- 1. She crunched her apple noisily.
- 她吃苹果发出嘎嚓嘎嚓的声音。
- 2. He took another bite of apple.
- 他又咬了一口苹果。
- 3. Someone threw an apple core.
- 有人扔了一个苹果核。
- 4. This apple is full of worms.
- 这个苹果生满了虫子。
- 5. Sling me an apple, will you?
- 扔个苹果给我,好吗?
- 6. He ate the apple, stalk and all.
- 他把那个苹果吃了个干净,连梗都没剩下。
- 7. I planted those apple trees.
- 我种了那些苹果树。
- 8. He started eating an apple.
- 他开始吃苹果。
- 9. When should you prune apple trees?
- 苹果树应该什么时候剪枝?
- 10. She peeled and quartered an apple.
- 她削去苹果皮,把它切成四瓣。
- 11. She munched on an apple.
- 她在大口啃苹果。
- 12. She pared the apple.
- 她削了苹果。
- 13. The stewed apple was sour even with honey.
- 炖过的苹果即使加了蜂蜜也还是酸的。
- 14. She took a dainty little bite of the apple.
- 她文雅地咬了一小口苹果。
- 15. I want an apple.
- 我要一个苹果。
- 16. He polished off the remains of the apple pie.
- 他把剩下的苹果派赶快吃完。
- 17. Have an apple to keep you going till dinner time.
- 吃个苹果就能挨到吃晚饭了。
- 18. An apple tree producing square fruit is baffling experts.
- 一棵结方形果实的苹果树正令专家们感到困惑。
- 19. He was up a ladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees.
- 他在梯子上锯苹果树的树冠。
- 20. Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple.
- 丹尼尔仰靠在沙发上,还在嚼着苹果。
- 21. The apple tasted just as I remembered – sharp, sour, yet sweet.
- 这苹果尝起来跟我记忆中的完全一样–味道十足,酸中带甜。
- 22. The apple was brought over here by the colonists when they came.
- 这苹果是殖民者到这儿时带来的。
- 23. Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree?
- 你能否告诉我,修剪苹果树是不是件好事?
- 24. For years the Apple II had been the workhorse in schools across America.
- 过去很多年里苹果II一直是全美学校的主要电脑。
- 25. Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive.
- 当然,一棵苹果树能存活多久是由许多因素决定的。
- 26. We found the apple pie pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious.
- 我们觉得这块苹果馅饼布丁令人无法抗拒。果然,它很美味。
- 27. The state's apple growers are fighting an uphill battle against foreign competition.
- 该州的苹果种植者们正在与外来竞争进行艰难的抗争。
- 28. An apple for you, an apple for me.
- 一个苹果给你,一个苹果给我。
- 29. This apple tastes good.
- 这个苹果挺好吃的。
- 30. He's eaten the apple.
- 他吃完了苹果。