- 1. Anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria.
- 疟蚊传播疟疾。
- 2. They are both transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes.
- 这两种疟疾都是通过按蚊传播。
- 3. No natural filarial infection was found in 5771 Anopheles sinensis.
- 解剖中华按蚊5771只,未发现幼丝虫。
- 4. Carried by the female anopheles mosquito, malaria is a disease of the poor.
- 疟疾由雌性疟蚊传播,是穷人的疾病。
- 5. Malaria is transmitted exclusively through the bites of Anopheles mosquitoes.
- 疟疾仅通过按蚊叮咬传播。
- 6. The two parasites also piggyback from host to host on different species of Anopheles.
- 这两种寄生虫还通过不同的按蚊由一个宿主传播到另一个宿主。
- 7. Therefore, in the malaria experiments, Anopheles stephensi of 3~8 days should be used.
- 因此,在疟疾实验研究中,以选用3~8日龄斯氏按蚊为佳。
- 8. These tools were used to do study on life table of natural population of Anopheles sinensis.
- 应用这些工具进行了自然界中华按蚊种群生命表的研究。
- 9. In particular, they found 27 Anopheles receptors that respond strongly to compounds in human sweat.
- 尤为特别的是,他们发现27种按蚊感受器会对人体汗液中的化合物产生强烈反应。
- 10. Anopheles oswaldoi, for example, was known to be a carrier of malaria in northern, but not southern, Brazil.
- 比如Anopheles oswaldoi就是巴西北部(但不是南部)的疟疾的携带者。
- 11. Objective To investigate the anopheles species and their population in cowshed in Bogang village of Huizhou city.
- 目的调查惠州市柏岗村牛房各按蚊数量及种类分布。
- 12. A: only certain species of mosquitoes of the Anopheles genus-and only females of those species-can transmit malaria.
- 答:只有按蚊属的某些蚊种—并且仅仅是这些蚊种中的雌性蚊子—可传播疟疾。
- 13. People get malaria from Anopheles mosquitoes that themselves are infected with a protozoan parasite called Plasmodium.
- 人们从疟蚊感染了疟疾,它们被感染的原生动物寄生虫称为疟原虫。
- 14. But the human-loving species Anopheles darlingi does, and previous studies have shown that it thrives in disturbed areas.
- 但酷爱叮人的达[林]氏按蚊可不是省油的灯,它们个个都携带疟疾病毒,而且先前的研究表明它们在人类活动强干扰地区(林木砍伐严重地区)更加肆虐。
- 15. An infected female Anopheles mosquito's saliva contains great Numbers of the form of the parasite known as the sporozoite.
- 在感染了的雌疟蚊的唾液里,含有大量叫作子孢子的疟原虫。
- 16. Objective To establish Anopheles minimus density evaluation model based on climate, environmental and remote sensing data.
- 目的借助气象、环境与遥感监测指标建立微小按蚊密度评价模型。
- 17. Anopheles cool history at an early age, a little longer before learning Chinese medicine theory. 1924 hanging in Xiangzi pot.
- 自幼酷嗜史学,稍长,始自学中医理论。1924年悬壶于乡梓。
- 18. Anopheles gambia, for instance—the mostly deadly strain—and its close cousins have recently gained 12 unique olfactory receptors.
- 比如最致命的冈比亚按蚊,它和它的近亲最近得到了12中独特的嗅觉受体。
- 19. Female Anopheles mosquitoes pick up the parasite from infected people when they bite to obtain blood needed to nurture their eggs.
- 按蚊雌性蚊子在叮咬获取育卵所需血液时从受感染者那里染上这种寄生虫。
- 20. Results The PPO gene was cloned and its counterparts in mouse, drosophila, anopheles Gambia and yeast were found by database search.
- 结果克隆了PPO基因,找到了PPO基因与小鼠、果蝇、蚊子、线虫以及酵母等的同源基因,比较发现PPO在进化上非常保守。
- 21. The anopheles mosquito which is the principal insect carrier of the malarial parasite has been eradicated in many parts of the world.
- 在世界上的大多地方,疟原虫的主要昆虫携带者?疟蚊已经被根除。
- 22. Purpose: to study anopheles species and their blood meals in Yunnan, to determine malaria vectors and provide measures for malaria control.
- 目的:了解云南省按蚊种类及嗜血习性,判断传疟媒介,为制定疟疾防治措施提供科学依据。
- 23. About 60 species of the Anopheles mosquito are vectors of the malaria parasite, which are transmitted to humans when the female feeds on blood.
- 按蚊家族中约有60个品种可携带疟原虫,雌蚊在叮咬人体吸食鲜血时将疟原虫传进血管。
- 24. By studying one (Anopheles gambiae) of the 40 mosquito species that spread the disease in nature, researchers created 100 male mosquitoes without sperm.
- 自然界有40种蚊子可以传播疟疾,通过对其中一种(Anophelesgambiae,冈比亚疟蚊)进行研究,研究人员们创造了100只雄性不育蚊子。
- 25. Objective To investigate the effect of tryptophan metabolite in the salivary glands of anopheles stephensi on malaria gametocyte activating factor.
- 目的探讨色氨酸代谢产物对斯氏按蚊唾液腺抽提物中疟原虫配子体激活因子的影响。
- 26. Objective To compare the effects of colony oviposition and single tube oviposition for improving the reproductive rate of Anopheles anthropophagus .
- 目的比较群体产卵法与单管产卵法对提高嗜人按蚊繁殖率的效果。
- 27. The emergence of new species of Anopheles, the most efficient transmitter of the disease, could have serious consequences for malaria control efforts.
- 作为最直接的疟疾传播源,这些新出现的疟蚊种族将可能对疟疾的防控带来可怕的后果。
- 28. Malaria: a serious relapsing infection caused by protozoa of the genus plasmodium (see plasmodium), transmitted by the Bite of the Anopheles mosquito.
- 疟疾:由原生动物疟原虫属引起的复发性的严重原虫病,由按蚊属的多种蚊虫叮咬传染人。
- 29. The parasites are spread to people through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes, called "malaria vectors", which bite mainly between dusk and dawn.
- 这些寄生虫通过受感染的按蚊叮咬在人际进行传播。按蚊是疟疾病媒,主要在黄昏至拂晓期间叮咬。
- 30. The parasites are spread to people through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes, called "malaria vectors", which bite mainly between dusk and dawn.
- 这些寄生虫通过受感染的按蚊叮咬在人际进行传播。按蚊是疟疾病媒,主要在黄昏至拂晓期间叮咬。