- 1. MGM tended to put out a lot of all-star productions while Paramount excelled in comedy and Warner Bros, developed a reputation for gritty social realism.
- MGM倾向于推出大量全明星的作品,而派拉蒙擅长喜剧,华纳兄弟则建立了坚韧不拔的社会现实主义的名声。
- 2. The all-star cast includes Jeremy Irons.
- 全明星演员阵容包括杰瑞米·艾恩斯在内。
- 3. MGM tended to put out a lot of all-star productions while Paramount excelled in comedy and Warner Bros.
- 米高梅倾向于推出许多全明星电影,而派拉蒙则擅长推出喜剧和华纳兄弟的电影。
- 4. In The Avengers, the all-star ensemble must thwart a possible world-ending scheme devised by Thor's villainous brother Loki.
- 在《复仇者联盟》中,众星云集,必须要阻止雷神的邪恶兄弟洛基设计的可能毁灭世界的计划。
- 5. This will be an all-star cast!
- 这部电影必定是全明星阵容。
- 6. The final round is an all-star game.
- 最后一轮是全明星赛。
- 7. They have an All-Star guard and they have a top center.
- 他们有一个全明星控卫和一个相当优秀的中锋。
- 8. Look at all the votes he got for the All-Star Game.
- 看他在全明星投票中的得票。
- 9. Most injuries to non-pitchers also happened before the all-star break.
- 大部分非投手受伤也发生在全明星赛之前。
- 10. In 2003, Michael Jordan competed in his 14th — and final — NBA All-Star Game.
- 2003年,迈克尔·乔丹参加了自己第14个也是最后一个NBA全明星赛。
- 11. In between the Super Bowl and the NBA All-Star Game, you may have missed the following.
- 在超级碗和NBA全明星赛期间,你可能没有看到下面的新闻:已经几乎两年没有在NBA的赛场上安东尼·沃克,加盟了波多黎各的一支球队。
- 12. They have an All-Star point guard, Devin Harris, and a rising star at center, Brook Lopez.
- 他们有全明星控卫德文·哈里斯,中锋位置上还有一个冉冉升起的新星布鲁克·洛佩兹。
- 13. Not like David Stern's annual press conference at All-Star Weekend. That's like, 90% propaganda.
- 当然不会是像总裁大人每年全明星周末的例行新闻发布会那样,那种矫情的宣传活动我们可不买账。
- 14. We've rarely been where All-Star Superman takes the character, in comics and especially in film.
- 我们很少能像《全明星超人》这样把握好角色,在漫画中也好,特别是在电影中更是如此。
- 15. When I was nine years old, Sarge, my coach, selected me for an all-star baseball team, much to my surprise.
- 在我九岁的时候,我的教练萨奇将我选拔进一个全明星棒球队。
- 16. We had originally believed that this was simply a sprain that occurred around the time of the All-Star game.
- 我们一开始认为这只是在全明星赛时落下的扭伤。
- 17. I also omitted Brook Lopez, who would have made the All-Star team last season had there been any justice.
- 我也省略了布鲁克·洛佩兹,他上赛季就应该被选进全明星阵容。
- 18. Ratliff has been primarily a defensive stopper in his 15 years in the NBA, even earning All-Star honors in 2001.
- 拉特利夫在他15年的NBA生涯中属于防守型中锋,并在2001年获得了的全明星殊荣。
- 19. He thus slightly beat the odds. Because his injury happened after the All-Star Game, which was last Tuesday.
- 他的情况稍微有点偏差,因为受伤发生在全明星赛后,b本月最后一个周二。
- 20. Stoudemire is a spectacular offensive force, a five-time All-Star who ranks as one of the best at his position.
- 斯塔德迈尔是令人惊叹的进攻尖兵,贵为五次全明星球员,在前锋位置上,少有人出其右。
- 21. A total of seven Russians have played in the NBA, including NBA All-Star and current Utah Jazz forward, Andrei Kirilenko.
- 目前共有7名俄罗斯球员在NBA效力,包括全明星——犹他爵士队的安德鲁·基里连科。
- 22. But if your goal is to rack up big vote totals for the NBA All-Star Game, there's another answer: Be a Houston Rocket.
- 但是如果你的目标是在NBA全明星赛投票中获得高得票数,那么还有另一个答案:成为火箭队的一员。
- 23. Last year, he netted a goal within his first minutes on the pitch as a Red against Major League Soccer's all-star team.
- 在去年对阵美国大联盟全明星队的首场比赛时,他就打入一球。
- 24. It's that time of year, when fans across the country begin lobbying for their favorite players to make the All-Star team.
- 全明星将至,又是一年球迷投票时。
- 25. Even Major League Baseball is considering relocating its 2011 All-Star Game, the first ever slated to be played in the state.
- 甚至是美国棒球职业大联盟也正在考虑重新选择2011年全明星赛的场地——亚利桑那州曾是第一候选地。
- 26. Overall, he ranks 14th in the NBA in PER and, in spite of his team's awful record, seems a near-lock to make the All-Star team.
- 全联盟范围内,他的PER值排名14,虽然球队战绩糟糕,但他也几乎预定了自己的全明星席位。
- 27. Taiyuan 'is amazing,' said Mr. Marbury, who was named most-valuable player in the China Basketball Association's all-star game.
- 马布里说,太原真是不可思议。他被评为CBA全明星赛最有价值球员。
- 28. Opening night is cool, the Christmas Day spectacle is neat, but does anybody really pay close attention until after the All-Star game?
- 揭幕战之夜确实不错,圣诞大战也挺刺激,但有人非常关注全明星赛之前的那些比赛吗?
- 29. The two are among the best power forwards to ever play the game (Duncan is arguably the best) and have earned 25 All-Star nods between them.
- 这两人都曾入选最有能力的大前锋。(邓肯被认为是最好的大前锋)他俩加起来共入选25次全明星阵容。
- 30. The two are among the best power forwards to ever play the game (Duncan is arguably the best) and have earned 25 All-Star nods between them.
- 这两人都曾入选最有能力的大前锋。(邓肯被认为是最好的大前锋)他俩加起来共入选25次全明星阵容。