- 1. In his novel Chapaev and Void, the role of the antihero is to subvert the grand narration by rewriting the original.
- 在其长篇小说《夏伯阳与虚空》中,反英雄的作用体现在作家利用源文本中的某些资源来完成对宏大叙事的颠覆。
- 2. Its antihero and narrator, Balram Halwai, is a cocksure, uneducated young man, the son of an impoverished rickshaw driver.
- 作者通过自己的叙述塑造了一位非正派角色的主人公BalramHalwai,他是一个自大的、没有受过教育的年轻人,其父则是个贫穷的人力车夫。
- 3. The filmmakers had bucked conventional wisdom by casting Mr. Smith as a drunken antihero who needs as much help as he can offer others.
- 这些电影制作人打破了传统的思路,把史密斯塑造成了一个醉醺醺的,在帮助别人时更多的需要别人帮助的非传统意义上的英雄。
- 4. The filmmakers had bucked conventional wisdom by casting Mr. Smith as a drunken antihero who needs as much help as he can offer others.
- 这些电影制作人打破了传统的思路,把史密斯塑造成了一个醉醺醺的,在帮助别人时更多的需要别人帮助的非传统意义上的英雄。