- 1. Her leg was bent at an unnatural angle.
- 她的腿弯曲的角度反常。
- 2. The photo was taken from an unusual angle.
- 这张照片是从不寻常的角度拍摄的。
- 3. The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle.
- 这条船现在正以30度角倾斜着。
- 4. It was pointing outward at an angle of 45 degrees.
- 它以45度角指向外侧。
- 5. With digital you can choose the camera angle you want.
- 有了数字电视你就可以选择你所需要的摄像角度。
- 6. We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign.
- 我们需要从一个新的角度去展开下一次广告活动。
- 7. Thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset.
- 多亏他站的角度,他刚好能看到日落。
- 8. Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle.
- 旅行者们爬上岩石,寻找最完美的拍摄角度。
- 9. It could be at any angle.
- 它可以是任意角度。
- 10. The angle is too great.
- 角度太大。
- 11. Everything you write about should have an angle.
- 你写的每件事都应该有一个角度。
- 12. Gaines orders Kevin to circle around and come at Jack from another angle.
- 盖恩斯命令凯文绕过去,从另一个角度攻击杰克。
- 13. Depending on the angle it tilts at, the seasons can be more or less severe.
- 根据它(指地轴)倾斜角度的不同,季节的严酷程度也不同。
- 14. Privacy is not the only angle in this case and not even the most important.
- 在这种情况下,隐私不是唯一的角度,甚至不是最重要的角度。
- 15. But privacy is not the only angle in this case and not even the most important.
- 但在这种情况下,隐私不是唯一的角度,甚至不是最重要的角度。
- 16. You slant the pen with an angle of 30 degrees on the paper when you're writing.
- 你书写的时候笔身是倾斜的,和纸张形成30度的倾角。
- 17. The unusual angle of this wound points to the second shooter from a higher level.
- 这个伤口的不同寻常的角度显示,第二枪从更高的地方发射。
- 18. If I pick an angle of 60 degrees, these are some numbers like half and root 3 over 2.
- 要是我选择一个60度的角,这些数就会是二分之一和二分之根号三。
- 19. We have looked at our planet from every angle and found all of the wildest things left to find.
- 我们从各个角度观察了我们的星球,发现了所有最荒凉的东西。
- 20. Halley realised that Mercury was so far away that its parallax angle would be very difficult to determine.
- 哈雷意识到水星离地球如此之远,以至于很难确定它的视差角。
- 21. I had to keep changing the angle every time she leaned over to talk to him, or he leaned over to kiss her.
- 每次她俯身跟他说话,或者他俯身吻她的时候,我都得不停地变换角度。
- 22. The earth's not always the same distance from the sun, and it's not always tilting toward the sun at the same angle.
- 地球到太阳的距离并不总是相同的,地球也并不总是以相同的角度倾斜向太阳。
- 23. They always find a new angle, a different part to be keen on especially this class. I think they are really keen on it.
- 他们总能找一个全新的角度,热衷于这个班级的一个不同的角度。我认为他们对它很有热情。
- 24. And look at the slope of the roof, the steep angle helps keep off all that rain and snow that accumulates in the winter.
- 看看屋顶的斜坡,陡峭的角度有助于阻挡所有在冬天积累的雨雪。
- 25. Ask your friends or colleagues for content ideas. This will help you decide on the right angle and structure of your speech.
- 向你的朋友或同事征求内容上的意见。这将有助于你确定演讲的正确视角和结构。
- 26. Their sparkling eyes plus the angle and forward movement of their bodies further indicates how connected they are to one another.
- 他们闪闪发光的眼睛,加上他们身体向前移动的角度,进一步表明了他们彼此之间的联系。
- 27. Calculating this angle would allow astronomers to measure what was then the ultimate goal: the distance of the Earth from the Sun.
- 计算这个角度可以让天文学家测量地球到太阳的距离,这是当时的终极目标。
- 28. The daytime quality of light in forests varies with the density of the vegetation, the angle of the Sun, and the amount of cloud in the sky.
- 森林里的日光质量随着植被密度、太阳照射角度和天空云层数量变化而变化。
- 29. Cutting the cone at various angles gives you various shapes of ellipse. Until the angle of your cut exceeds the angle of the side of the cone.
- 从侧面不同角度切割圆锥,你便会得到不同的椭圆,直到你的切割角度超过圆锥体侧边的角度。
- 30. Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life.
- 与其从绝望的角度看待现在的情况,不如看看你还拥有的一切,并对生活中所有美好的事物心存感激。