- 1. It was named after the Swedish physicist Anders Angstrom.
- 它取名于瑞典物理学家埃格·斯特朗。
- 2. The angstrom has now been largely replaced by the nanometer.
- 目前,该单位基本已被纳米所取代。
- 3. We know that this dimension is roughly one angstrom unit, right?
- 我们知道,它的尺寸大概是一埃,对吗?
- 4. Thickness increase of bio-layer of angstrom level can be detected.
- 能够测试出亚纳米级生物膜厚度的增加量。
- 5. To assemble the angstrom distribution, you need the following files.
- 组装angstrom发行版需要以下文件。
- 6. One ext3 partition labeled Angstrom that takes up the rest of the card's capacity.
- 一个ext3分区,标记为angstrom,占用卡的其余容量。
- 7. Results show that this process can reach surface roughness with angstrom dimension.
- 结果表明,这种抛光工艺能获得原子级的超光滑表面。
- 8. Whether the Angstrom project settles on electrical or optical connections remains to be seen.
- 无论angstrom项目是采用电气连接还是光连接都有待观察。
- 9. Other Angstrom researchers, however, are working on improving electrical connections between cores.
- 而其他Angstrom研究人员正致力于改善核心间的电气连接。
- 10. A special unit of WAVELENGTH, the ANGSTROM (a), now honors his accomplishments in SPECTROSCOPY.
- 波长的一个专门单位Angstrom (A,埃)就是为了纪念他在光谱学方面的成就。
- 11. Angstrom Linux is an operating system developed specifically for small computers such as the BeagleBoard-xM.
- AngstromLinux是一个专为小型计算机(比如,BeagleBoard - xM)开发的操作系统。
- 12. Linux boot messages follow, and then finally the Angstrom logo and a login prompt, as shown in Listing 6.
- 下面是Linux引导消息,最后是Angstrom徽标和一个登录提示,如清单6所示。
- 13. Two of the Angstrom researchers are investigating optical-communications schemes that use more practical materials.
- Angstrom的两名研究员正在研究采用更实用材料的光通信方案。
- 14. But today was different. Mr. Angstrom wasn't driving. A small man in a wrinkled uniform sat in the driver's seat.
- 但是今天不同,当班司机不是埃斯顿先生。一个皱巴巴制服的小个子男人坐在驾驶位上。
- 15. The little volume elements are going to be on the order of an angstrom cubed if it's an atom, a little bit bigger if it's a molecule.
- 每个小体积有1埃的3次方个数量级,对于原子来说,如果对于分子则要大一点。
- 16. Download the binary images for the boot loader and root file system from the Angstrom BeagleBoard demo page. There files you need are.
- 为引导加载器和文件系统从angstromBeagleBoard页面下载二进制映像。
- 17. Also note that audio does not work acceptably yet on angstrom, so don't spend too much time trying to track down speakers or headphones.
- 另外注意,在angstrom上还不支持音频,所以不要浪费时间设置扬声器或耳机。
- 18. The fastest way to boot Angstrom on the BeagleBoard-xM is with the microSD card that comes with the board, which contains an Angstrom image.
- 在 BeagleBoard-xM 上引导 Angstromis最快的方法是使用主板附带的microSD卡,它含有一个Angstrom映像。
- 19. A sub-angstrom spatial resolution and sub-eV energy resolution can be reached in new type of FEG TEM in combination with monochromator, C_S corrector and HR-GIF.
- 配有单色 器、球差校正 器、HR GIF的新一代场发射枪透射电子显微镜可提供亚埃的空间分辨率和亚电子伏特的能量分辨率,为研究物质的原子 电子结构提供了可靠的保证。
- 20. One way to improve communication between cores, which the Angstrom project is investigating, is optical communication - using light instead of electricity to move data.
- 一种改善核心间通信(正是Angstrom项目所致力于的)的方法就是采用光通信——通过光而不是电来移动数据。
- 21. And so I went through the math on this and said suppose I wanted to be really sloppy and I wanted to say if the delta X, the uncertainty in position is on the order of one angstrom.
- 我算完它,并说假如我想很草率,并且我想说如果x的增量,即位置的不确定度,相当于一埃。
- 22. They took a crystal, this is a single crystal of nickel that has regular planes of atoms, and those planes are spaced on the order of an angstrom or less apart, and they irradiated this with x-rays.
- 他们取了个晶体,一个具有规则原子平面的,镍晶体,这些面间距差不多也是一埃或者更少,它们放射出X射线。
- 23. The Angstrom logo appears on the monitor, while on the console each component is configured. After about 10 minutes, an Angstrom login screen appears on the monitor and a boot prompt on the console.
- Angstrom徽标出现在监视器上,同时在控制台上每个组件都已配置完成,大约10分钟后,Angstrom登录屏幕出现在监视器上,控制台上出现一个引导提示窗口。
- 24. The Angstrom logo appears on the monitor, while on the console each component is configured. After about 10 minutes, an Angstrom login screen appears on the monitor and a boot prompt on the console.
- Angstrom徽标出现在监视器上,同时在控制台上每个组件都已配置完成,大约10分钟后,Angstrom登录屏幕出现在监视器上,控制台上出现一个引导提示窗口。