- 1. The museum contains the remains of Chinese antiquity.
- 博物馆藏有中国古代的遗物。
- 2. The timbers that closed the recovered end of the boat had been removed in antiquity when it was abandoned, but much about its original shape could be deduced.
- 在古代,当船被废弃的时候,用来封闭船的末端的木头已经被清除,但可以推断出其原始形状。
- 3. Although several ancient cultures practiced mummification, mummies from ancient Egypt are generally more well-preserved than mummies of similar antiquity from other cultures.
- 尽管有几个古代文化有木乃伊化的习俗,但古埃及的木乃伊通常比其他文化中类似古代的木乃伊保存得更好。
- 4. The statue was brought to Rome in antiquity.
- 这座雕像是古时运到罗马的。
- 5. A number of the monuments are of considerable antiquity.
- 有些历史遗迹相当古老。
- 6. This piece of antiquity began to make considerably more cheerful.
- 这件古老的东西使他的心情更加愉快了。
- 7. We've known since antiquity that you could take gold, and you can hammer to very, very thin foil.
- 我们从很久以前就知道,你可以能用锤子把金敲成非常非常薄的箔片。
- 8. Although the remarkable antiquity of Australia's rock art is now established, the sequences and meanings of its images have been widely debated.
- 虽然澳大利亚的岩石艺术非凡的古迹现在已经得到承认,它图像的顺序和意义一直被广泛地讨论。
- 9. In remote antiquity the main human activity was hunt.
- 在远古时期,狩猎是人类最主要的活动。
- 10. My own feeling is different; I shall find antiquity a rewarding study.
- 我个人的感觉恰恰相反:我会发现研究古代是颇有收获的。
- 11. Modern lifestyles, and exposure to many more carcinogens than in antiquity.
- 现代的生活方式,以及与古代相比接触到太多的致癌原。
- 12. But there is at least one more basic category that is found in antiquity.
- 但至少还有一类自古代沿袭至今的项目。
- 13. Whatever the weight of antiquity, truth should always have the advantage .
- 无论古人的份量有多么重,真理总是占着优势。
- 14. Yes. Modern lifestyles, and exposure to many more carcinogens than in antiquity.
- 是的。现代的生活方式,以及与古代相比接触到太多的致癌原。
- 15. The blue diamond is one vivid pointer to the antiquity of the Greenland ice sheet.
- 蓝钻石是显示格陵兰冰盖有多古老的生动指针。
- 16. Conflicts between poorer peoples and richer neighbors have been part of human history since antiquity.
- 穷国与富国之间的冲突自古就有。
- 17. We usually think of Greece as the home of Plato and Pericles, its real importance lying deep in antiquity.
- 其实每当提到希腊,我们就会想到它是古希腊哲学家柏拉图和古雅典伯里克利的故乡,而且古希腊时期是希腊最为重要的历史时期。
- 18. They did manage to establish a kingdom in the land that was known in antiquity as Canaan around the year 1000.
- 约公元前1000年时他们确实在那片叫迦南的土地上,立了一个自己的王国。
- 19. It took another six millennia, to the days of classical antiquity, for cities of more than 100, 000 people to develop.
- 又经过了大约6千年,直到传统古典时期,超过100,000的人口为规模的城市才逐步出现。
- 20. All this sylvan antiquity, however, though visible from the Slopes, was outside the immediate boundaries of the estate.
- 但是,所有这些古老的森林,虽然从山坡上可以看见,但是却已经超越这片产业的边界了。
- 21. This doesn't mean that the story doesn't come from antiquity. But the reality presented in the story is a later reality.
- 这个故事不可谓不古老,但故事中的现实是后来的现实。
- 22. Keen observers of human nature would not be surprised to find cases stretching back to the origins of mail delivery in antiquity.
- 敏锐的人性观察者淡定地发现,此类例子可以回溯到古代邮递的起源。
- 23. Conquest and exile were events that normally would spell the end of a particular ethnic national group, particularly in antiquity.
- 一般情况下,一个种族群体的结局,不外乎就是征服其他民族或被其他民族征服,然后被流放,特别是在古代。
- 24. With a mean diameter of 143.5 feet (43.7 meters) and a height of 295 feet (90 meters), the dome was the biggest built since Antiquity.
- 平均直径为143.5英尺(43.7米),高295英尺(90米),圆顶是自古以来最大的建造。
- 25. In other words, he hoped to revive in some way the spirit of the ancients of antiquity, but to modify it in the lights of his own experience.
- 换句话说,他希望能够,复兴远古先贤的精神,但加入,他个人的亲身经历。
- 26. In antiquity, many of his followers said the books contained hidden layers of meaning and secret codes but this was rejected by modern scholars.
- 古时候,他的许多追随者都说书里隐藏有另一层意义和暗号,但这种说法遭到现代学者的拒绝。
- 27. Latin words of course usually originated back in Roman antiquity and in that context a client was a plebeian under the patronage of a patrician.
- 当然,拉丁词一般可以回溯到古典罗马时期,在当时的语境中,client是指得到贵族资助的庶民。
- 28. The antiquity of a law alone is no justification for its usage. Aristotle seems to reject you might say Burkean conservatism long before the time.
- 法律的古老性不能作为其用法的借口,亚里士多德似乎事先拒绝,你可能会说柏克式的保守主义,古老与传统并不能。
- 29. The antiquity of a law alone is no justification for its usage. Aristotle seems to reject you might say Burkean conservatism long before the time.
- 法律的古老性不能作为其用法的借口,亚里士多德似乎事先拒绝,你可能会说柏克式的保守主义,古老与传统并不能。