- 1. They resembled lofty, ambulant, insectile bundles of reeds.
- 它们就像一束束高大的、移动的、带虫的芦苇。
- 2. Ambulant comes in two formats: stand-alone and browser plug-in.
- Ambulant支持两种格式:单机版和浏览器插件。
- 3. The Third Party Tools are components necessary for the compilation of Ambulant.
- Ambulant的编译需要使用第三方组件。
- 4. Ambulant has its shortcomings, but these traps will, of course, disappear over time.
- Ambulant具有它的缺点,但当然,这些漏洞将随着时间而消失。
- 5. Repeated opening and closing of Ambulant from the command-line interface (CLI) destroys the error buffer each time.
- 通过命令行界面(CLI)重复打开和关闭ambulant每次会破坏错误缓冲。
- 6. Once this is complete, the usual ./configure, make, and make install sequence will build the standalone Ambulant reader.
- 构建完成后,常用的./configure,make,和 makeinstall序列将构建单机版的Ambulant阅读器。
- 7. Note that, if there is no file to load when the Ambulant window first opens, the window size is minimal; you might have to look for it.
- 需要注意的是,如果首次打开ambulant窗口时没有加载文件,则窗口大小是最小化的;您可能必须查找窗口。
- 8. While the stand-alone version of Ambulant is excellent for developers, the eventual choice of users will likely be the browser plug-in version.
- 虽然单机版的Ambulant对开发人员来说非常出色,但用户的最终选择很可能还是浏览器插件版本。
- 9. These components are specially provided since, although they are commonly available, they need to be tweaked or edited to dovetail with Ambulant.
- 虽然这些组件都是常用的,但会特别予以提供,因为需要对这些组件进行调整或编辑以便与Ambulant相吻合。
- 10. A profile is a label which indicates to the device on which Ambulant is running what components should be loaded to use its resources most efficiently.
- 配置文件就是一个标签,它指明ambulant正在运行于哪个设备,哪些组件应该被加载以最为有效地使用其资源。
- 11. Objective: to analyze the effect of health education on the complication and quality of life of patients with continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).
- 目的:分析健康教育对腹膜透析(PD)患者并发症发生及生活质量的影响。
- 12. Environmental laser ambulant paper:Commonly used to make up all kinds of brand, environmental inner & outer soft-hard package. Furthermore, directly print if surface is ok;
- 环保型镭射转移纸:一般用于制作各种商标、环保型内外软硬包装,表面已保护可以直接印刷。
- 13. If you suspect that Ambulant has corrupted itself and needs to be rebuilt, you can do this by removing the build working directories, re-extracting the source files, and recompiling.
- 如果您怀疑Ambulant自身已经破坏且需要被重新构建,您可以通过删除构建工作目录、重新提取源文件并重新编译来完成。
- 14. Currently, Ambulant does not remember the previous path used, so it might be best to work from a known local working directory and reload to avoid the need to drill down into lower directories.
- 目前,Ambulant不会记住以前使用的路径,因此最好是从一个已知的本地工作目录开始工作并重新加载,以避免再需要细化到更低的目录。
- 15. Currently, Ambulant does not remember the previous path used, so it might be best to work from a known local working directory and reload to avoid the need to drill down into lower directories.
- 目前,Ambulant不会记住以前使用的路径,因此最好是从一个已知的本地工作目录开始工作并重新加载,以避免再需要细化到更低的目录。