- 1. Michael blew the whistle on the corporation's plan to bypass antipollution laws.
- 麦克尔揭露公司罔顾反污染法律的计划。
- 2. The Chesapeake Bay could get helped by a new antipollution expert: farmed oysters.
- 切萨皮克湾找到了新的抗污战士,那就是养殖的牡蛎。
- 3. And in Hanyang, IT industry and antipollution industry are developing at a fancy speed.
- 在汉阳,IT产业和反污染产业正以飞速发展。
- 4. So, the ability of antipollution becomes the important performance of electrohydraulic servo valve.
- 因此,抗污染能力成为电液伺服阀的重要指标。
- 5. This paper introduces the designing of a moving coil electrohydraulic servo valve which improve the ability of antipollution.
- 通过对一种动圈电液伺服阀的液压桥路和具体参数的设计,提高了这种伺服阀抗污染的能力。
- 6. The detector design consists of design and select of optic parts of an apparatus, circuit design, sampling area control and antipollution device design.
- 探测器的设计有:光学器件的设计和选取、电路的设计、采样区大小控制装置和防污染装置的设计。
- 7. Abstract: the correct choice of antipollution species and rational readjustment of the structure of the Military industrial enterprises is very important.
- 摘要:军工企业的抗污染树种的正确选择和合理调整对企业绿化种植结构是非常重要的。
- 8. A novel antipollution ultrafiltration membrane and reverse osmosis combined membrane process were applied for in the textile wastewater treatment and reuse.
- 文章研制了一种新型抗污染超滤膜,结合反渗透技术成功处理印染废水。
- 9. The improved digital variable displacement pump possesses such merits as strong antipollution ability, good repeatability, convenient interfacing with computer, and low cost.
- 改进后的数字变量泵具有抗污染能力强,重复性好,与计算机接口方便,价格低廉的优点;
- 10. Antipollution excellent performance. color paste compatibility with the good. for products of a white or light-colored products, recommend the use of E8 colorless accelerator.
- 抗污性能极佳。与色糊相容性好。如需制得白色制品或浅色制品,建议使用E8无色促进剂。
- 11. He should know better than anybody: GE has been handing over technology in everything from rail locomotives to antipollution equipment to gain access to the domestic Chinese market.
- 他应当比任何人更了解:通用电气一直在提供从铁路机车到防污染设备等各种技术以进入中国的国内市场。
- 12. It is stated that advanced control and diagnostic sensors play a key role in car antipollution devices such as catalytic converters, electronic fuel injection, and exhaust-gas recycle systems.
- 本文论述了先进的控制型和诊断型传感器在催化转换器、电子喷油器和废气再循环系统等汽车防污染装置中所起的关键作用。
- 13. The antipollution mechanism of creepage extenders and the experimental study are introduced in this paper. The impact on antipollution performance is analyzed in the installation quantity and...
- 介绍了硅橡胶防污增爬裙的防污机理和试验研究情况,分析了增爬裙安装数量以及安装位置对防污性能的影响。
- 14. It is an excellent greening species as well as a beautiful ornamental. Its growth characters are pests and diseases resistance, antipollution, anti-nuclear radiation, high environmental adaptability.
- 既是优良的绿化树种,又是优美的观赏树种,抗病虫、抗污染、抗核辐射,环境适应性强是它的主要生长特点。
- 15. It is an excellent greening species as well as a beautiful ornamental. Its growth characters are pests and diseases resistance, antipollution, anti-nuclear radiation, high environmental adaptability.
- 既是优良的绿化树种,又是优美的观赏树种,抗病虫、抗污染、抗核辐射,环境适应性强是它的主要生长特点。