- 1. How long will I be under the anaesthetic ?
- 我会麻醉多长时间?
- 2. Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic.
- 她的牙齿是局部麻醉拔出的。
- 3. You'll be under anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing.
- 你将被麻醉,所以什么也感觉不到。
- 4. The procedure was done under local anaesthetic in the physician's office.
- 在医师诊所里经过局部麻醉完成了手术。
- 5. An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.
- 通常先局部麻药注射使这一部位失去知觉。
- 6. In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic.
- 那时牙科学刚起步,拔牙是在没有麻药的情况下进行的。
- 7. An anaesthetic was administered by injection.
- 麻醉剂已注射入体内。
- 8. Your mother hasn't yet come round from the anaesthetic.
- 你的母亲麻醉后还没有苏醒过来。
- 9. The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.
- 这个手术是在全身麻醉下进行的。
- 10. Wow, no anaesthetic?
- 哇,不用麻醉剂?
- 11. This is done using a local anaesthetic.
- 这样做是使用局部麻醉。
- 12. The operations, under anaesthetic, last around three hours.
- 在麻醉的情况下,手术持续约3小时。
- 13. Jackson regularly received the anaesthetic propofol to go to sleep.
- 杰克逊会定期服用麻醉剂异丙酚帮助睡眠。
- 14. It is also a common anaesthetic, used by dentists and in maternity wards.
- 它也是牙医和产房使用的一种常见麻醉剂。
- 15. Melkio's shy laugh stops as he sees Dr Ondiek filling a syringe with anaesthetic.
- 当他看到Ondiek医生用注射器抽取了麻醉剂,他害羞的笑容消失了。
- 16. At the hospital Catherine's pains caused the doctor to use an anaesthetic on her.
- 在医院里,凯瑟琳的阵痛促使大夫对她使用了麻醉剂。
- 17. The medics carried out experiments on humans, including vivisection without anaesthetic.
- 这些医疗工作者在人体身上进行实验,甚至于不实施麻醉就开始活体解剖。
- 18. For example, surgical instruments and anaesthetic equipment are needed for surgery procedures.
- 例如,手术程序所需的手术器械和麻醉设备。
- 19. The finger was used because it is feasible to block the sense of touch with local anaesthetic.
- 因为可以通过局部麻醉来扰乱触觉,所以可以用手指进行实验。
- 20. This is usually done under local anaesthetic and often involves an overnight stay in hospital.
- 这通常需要进行局部麻醉,并且要住院一晚。
- 21. If a local anaesthetic is used, it may be possible to have liposuction as a day procedure.
- 如果是局部麻醉用的,它有可能有脂肪抽吸术作为一个天的程序。
- 22. He breathed in the water deeply, deliberately, after the manner of a man taking an anaesthetic.
- 他在水里故意像吸麻醉剂一样深深地呼吸着。
- 23. Propofol is often used as an anaesthetic in surgery, but was used on Jackson to help him sleep.
- 异丙酚通常用于外科麻醉,但却被用于促进杰克逊的睡眠。
- 24. Use of the anaesthetic, once seen as a niche club drug, has doubled since it was banned in 2006.
- 麻醉剂曾经被认为是小众的俱乐部药物,然而其使用自2006年被禁止后翻了一倍。
- 25. This is a major operation under general anaesthetic and involves being in hospital for about a week to ten days.
- 这是一种需要全身麻醉的大手术,并且需要住院大约一星期到十天。
- 26. Some small studies found that when undergoing surgery people with red hair needed more anaesthetic than other patients.
- 一些小研究发现:在进行外科手术时,红头发的人需要的麻醉比其他病人要多。
- 27. 'I'm seeing the ex-husband on Saturday, so we don't want bruising,' she teases Brandt, smiling through the anaesthetic.
- “我要在星期六去看我的前夫,所以我们不希望有瘀肿,”她在麻醉期间笑着向布兰德打趣说。
- 28. With the procedure complete, and the rhinos waking up sleepy from the anaesthetic - the scientists are now in for a tense wait.
- 授精过程完成后,犀牛从麻醉中醒来——科学家开始了紧张的等待。
- 29. With the procedure complete, and the rhinos waking up sleepy from the anaesthetic - the scientists are now in for a tense wait.
- 授精过程完成后,犀牛从麻醉中醒来——科学家开始了紧张的等待。