- 1. The authors want to deduce a brief formulation, and use all-purpose program to get exact result for echelon, rectangle and rotundity cross section.
- 作者想推导简短的公式,对梯形、矩形和圆形断面采用通用的程序,以得到准确的结果。
- 2. This is an all-purpose tractor.
- 这是辆万能拖拉机。
- 3. We have made [technology] an all-purpose agent of change.
- 我们已经把技术作为了一种改变的万能中介。
- 4. It is important to understand that KParts isn't an all-purpose object model.
- 理解KParts不是一个万能的对象模型很重要。
- 5. The all-purpose BRAINS button can be used in any situation, deadly or otherwise.
- 这本书还有一个全功能按钮,可以在任何情况下使用,包括致命的情况。
- 6. Or was it the Russians, for some conspiracy theorists the all-purpose malefactors?
- 还或许是俄罗斯,一些阴谋论者,怀有各种目的的破坏者?
- 7. The tonic is believed to be an all-purpose cure for everything from asthma to liver disease.
- 这种补酒据说包治百病,包括哮喘和肝病。
- 8. As a second consequence, the session should not be misused as an all-purpose data store mechanism.
- 由以上分析得到的第二个结论就是,不要将会话误用作通用数据存储机制。
- 9. "Malware" -the all-purpose moniker for malicious computer code-is spreading at an exponential rate.
- “恶意软件(Malware)”——恶意计算机代码的通用绰号——正以指数速度传播蔓延。
- 10. The space additionally features an all-purpose hall, cafeteria, bathroom, dressing room, and rest cabins.
- 这个空间也是一个通用型大厅,兼具了餐厅、浴室、更衣室和休息间的功能。
- 11. This worked as an all-purpose greeting, and it was a euphemism for "Wow, the air is really polluted today!"
- 这可是个万能招呼,并且是个委婉语表达:“嗬,今儿的天是够污染的了!”
- 12. But don't try to create a generic, all-purpose persistence layer, since at this point you're not sure you need it.
- 不要试图创建一个通用的多用途的持续层,因为这时您还不能确定是否需要它。
- 13. With the exception of heavy copper, the best all-purpose material, in our opinion, is heavy, enameled cast iron.
- 除了厚实的铜锅之外,我们觉得最棒的万能材料是厚实的搪瓷铸铁。
- 14. Early examples of these trousers were made for the Genoese Navy, which required all-purpose pants for its sailors.
- 这种裤子早期的款式是为热那亚海军而设计的,因为他们需要多功能的水手裤子。
- 15. Computers will take many forms, but there will always be a place for the all-purpose machine we've come to depend on.
- 计算机将呈现多种形式,但我们已开始依赖的这种通用机将永远拥有一席之地。
- 16. But Kemeny and Kurtz used what they learned to craft the Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, or Basic, starting in 1963.
- 但从1963年开始,Kemeny和Kurtz使用他们学会的东西精心编织初学者通用符号指令代码即Basic。
- 17. Alternately, you can declare a kind of object using the all-purpose instantiator var, which may use literals to define internal structures.
- 或者,我们可以声明一个使用通用实例的对象,它可能要用常量来定义内部结构,然后我们可以选择一个常量来为这个函数赋值,以使其具备变量的特征。
- 18. Fortunately DocBook, an SGML dialect for creating all-purpose technical documents, can help you move your files into a single, standard XML format.
- 幸运的是,DocBook,这种用于创建通用技术文档的SGML方言,可以帮助您将文件转移到单一的标准XML格式。
- 19. If true, the camera would be launched on October 15th with a host of new lenses, including an all-purpose 24-135mm f3.5-5.6 lens and a 70-200mm f2.8G example.
- 按计划上的说法,这款产品将在10月15日上市,同期还将推出数款新镜头,包括全适用的24- 135mm f3.5 - 5.6镜头,及一款70 - 200 mm f2.8 G镜头。
- 20. No matter what the case, there is just one all-purpose data storage and management solution for MIDP-enabled devices, and that is the Record management System (RMS).
- 不论是哪一种情况,对于支持MIDP的设备来说只有一种通用的数据存储和管理方案,那就是记录管理系统(RMS)。
- 21. Best does have its fans, especially in the workplace, where it can be an all-purpose step up in warmth from messages that end with no sign-off at all, just the sender coolly appending his or her name.
- “Best”的确有它的粉丝,特别在工作场所,对于完全没有落款只是发件人冷酷地加上他或者她的名字的邮件来说,它在提升感情上可以是通用的。
- 22. Using "you guys" as an all-purpose substitute for the second-person plural is a bad habit that can undermine your message by making assumptions about how familiar your audience really wants to be.
- 使用用“你们这些人”作为一种替换第二人称复数的形式绝对是一个坏习惯,它因暗示你与听众的熟悉程度,从而降低你的信息传递的有效性。
- 23. All communication systems serve a purpose, a pragmatic function of some sort.
- 所有的通信系统都有一个目的,某种实用的功能。
- 24. What is the purpose of all of this?
- 这一切的目的是什么?
- 25. Regardless, all these complex measures had the same psychological purpose: to reassure people that the free fall would stop and, thereby, curb the fear that would perpetuate a free fall.
- 无论如何,所有这些复杂的措施都有相同的心理目的:让人们相信自由落体运动将会停止,从而抑制人们对自由落体运动持续下去的恐惧。
- 26. Regardless, all these complex measures had the same psychological purpose: to reassure people that the free fall would stop and, thereby, curb the fear that would perpetuate a free fall.
- 无论如何,所有这些复杂的措施都有相同的心理目的:让人们相信自由落体运动将会停止,从而抑制人们对自由落体运动持续下去的恐惧。