- 1. It's difficult to tell them apart.
- 很难把他们区分开来。
- 2. I like all sports apart from football.
- 除足球外我喜欢所有的运动。
- 3. I've finished apart from the last question.
- 除了最后一道题,我全做完了。
- 4. He was unhurt apart from a lump on his head.
- 除了头上起了个包,他没有别的伤。
- 5. Nothing else matters to him apart from his job.
- 对他来说,除了工作以外,什么事都无关紧要。
- 6. John and Isabelle moved apart, back into the sun.
- 约翰和伊莎贝尔彼此分开了,回到阳光下。
- 7. What other sports do you like apart from football?
- 除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动?
- 8. Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person there.
- 除了主人,那儿的人我一个也不认识。
- 9. Apart from the hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged.
- 除了头发,他看上去真是一点也没变。
- 10. Tony emerged unscathed apart from a severely bruised finger.
- 托尼结果除了一个手指严重淤青外,没受别的伤。
- 11. His fridge was bare apart from three very withered tomatoes.
- 他的冰箱里除了3个干瘪的番茄之外什么也没有。
- 12. Apart from peppers and eggplant, many other vegetables grill well.
- 除了甜椒和茄子,许多别的蔬菜烤起来也不错。
- 13. They grew ever further apart.
- 他们愈发疏远了。
- 14. We had to take the engine apart.
- 我们不得不卸下引擎。
- 15. The dogs tore the fox apart.
- 几条狗把那只狐狸撕成了碎片。
- 16. He and his wife grew apart.
- 他和妻子之间产生了隔阂。
- 17. Their marriage finally fell apart.
- 他们的婚姻终于破裂了。
- 18. He stood with his legs wide apart.
- 他站在那里,两腿叉開。
- 19. My car is falling apart.
- 我的汽车要散架了。
- 20. We're living apart now.
- 我们现在不住在一起。
- 21. The country was torn apart by strife.
- 这个国家被内部纷争搞得四分五裂。
- 22. The book just came apart in my hands.
- 这本书就在我手中散开了。
- 23. The two houses stood 500 metres apart.
- 两座房子相距500米。
- 24. Apart from anything else I was starving.
- 别的不说,我快饿死了。
- 25. Their birthdays are only three days apart.
- 他们的生日仅隔三日。
- 26. My whole life had come apart at the seams.
- 我的整个生活都崩溃了。
- 27. Europe's monetary system is falling apart.
- 欧洲的货币体制正在瓦解。
- 28. She keeps herself apart from other people.
- 她与其他人保持距离。
- 29. Her pregnancy was tearing the family apart.
- 她的怀孕引起了家庭的不和。
- 30. Her pregnancy was tearing the family apart.
- 她的怀孕引起了家庭的不和。