- 1. I am a New appointee!
- 我是一只新的手!
- 2. I am a New appointee! Please look after much!
- 我是一只新的手!请把考虑给我!谢谢你!
- 3. This year, is a year that New appointee generation out.
- 这一年,是新人辈出的一年。
- 4. The New appointee is before appear, some disturbances of condition.
- 新人出场前,场面有些骚动。
- 5. The ruling on April 3rd was unanimous and written by a Republican appointee.
- 4月3日的判决获得了全体法官的一致通过,最终由共和党的一位法官写下最后的判词。
- 6. The new new appointee marriage lies a net: Wish a world love will find a way!
- 新新人类婚介网:愿天下有情人终成眷属!
- 7. The appointee may be required to wear pager to provide on-call system support duties.
- 受聘人可能须携带传呼机,以便随时奉召提供系统支援服务。
- 8. Supplier - the lead supplier representative is to be the project manager or manager appointee.
- 供应商- -供应方的首席代表应是项目经理或是该项目经理指定的代表。
- 9. The appointee will also use our technology platform to assist with data management and control.
- 税务助理需使用德勤的技术平台,协助数据管理与控制。
- 10. Admittedly, the problem became comical as one after another Obama appointee turned up with tax debts.
- 遂当马儿指派的内阁人选一个接一个出现纳税问题时,事情就不可否认地开始变得可笑起来。
- 11. The appointee may be required to work irregular hours to deal with operational matters and emergencies.
- 获聘者可能需要不定时工作以处理实际运作事宜及紧急事故。
- 12. Informed as to who is their employee OH&S representative(s) and specified management appointee (see 4.4.1).
- 了解谁是他们的职业健康安全员工代表和指定的管理者代表(见4.1.1)。
- 13. When"public praise" was New appointee select marriage to celebrate a company the square one that should investigate.
- “口碑”是新人选择婚庆公司时所应该考察的第一步。
- 14. But the epiboly of dining serves, the adjoin of guest sends...... still make the New appointee used foreign brains well.
- 但餐饮的外包服务,宾客的接送……还是要让新人好好动番脑筋的。
- 15. We will become your lasting bosom friend and the close relatives — Walking into new new appointee is you the best choice!
- 我们将成为您永远的知己和亲人- - - - - - - - - -走进新新人类,是您最好的选择!
- 16. Mr Trichet’s departure will create a space for a French appointee, perhaps as chief economist, to the ECB’s six-strong executive board.
- 特里谢的离职将会为ECB的六强执行委员会中的法国提供一个被任命空间,也许将会是一名首席经济学家。
- 17. Mr Trichet's departure will create a space for a French appointee, perhaps as chief economist, to the ECB's six-strong executive board.
- 特里谢的离职将会为ecb的六强执行委员会中的法国提供一个被任命空间,也许将会是一名首席经济学家。
- 18. Appointee will be required to work not more than 70 hours per month and may be required to work on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
- 受聘人每月的工作时数不多于70小时,或须在周六、周日及公众假期工作。
- 19. Says one prospective Cabinet appointee: "You cannot predict from one set of convictions what her views would be on another series of topics."
- 一位准阁员说:“你无法预见她在这件事上的立场是否能适用于另一件事。”
- 20. The warm color system sparkle of mellowing makes the bride chamber had the sweet to grow Noan-noan and suits the request of New appointee very much.
- 柔和的暖色系光彩使新房有种暖暖的温馨,非常适合新人的要求。
- 21. The offer of further appointment beyond the existing contract is subject to the service need and the satisfactory performance and conduct of the appointee.
- 受聘人在合约届满后是否获得继续聘用,将视乎服务的需要,以及其工作表现和品行是否令人满意而定。
- 22. The two yearses villa wedding walked into the sight field of New appointee by degrees and held nuptial atmosphere daintiness over there, the private was strong.
- 近两年别墅婚礼逐渐走进了新人的视野,在那里举办婚礼环境优美,私密性强。
- 23. Some assembly marks will exclusively develop a small lounge as a disguise for New appointee by the side of the banquet hall, is really a considerate way of doing.
- 有的会场会在宴会厅旁边专门为新人开辟一间小厅作为化妆间,真是体贴的做法。
- 24. Also there are many New appointee test by trials coming to makeup to click wedding banquet assembly mark by white fresh flowers now, receive the most higher appraisal.
- 现在也有许多新人尝试以白色的鲜花来妆点婚宴会场,得到极高的评价。
- 25. Enter the solemnization is a New appointee at total the no 1 time of the guest in front formally be unveiled and control to exact run about a device to full importance.
- 入场仪式是新人在全体宾客面前的第一次正式亮相,掌握正确的行走方法十分重要。
- 26. Now Mr Blagojevich’s appointee, Roland Burris, has admitted that he tried to raise money for the governor while seeking the seat, a fact he omitted from testimony in January.
- 现在,他的被委任者 RolandBurris已承认他在谋求该席位的同时有试图为州长筹集资金,而这一点在其1月份的证词中并没有提及。
- 27. In general, it is very difficult for the department of personnel matters to know the quality of appointee candidate and make a appropriate personnel appointment because of information asymmetry.
- 一般由于信息的不对称,人事部门很难完全了解被任用人的素质,从而做出合适的人事安排。
- 28. The stringency earth speaks that the vision of New appointee should always orthoptic front, as far as possible put line of sight in 10 before the meters, Be like this advantageous to taking photo.
- 严格地讲,新人的目光应该始终直视前方,尽量将视线放于10米前,这样有利于拍照。
- 29. The stringency earth speaks that the vision of New appointee should always orthoptic front, as far as possible put line of sight in 10 before the meters, Be like this advantageous to taking photo.
- 严格地讲,新人的目光应该始终直视前方,尽量将视线放于10米前,这样有利于拍照。