- 1. The subject got a thorough airing in the British press.
- 这个问题在英国新闻界得到了充分讨论。
- 2. The managing director's presence inhibited them from airing their problems.
- 总经理的在场使他们不便畅谈他们的问题。
- 3. While running every aspect of our own news station, kids and their fellow campers will create and host a broadcast airing each night at dinner for the entire camp.
- 孩子们和他们的露营伙伴们在运营自己新闻台的方方面面的同时,他们还将创建并主持一个广播节目,每晚晚饭时间在整个营地播放。
- 4. He is airing out the hiking boots.
- 他正在晾登山鞋。
- 5. He is always airing his knowledge.
- 他总爱炫耀自己的学问。
- 6. The straw mattresses are airing there.
- 草褥子正在那里晾着。
- 7. They were tired of the doctor airing his knowledge.
- 他们讨厌这个炫耀知识的医生。
- 8. But it became No.1 thanks to airing behind Two and a Half Men this season.
- 但是它在这季度能成为收视第一的电视剧得益于它在《两个半好汉》之后播放。
- 9. It may get an airing on television, though there is no such deal in place yet.
- 这部电影未来可能在电视上播放,但尚未敲定任何一笔交易。
- 10. We were airing in a lot of goods and that's why air [cargo] rates have gone up.
- 我们正在空运许多货 物,所以航空(货运)价格有所上涨。
- 11. Their half-truths and distortions, say their opponents, get an easy airing abroad.
- 他们的对手说,这些人靠真假参半与曲解现实的本领在国外如鱼得水。
- 12. The cast of 'CSI: Miami' tries to unravel a killer's clues on an episode airing May 24.
- 《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》(‘CSI: Miami’)将于5月24播出的一集中,演员们正尝试解开杀手的线索。
- 13. Episodes of a documentary about Parks' trek will begin airing on Tuesday on BBC One Wales.
- 一个关于帕克斯艰难跋涉的纪录片剧集将会于星期二在BBC威尔士一频道播出。
- 14. Ellen DeGeneres says on her talk show (airing Nov. 11), "he broke up with you on the phone?"
- 11月11号,艾伦·德杰尼勒斯在自己的谈话节目里采访泰勒·斯维夫特:“难道他仅仅通过电话向你提出了分手?”
- 15. As opposed to airing a falsehood, indirect lying is withholding or concealing important facts.
- 与散布谎言行为中的捏造相反,间接说谎行为会隐瞒和剔除事实的重要真相。
- 16. 'This episode definitely taught me to think twice before airing grievances in the blogosphere,' she says.
- 她说,这件事情给了我一个实实在在的教训,以后在博客上发牢骚之前一定要三思。
- 17. "I don't have a boyfriend," Swift, 21, says in an interview airing Wednesday on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
- “我没有男朋友,”21岁的Swift周三上“艾伦秀”的时候说。
- 18. One Kansas City station has begun airing disclaimers before Mr Miller's ads explaining that its hands are tied.
- 一个堪萨斯城的广播站已经开始在米勒的广告前面公开发表免责声明,表明自己对其广告毫无办法。
- 19. So you caught a late-night airing of The Notebook on cable and went through a box of tissues – nobody needs to know.
- 或者你用电脑看了一夜的肥皂剧,用掉了一盒子纸巾——当然没人需要知道原因。
- 20. For an episode airing today, Dr. Oz decided to test five major-label brands of apple juice for their arsenic content.
- 今日广播中的插曲,OZ博士决定对五大主流品牌的苹果汁中砷的含量进行测试。
- 21. Nightmare On Elm Street, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be airing on TVs through to midnight tonight, Halloween.
- 猛鬼街,惊魂记,德州电锯杀人狂都将于今日,万圣节午夜在电视上播出。
- 22. In the reporting of climate change, as in the reporting of pretty much everything else, bad news gets a better airing than good.
- 在气候变化的报告中,与几乎所有其他的报道一样,坏消息总是比好消息传的快。
- 23. These facts suggest that, at a minimum, proper airing of newly purchased goods with an obvious chemical smell is a wise precaution.
- 就这些事实看来,对于新买而有明显化学味道的东西,最少要有适当的空调是明智的预防措施。
- 24. The company has placed full-page ads in newspapers and is airing TV commercials in the U.S., vowing to put quality and customers first.
- 他们通过在美国的报纸上做整篇的广告、在电视上插播广告的方式,来表明其将把质量和消费者放在首位的决心。
- 25. It was funny to see Rebecca go from swearing she was fine to airing all of her emotional problems to the group in the span of one breath.
- 看丽贝卡信誓旦旦地说她能在很短时间内很好地控制自己的情感问题,是非常有意思的一件事。
- 26. Although several American TV dramas have appeared on domestic TV channels, they are aired months, even years, after their initial US airing.
- 虽然不少国内的电视频道也有美剧上映,但时间会比美国本土晚几个月甚至几年。
- 27. The channel made headlines recently by airing a film about Amanda Knox, the US student jailed in Italy for the 2007 killing of Meredith Kercher.
- Lifetime频道近期的头条是一部有关阿曼达·诺克斯的影片,这个美国学生因涉嫌2007年“梅勒迪斯·科彻”谋杀案,在意大利入狱。
- 28. The Microsoft ads, which began airing earlier this week, are being blamed for generating critical system errors in more than 70 million televisions.
- 本周早些时候刚刚开播的这一轮微软广告,被指责给全国70多万台的电视机造成了严重的系统错误。
- 29. The Microsoft ads, which began airing earlier this week, are being blamed for generating critical system errors in more than 70 million televisions.
- 本周早些时候刚刚开播的这一轮微软广告,被指责给全国70多万台的电视机造成了严重的系统错误。