- 1. At its height, the antiwar movement drew supporters from nearly every political camp.
- 在高潮阶段,反战运动从几乎每个政治派别那里都吸引来了支持者。
- 2. Antiwar people told them that the civil war was not about saving the unity of the federation, but about liberating black slaves.
- 反战人士对他们说,这场内战不是为了挽救联邦的统一,而是为了解放黑人奴隶。
- 3. Antiwar groups fear Barack Obama may create hawkish Cabinet.
- 反战团体担心巴拉克·奥巴马可以创建强硬派内阁。
- 4. Cindy Sheehan, an antiwar activist, has even compared her to talk-radio's Rush Limbaugh.
- 辛迪·希恩,一位反战活动家,甚至把她比作广播电台主持人拉什·林堡。
- 5. This building was also one of the centres of the antiwar resistance, and it was right in there, 100% funded by the Pentagon.
- 这幢大楼还是反战力量的中心而且它就在那里。完全是由五角大楼斥资建立的。
- 6. Thirty years before his half-brilliant Vietnam film Full Metal Jacket, the 28-year-old Kubrick made this most merciless and clinical of antiwar war movies.
- 三十年前,库布里克在28岁拍摄的越战影片《全金属外壳》立刻成为反战片中最为无情的一部作品。
- 7. After all, he was something of a latecomer to the antiwar movement, even though by 1965 he was convinced that the role of the United States in the war was indefensible.
- 毕竟,在某种程度上他是反越战运动的姗姗来迟者,虽然早在1965年,他已确信美国在越战中的地位是无可辨解的。
- 8. In New York, 16 antiwar protesters, linked by handcuffs, were arrested for blocking a busy midtown Manhattan intersection near Rockefeller Center by lying down in the street.
- 在纽约,16个反战分子,被用手铐连着遭到逮捕,因为他们躺在洛克菲勒中心附近的十字路口阻碍繁忙的市中心曼哈顿的交通。
- 9. Despite his legislative milestones, including passage of theVoting Rights Act, Johnson's legacy is tied to the U.S.quagmire in Vietnam— which spurred the antiwar movement that followed.
- 尽管树立了包括通过选举权法在内的立法上的功绩,约翰逊留给美国更深印象的,是在越战泥潭里的越陷越深。 他的政策美国国内掀起了一波又一波的反战浪潮。
- 10. Despite his legislative milestones, including passage of theVoting Rights Act, Johnson's legacy is tied to the U.S.quagmire in Vietnam— which spurred the antiwar movement that followed.
- 尽管树立了包括通过选举权法在内的立法上的功绩,约翰逊留给美国更深印象的,是在越战泥潭里的越陷越深。 他的政策美国国内掀起了一波又一波的反战浪潮。