- 1. Indonesia's annexation of East Timor never won the acceptance of the United Nations.
- 印度尼西亚对东帝汶的并吞从未获得联合国的认可。
- 2. In 1898, American annexation become a United States in 1959.
- 1898年被美国吞并,1959年成为美国的一州。
- 3. Land annexation was a persistent ailment of the Ancient China.
- 土地兼并是古代中国的一个顽症。
- 4. It was part of Palestine from 1923 until its annexation by Jordan in 1948.
- 1923年起为巴勒斯坦一部分,1948年被约旦并吞。
- 5. Palestinians say such an annexation would effectively cut the West Bank in two.
- 巴勒斯坦人则认为这样的合并无疑将会把西岸地区一割为二。
- 6. In 1991 he apologised to Estonia for its forcible annexation by the Soviet Union.
- 1991年,他为前苏联曾武力吞并爱沙尼亚一事向该国致歉。
- 7. It was the start of Russia's annexation of Crimea and its war against Ukraine.
- 俄罗斯由此便开始了它吞并克里米亚宣战乌克兰的进程。
- 8. The trend of CATV network will be annexation, monopolization and recombination.
- 有线电视网络未来的趋势将是兼并、垄断和重组。
- 9. The method of evaluation and fixing price is in accordance with other annexation forms.
- 其评估和定价方法与其它形式的并购是一致的。
- 10. And as the Netherlands does not recognize Russia's annexation, Ukraine still owns the property.
- 并且荷兰并不承认俄罗斯的抢占,乌克兰仍然拥有所有权。
- 11. But Washington shrugs. There have been no sanctions as there were over Russia's annexation of Crimea.
- 但华盛顿只是耸了耸肩,没有做出制裁,就像针对俄罗斯吞并克里米亚所采取的制裁行动那样。
- 12. One of the most discussed and argued problems in annexation Theory is the Wealth Effect of enterprises annexation.
- 在公司并购理论中讨论最多、争论最激烈的问题之一就是公司并购的财富效应。
- 13. The publishers removed one part about India's annexation of Sikkim in 1975 because they thought it might upset India.
- 出版社删除了关于印度的1975年吞并锡金的事件,因为他们认为这可能使印度感到不安。
- 14. As the enterprise annexation has sprung up, the problem about goodwill becomes the focal point in the theory circles.
- 随着企业的购并活动的兴起,商誉问题成为理论界关注的焦点。
- 15. The head of the referendum committee said more than 90 percent of Crimeans had voted in favor of annexation by Russia.
- 公投委员会领导人称超过90%的克里米亚人赞成克里米亚入俄。
- 16. Sir Michael is a critic of the actions of Mr Putin following the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of eastern Ukraine.
- 迈克尔指责普京吞纵然克里米亚纵然进军东乌克兰。
- 17. Therefore, the author thought that should take in the enterprise annexation the related financial decision-making question.
- 为此,笔者认为应重视企业兼并中有关财务决策问题。
- 18. In 1898, the same year the U.S. gained control of Cuba, the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico, the annexation of Hawaii was enacted.
- 1898年美国同时控制了古巴、菲律宾群岛、关岛和波多黎各,同年夏威夷合并法案升效。
- 19. It put Lithuania—literally—back on the world map, from which it had been wiped by its forcible annexation by the Soviet Union in 1940.
- 它使立陶宛能够重振国威,也正如这句成语字面上所表达出的意思,重登世界地图。 自1940年被苏联强行吞并后,立陶宛就从世界地图上消失了。
- 20. The annexation and reorganization of Daimler -Benz and Chrysler last year are pounding at the unrestful global automobile industry.
- 去年完成的戴姆勒—奔驰与克莱斯勒公司的兼并重组给本来就动荡不安的全球汽车工业带来了极大冲击。
- 21. Their forcible annexation into the Soviet Union in 1940 was one of the clearest and most outrageous consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
- 在1940年,他们被苏联强行吞并,这是促成里宾特洛甫条约最清晰和最令人发指的证明之一。
- 22. But for many Chinese, hostilities started in 1931 with Japan's invasion of Manchuria, and for South Korea 100 years ago with its annexation by Japan.
- 不过对于许多中国人而言,当1931年日本侵入满洲地区时,战事便已拉开了序幕,而对韩国来说,则更是始于100年前被日本合并之时。
- 23. In the process of annexation and recombination of the listed company in our country, some non-rational behavior has occurred, which causes the risk.
- 在我国上市公司兼并重组的过程中,产生了一些非理性的行为,导致风险的发生。
- 24. In 1914, in order to make preparations for Russia's annexation of Tannu uriankhai, a Russian official Mints Rolf went to the district to make reconnaissance.
- 1914年,俄国官员明茨洛夫前往唐努乌梁海进行侦察活动,为沙俄吞并唐努乌梁海作准备。
- 25. Recently, goodwill weighs more heavily in the annexation activities, which also directly influences the result of the annexation and the operation in the future.
- 在世界企业的兼并活动中,商誉所占的比重越来越大,直接影响到兼并的结果和企业日后的经营运行。
- 26. In the first chapter, a simple definition of annexation and reorganization of financial industry is presented, and the motivation and mechanism are also discussed.
- 第一章就金融业并购重组理论进行简单界定,并对其动因及运作机制进行论述。
- 27. October 30, 1864, Second war of Schleswig ends: Duke Frederick and the Danish Crown recognize Prussia's and Austria's annexation of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg.
- 1864年的10月30日,第二次什勒苏益格战争(或译普丹战争)结束:弗雷德里克公爵和丹麦皇室承认了普鲁士和奥地利对于什勒苏益格、荷尔斯泰因和鲁恩伯格的所有地位。
- 28. October 30, 1864, Second war of Schleswig ends: Duke Frederick and the Danish Crown recognize Prussia's and Austria's annexation of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg.
- 1864年的10月30日,第二次什勒苏益格战争(或译普丹战争)结束:弗雷德里克公爵和丹麦皇室承认了普鲁士和奥地利对于什勒苏益格、荷尔斯泰因和鲁恩伯格的所有地位。