- 1. A perennial also-ran in the search business, is taking a new tack.
- 在搜索领域长期生存的搜索引擎,将要有一项新的举措。
- 2. Microsoft has a reputation for being an also-ran when it comes to browser innovation.
- 微软在网络浏览器方面的革新步伐一直被人诟病“慢半拍”。
- 3. The Apple iPod "section" of the store dwarfs the section where all the also-ran players are displayed.
- 店里苹果iPod柜台在所有其他展示的播放器中是个庞然大物。
- 4. Fabregas is Mancini's first choice, with the 24-year-old star disillusioned with life as an Arsenal also-ran.
- 法布雷加斯还是曼奇尼的首选,这名24岁的中场球星已经对阿森纳的平庸表现失望了。
- 5. Morgan Stanley is, by contrast, an also-ran in fixed income, a crucial area these days that includes credit, commodities and rates.
- 相较之下,在固定收益方面摩根斯坦利是一个失败者,目前这一关键领域包括信贷、商品及税率。
- 6. China is likely to overtake Japan to become the world's second largest economy but its stock market remains a relative also-ran.
- 中国有可能超越日本成为世界第二大经济体,但其股市相对仍无足轻重。
- 7. Eventually, Netscape was reduced to also-ran status - and the Justice Department took Microsoft to court on antitrust violations.
- 最后,网景被逼得几乎窒息,这时司法部出面以触犯反垄断法的罪名将微软送上法庭。
- 8. But if Google wants its platform to be anything more than an also-ran, it needs to devote many more resources to the mobile universe.
- 不过如果google并不只是希望Android平台成为又一个iphone候选平台的话,他需要付出更多的精力在手机方面。
- 9. If there is one person who holds the key to the future of the American Internet also-ran, it may be Mr. Son, the 53-year-old billionaire founder of Softbank.
- 如果有一个人掌握着美国互联网的未来,它可能就是孙正义,53岁的软银创始人。
- 10. And judging from the way investors have been treating Google's stock, you'd think it was also on track to face an early downgrade from Internet giant to also-ran.
- 从投资者对待Google这支股票的态度上看你可能会觉得Google现在较早的就面临一个下坡阶段从互联网巨头到落败者(also - ran)也是很正常的。
- 11. Spanish companies' overseas adventure has been boosted by the transformation of their home economy from an also-ran into one of the star performers of the European Union.
- 西班牙国内经济的转型——其在欧盟由一个四面碰壁的失败者变为一颗炙手可热的明星——有力的促进了西班牙公司在海外的扩张。
- 12. But what today looks like a masterstroke that has catapulted BarCap from being an also-ran on Wall Street into a credible competitor could easily have turned out disastrously.
- 但今天看来让巴克莱资本从华尔街平庸者一举成为可信竞争对手的神来之笔,本来也很可能演变为灾难。
- 13. There's little doubt that the world's most valuable CEO is Steve Jobs of Apple, who has turned an also-ran PC maker into the second-most-valuable company in the U.S. stock market.
- 毫无疑问,世界上最具价值的CEO,是苹果公司的史蒂夫·乔布斯。他把一家无甚价值的个人电脑生产商改造成了美国股市市值第二高的公司。
- 14. The men were also filmed wearing hoods as they ran towards the lorry after the robbery.
- 这些男子在抢劫后,还被拍到戴着兜帽向卡车跑去。
- 15. As soon as the kangaroo woke up, it ran away, wearing a jacket, which also included three credit cards, one passport and $1,000 in cash!
- 袋鼠一醒来就穿着夹克跑掉了,夹克里面还装了三张信用卡,一本护照和1000美元现金!
- 16. Forbes magazine recently also ran a story about Western media's inaccurate portrayal of China's youth.
- 不久前,《福布斯》杂志还撰文报道了西方媒体对中国年轻人的错误描述。
- 17. His office was in Manhattan but he also ran a free clinic in Haiti, where he was born. He'd rebuild the faces of locals injured in accidents.
- 他的办公室在曼哈顿,但在他的出生地海地也有免费诊所,给事故中毁容的当地人整容。
- 18. I also ran a test of Ruby's REXML, using the following script.
- 我也对Ruby的REXML进行了测试,使用了以下脚本。
- 19. The batteries of Vanguard I also ran out after several weeks, but its solar panels powered the on-board transmitter for years to come.
- 几星期后VanguardI同样没了电池,可是它的太阳能板提供的动力持续维持了卫星里的传送器工作多年。
- 20. In addition to running data through those transports, I also ran the ib_send_bw test program from Mellanox to see what the raw performance of the DDR ib hardware was.
- 除了通过这些传输方式传输数据外,我还运行了Mellanox的ib_send _ bw测试计划,以了解DDRib硬件的原始性能。
- 21. It also ran Linux, a free operating system.
- 它也运行免费的Linux操作系统。
- 22. But he also said that problems also ran much deeper.
- 但他也表示,问题还存在于更深的层次。
- 23. We also ran these with a 30-user load to determine whether performance continued to increase with additional users.
- 我们还以30个用户的负载运行这些测试,以确定性能是否会随着附加的用户而持续增加。
- 24. The magazine also ran interviews with celebrity fathers and had plenty of information on parenting products, such as "stylish" buggies.
- 杂志里还有“名人爸爸专访”栏目,而且还提供了很多类似“时髦童车”等育儿产品的信息。
- 25. The magazine also ran interviews with celebrity fathers and had plenty of information on parenting products, such as "stylish" buggies.
- 杂志里还有“名人爸爸专访”栏目,而且还提供了很多类似“时髦童车”等育儿产品的信息。