures but on your message.
- 手势不应该太引人注目,你的听众关注的并不是你的手势是否美观或合适,而是你的信息。
- 18. When you choose a motorized ride on toy for your preschooler, be sure to look at the age appropriateness and the speed the toy will run at.
- 当你选择你的学前儿童玩具的机动骑,一定要看看是否合适的年龄和速度的玩具将运行在。
- 19. However, the after-war years were marked by hydrogeological investigations which proved appropriateness of plant construction next to Samara.
- 尽管如此,战后数年的水文勘察工作最终证明,的确有在萨马拉附近建设一座电厂的必要性。
- 20. Appropriateness of remedial action taken in response to departures from approved policies and procedures or violations of the code of conduct.
- 对有悖规范和操作规程或者违反法规操作的行为有适当的补救措施。
- 21. India stated it would consider the appropriateness of the US proposal to merge the two cases into one and would revert on this matter separately.
- 印度称会考虑美国的提出的将两案合并的建议,并将分别回复。
- 22. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in the loss of marks.
- 按照文章的内容、结构、语法和句子的恰当程度给分。没有按照要求写作将会会导致失分。
- 23. In this editorial I will discuss how appropriateness criteria are developed, and the evidence for their usefulness in the practice of cardiology.
- 在这篇社论中,我将探讨这些适宜的标准是如何被制订出来的,以及它们在心脏病学的实践中发挥实际作用的证据。
- 24. The Committee further agreed that more information is needed before a decision could be made concerning the appropriateness of the current phase 3.
- 委员会还一致认为,在决定目前3级警戒是否妥当之前,需要更多的信息。
- 25. Beware of a tendency to overreact, to go to extremes, or to try to force your intentions on others regardless of the appropriateness of your actions.
- 小心有反应过度的倾向哦,也要小心走极端,当然还有要考虑自己的行为是否合适,不要强加于人以自己的意图哦。
- 26. The appropriateness of these recommendations for a specific patient may vary depending on these factors and will be best judged by the bedside clinician.
- 这些指南对特定患者的适用性可能根据这些因素的不同而变化,最好由管床医生进行判断。
- 27. 'Feeling,' 'judgment,' 'sense,' 'proportion,' 'balance,' 'appropriateness' and other words are used to describe what executives should aspire to becoming.
- “感知”、“判断”、“感觉”、“比例”、“平衡”、“适度性”以及其它一些词汇被用来描述经理人应该期望成为什么样。
- 28. Nature sometimes mingles her effects and her spectacles with our actions with sombre and intelligent appropriateness, as though she desired to make us reflect.
- 上天有时会在适当时刻使万物的景象和人的行动发生巧妙的配合,从而产生出深刻的效果,仿佛有意要我们多多思考似的。
- 29. Nature sometimes mingles her effects and her spectacles with our actions with sombre and intelligent appropriateness, as though she desired to make us reflect.
- 上天有时会在适当时刻使万物的景象和人的行动发生巧妙的配合,从而产生出深刻的效果,仿佛有意要我们多多思考似的。