- 1. Einstein noted that both have an anthropomorphic concept of God.
- 爱因斯坦注意到这两者都有对上帝的人神同形论的概念。
- 2. We are so anthropomorphic we can't see the world through their eyes.
- 我们过于从人的角度来看问题,我们无法透过猫的眼睛来看这个世界。
- 3. This is not on the past, the country heard of anthropomorphic cartoon!
- 这是关于把从前未听说过的国家拟人化的漫画!
- 4. This is about the country not previously heard of anthropomorphic comics!
- 这是关于把从前未听说过的国家拟人化的漫画!
- 5. The world of the gods is anthropomorphic, an imitative projection of ours.
- 神界是拟人化的,是模仿我们人类世界的一个投影。
- 6. The part of anthropomorphic demarcate test are discussed in this dissertation.
- 本文着重讨论了假人的几个主要部分的标定试验。
- 7. There are eight engraved anthropomorphic figures, various handprints, and hand Outlines.
- 有八个被刻的似人图,各种各样的手印和手概述等。
- 8. It Chronicles the daily lives of four anthropomorphic animals, Pig, Rat, Zebra, and Goat.
- 这部漫画记载了四个人性化的动物——猪,老鼠,斑马和山羊——的日常生活。
- 9. Instead of attributing its creation to anthropomorphic gods, they sought rational explanations.
- 他们不是把世界归因为拟人化的神的创造,而是要寻求一个合理的解释。
- 10. Angle legs, soft edges and cable in the middle of giving her light anthropomorphic characters.
- 角腿,柔边和拟人给予她的光电缆中间人物。
- 11. To date there have been two children's shows revolving around anthropomorphic (living) tugboats.
- 到目前为止,已是两个孩子的表演围绕拟人(生活)的拖船。
- 12. He makes clothes for Adam and Eve. He's spoken of in much more anthropomorphic terms then the God that we encounter in Genesis 1.
- 他给亚当夏娃做衣服,比起《创世纪》1中的上帝,这个上帝说话具有人类的特点。
- 13. In the form of origami, an anthropomorphic expression, the figure 14 represents a flash of humor with impressive visual effects.
- 数字14用折纸的形式,拟人化的表现手法,带有几分诙谐,又有强烈视觉效果。
- 14. If we handle each brand in an anthropomorphic way, we could see the beginning of the new brand will grow as a newborn child does.
- 要是把每一个品牌拟人化处理一下,这些新品牌的开始就对应着婴儿的阶段。
- 15. Like Democritus and other Presocratics before him, Epicurus rejected the idea of anthropomorphic gods who were cognisant of human affairs.
- 就像在他之前的德谟克利特和苏格拉底之前的哲学家一般,伊壁鸠鲁识到人类事务的概念而拒绝了拟人化的神的观念。
- 16. But now, at length, even the thought-forms are pronounced anthropomorphic, and thought itself is described as a mere faculty of Unitization.
- 但现在,思维规定最后也一概被认为是拟人主义,甚至思维也被认为是一种有限化的活动。
- 17. Third, classical art adopts anthropomorphic means to deal with "the Divine", then leading to the disintegration of classical artistic ideal.
- 第三,古典型艺术采用拟人化的手法处理“神性的东西”,导致了古典艺术理想的解体。
- 18. Can you give a brief recap of how you got the idea for an anthropomorphic panda race and how they eventually came to be included in the expansion?
- 你能否简单地说说你是如何产生了创造这样一支栩栩如生的熊猫人种族的,并最终将他们带入了《冰封王座》?
- 19. As China has a long tradition, the Chinese stone has a special hobby for gardens, have someone to garden stone gives anthropomorphic characteristics.
- 作为有着相当长传统的中国来说,中国人对于园林石有着特别的爱好,从古至今不断有人给园林石赋予拟人化的特征。
- 20. Here, he holds the "keyhole" design, which he calls "just silly and anthropomorphic." It's not recommended that you stick your head through the hole.
- 索林斯的枕头上有一个“钥匙孔”,这只是无聊、拟人化的设计,不推荐你真的把脑袋塞进去。
- 21. But her favorite experiment so far involved an anthropomorphic robot from Vgo Communications, nicknamed Celia, that was equipped with a video screen.
- 但是目前她最喜欢的实验是有一个来自Vgo通信公司昵称为瑟里阿的人性化机器人参与的,瑟里阿装备有摄像的屏幕。
- 22. We rejected the overly anthropomorphic servers and chose a metaphoric style for our first color icon: a literal server serving information on a silver platter.
- 我们抛弃了过度的人-神同形的服务器,然后使用了一种隐喻的风格来设计我们的第一个彩色图标。我们使用文字的服务器在银色的盘子上显示信息。
- 23. But the film'ssuccess is not only the result of its intriguing premise, but also of its*anthropomorphic approach, which *endows animals with human-likequalities.
- 但这部电影的成功不光是因为它有趣的设定,更是因为它采取了拟人化的手法,赋予了动物们人类的品质。 。
- 24. Anthropomorphic robot is one of the hottest research directions in robot field, and robot vision system is one of the most important markers of robot intelligence.
- 拟人机器人是当前机器人研究领域中最新的研究方向,机器人视觉系统是其智能化最重要的标志之一。
- 25. The test results indicate that this kind of method can be adopted in testing the elastic modulus of the soft bio-anthropomorphic materials and help to compare and disti…
- 试验结果表明,这种方法能够实现软组织仿真材料弹性模量的测量,有助于对活体组织生物力学等效性的比较和判别。
- 26. The test results indicate that this kind of method can be adopted in testing the elastic modulus of the soft bio-anthropomorphic materials and help to compare and disti…
- 试验结果表明,这种方法能够实现软组织仿真材料弹性模量的测量,有助于对活体组织生物力学等效性的比较和判别。