- 1. I wonder how people would remember Ani.
- 我不知道人们会记得阿尼什么。
- 2. Al - Ani was placed in the back of a waiting patrol car.
- 阿尔·安尼当时被安排在一辆在场等候的巡逻警车的后座上。
- 3. Ani, like her music, her name, and this description, is short and sweet.
- 就像她的音乐,她的名字,还有她的自我描述,都小巧精干又甜蜜。
- 4. History of Mankind 8: Alcyone library Discover Book of Creation - Book of Ani!
- 人类歴史8 !亚克·安娜发现硑究记事簿!
- 5. DiscussionThe STZ rat model is used commonly experimental diabetic ani-mal model.
- STZ大鼠模型是普遍采用的实验性糖尿病动物模型。
- 6. Both the television and radio productions are narrated by a folk guitarist, Ani DiFranco.
- 这一系列的电视版,广播版都是由一位叫迪弗朗科的乡村吉它手配的音。
- 7. To understand the vulnerability, a basic knowledge about the. ANI file format is required.
- 要了解这个漏洞, 一些关于ANI格式文件的基本知识是必需的。
- 8. Results: Ani dramatically inhibited HSC dose-dependent proliferation and the synthesis of DNA.
- 结果:山莨菪碱能明显抑制细胞增殖,并呈药物浓度依赖关系,DNA合成受到抑制。
- 9. The officers in the car said they punched Al-Ani several times and struck him with a baton in self-defence.
- 警察们说,为了自卫,他们在车里打了阿尔安尼几拳,还用警棍打过他。
- 10. The cardinal symbol of human beings called the super-animals and differ from the other ani-mals, lies in wisdom.
- 智慧是人类有别于其他动物,被称之为高级动物的根本标志。
- 11. History of Mankind 8: Alcyone library Discover Book of Creation - Book of Ani! Development of Human vessel must hurry!
- 人类歴史8 !亚克·安娜发现硑究记事簿!急需开发人类器皿!
- 12. But it is only during the last three centuries that cats have joined dogs as companion ANI mals and members of the family.
- 但直到最近三个世纪,猫才和狗一样成为人类的伴侣和家庭的一员。
- 13. If you’re looking for a way to put Ani Phyo’s philosophy into practice, don’t bother looking at supermodels for inspiration.
- 如果你在寻找一种将AniPhyo’s 的哲理付诸实践的方法,就不要费力去看超模来寻求动力。
- 14. Tanned or crust hides and skins of other ani- mals, without wool or hair on, whether or not split, but not further prepared.
- 经鞣制的其他不带毛动物及其坯革,不论是否剖层,但未经进一步加工。
- 15. Objective to find out whether anisodamine (ANI) ACTS on nicotinic type of acetylcholine (ACh) receptor in the membrane of end plate.
- 目的探讨山莨菪碱对运动终板膜上烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体的作用。
- 16. Damaged frescoes in the Church of St. Gregory of Tigran Honents tell a story of neglect in the medieval city of Ani, now part of Turkey.
- 狄格兰赫南特斯(TigranHonents)的圣格雷戈里教堂(St. Gregory )残缺的壁画向我们诉说着关于被遗忘的中世纪古城阿尼(Ani)的故事,阿尼古城是现在土耳其的一部分。
- 17. Cities are highly artificialized ecosystems. The disturbance from human beings makes the ani- mals lose their homes they are entitled to.
- 城市是一个高度人工化的生态系统,人类的干扰使动物失去了原本属于它们的家园。
- 18. After 16 days at home and abroad of exchange and course-learning, we are welcoming Achievements Show of Winter Ani-com Camp in Japan 2011.
- 经过国内外16天丰富的课程学习和交流,我们迎来了日本动漫冬令营成果展。
- 19. A 28 field component grid model is given showing the relation of computation grid of a field component in ANI-FDTD with its neighboring grids.
- 分析表明,电磁场分量节点的FDTD迭代计算均涉及到其邻近28个其他场分量节点值。
- 20. This paper gives a new method ani equipments for measuring relative vibration, in which a complex transducer are built up by two or more transducers.
- 本文提出了用传感器的叠加组合,构成复合式传感器的新的相对振动测量方法和装置。
- 21. Washington, Nov 12 (ANI): According to a proof-of-concept led by researchers, a new technique may help non-verbal autistic children to say their first words.
- 华盛顿 ,11月12日(ANI):根据研究者们的思维论证,一项可能促使没有语言表达能力的孤独症儿童说话的科技诞生。
- 22. Two genes which were involved in plasma membrane intrinsic protein and ANI-zinc finger family protein respectively might be the salt tolerance-related genes.
- 有两个基因的假定功能分别与质膜内嵌蛋白和ANI类锌指蛋白相关。
- 23. Vishwa Shanti Stupa, is the world's highest peace pagoda, facing the Griddhrakuta Hill, where Lord Buddha preached the sacred "Lotus Sutra" for eight years. ANI.
- 世界和平塔是世界上最高的和平塔,面向耆阇崛山,佛陀曾在那里演说《妙法莲花经》八年。(编译:平易)。
- 24. Police said the journey to the police station was halted because Al-Ani became extremely violent and kicked out the rear nearside window, leaving his foot sticking out.
- 警察说之所以在去警局的路上停车,是因为阿尔·安尼当时变得极度狂躁,脚踢出了警车后排靠人行道一侧的车窗,使得脚被固定在车外。
- 25. There is an obvious objective: Gyangong Ani Gompa, a convent built into the hillside around 400 metres above the monastery, which I have previously caught only sodden glimpses of through the clouds.
- 一个明确的目标就是Gyangong AniGompa,那是建在寺院约400米以上山坡上的一个尼姑庵。透过层层云雾,我曾经看到几眼它湿淋淋的样子。
- 26. The paper, by examining the relevant ani-dumping cases, attempts to discuss the application of the second criterion-the threat of material harm-in determining dumping harm in anti-dumping practices.
- 文章试图通过对有关反倾销案例的观察与分析,阐明判定倾销损害存在的第二条标准即实质性损害威胁在反倾销实践中的运用。
- 27. The paper, by examining the relevant ani-dumping cases, attempts to discuss the application of the second criterion-the threat of material harm-in determining dumping harm in anti-dumping practices.
- 文章试图通过对有关反倾销案例的观察与分析,阐明判定倾销损害存在的第二条标准即实质性损害威胁在反倾销实践中的运用。