- 1. She scanned his face anxiously.
- 她急切地端详着他的脸。
- 2. He frowned at her anxiously.
- 他焦急地朝她皱了皱眉。
- 3. She kept looking anxiously at her watch.
- 她焦急不安地一个劲儿看表。
- 4. Residents are anxiously awaiting a decision.
- 居民焦虑地期待决定。
- 5. The doctors clustered anxiously around his bed.
- 医生焦急地围在他的床边。
- 6. Anxiously, she examined his unusually grave face.
- 她不安地审视着他那张异常严肃的脸。
- 7. Michael glanced anxiously down the corridor, but Wilfred was nowhere to be seen.
- 迈克尔焦虑地顺着走廊扫视,但任何地方都没有威尔弗雷德的身影。
- 8. "Are you sure the raft is safe?" she asked anxiously. "Couldn't be safer," Max assured her confidently.
- “你确定这筏子安全吗?”她不安地问。“再安全不过了,”马克斯自信地向她保证。
- 9. Her master asked, knitting his brows anxiously.
- 她的主人焦急地皱着眉头问。
- 10. "Don't let us make it tidy," said Mary anxiously.
- “我们别把它弄得太整洁了。”玛丽焦急地说。
- 11. Mary and Colin were much alarmed and talked together anxiously.
- 玛丽和科林大为惊恐,一起焦急地交谈着。
- 12. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on.
- 她焦急地从包裹里拿出那件衣服,试穿了一下。
- 13. "Come along, Mole," he said anxiously, as soon as he caught sight of them.
- “走吧,莫尔。”他一看见他们,就着急地说。
- 14. "Yes, my little man," Slightly anxiously replied, who had chapped knuckles.
- “是的,我的小伙计。”斯赖特力不安地回答,他的指关节已经敲肿了。
- 15. Sebastian, not having seen anything, asked anxiously, "What is the matter?"
- 塞巴斯蒂安什么也没有看见,焦急地问:“怎么了?”
- 16. She was walking by the White Rabbit, who was peeping anxiously into her face.
- 她走在白兔的旁边,白兔正焦急地窥视她的脸。
- 17. Heidi had approached the bed, asking anxiously: "Are you very sick, grandmother?"
- 海蒂走到床边,焦急地问:“奶奶,你病得很重吗?”
- 18. The King put on his spectacles and looked anxiously round, to make out who was talking.
- 国王戴上他的眼镜,焦急地四处张望,想弄清楚是谁在说话。
- 19. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only to find it didn't fit.
- 她焦急地把衣服从包裹里拿出来试穿,结果发现不合身。
- 20. Seeing Pinocchio so grief-stricken, she asked him anxiously, "What is the matter, dear little neighbor?"
- 她看见皮诺乔悲痛欲绝,就焦急地问他:“你怎么啦,亲爱的小邻居?”
- 21. She looked up anxiously as he came in.
- 他进来时,她焦虑地抬头看了一眼。
- 22. They are waiting anxiously to see who will succeed him.
- 他们在焦虑不安地等着看谁将接替他。
- 23. Mum asked anxiously, "Where have you been?"
- 妈妈担心地问道:“你去哪了?”
- 24. The kids waited anxiously for their dad back from work.
- 孩子们焦急地等待着爸爸下班回来。
- 25. Children were anxiously questioned, and young teachers.
- 大家都急迫地询问孩子们和年轻教师们。
- 26. She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, "Which way?"
- 她吃了一点,焦急地问自己:“走哪条路?”
- 27. The baby grunted again, and Alice looked very anxiously into its face to see what was the matter with it.
- 婴孩又咕噜了一声,爱丽丝焦急地盯着他的脸,想看看是怎么回事。
- 28. The King looked anxiously at the White Rabbit, who said in a low voice, "Your Majesty must cross-examine THIS witness."
- 国王不安地看着兔子,兔子低声说:“陛下必须盘问这个证人。”
- 29. I hope for her letter anxiously.
- 我巴望着她的回信。
- 30. How anxiously we waited!
- 我们等得好心焦!