- 1. The man who had fixed up the air-line was also questioned.
- 装备空气管道的人也经受了询问。
- 2. I think I must have left it by your air-line counter at the airport.
- 我想我肯定把它忘在机场你们航空公司的柜台边上了。
- 3. He explained that he had tried to fix the air-line to the supply line that ran round the port but could not because the fittings did not match.
- 他解释说他曾经试图将气管接到环绕港口的输气管上,但是没有接上,因为接头不配。
- 4. This air line operates five main lines and twenty branch lines.
- 这家航空公司经营五条主干线和二十条支线。
- 5. At once there is a hush in the air, as though the street is singing a silent benediction. Tall, leafy mangroves line both sides of the road.
- 然后突然周围的空气都安静了下来:高大茂盛的红树整齐地排列在路两边,就好像街道在唱着一首无声的祝福曲。
- 6. The house is famous for the elm trees which line the drive, giving it the tranquil air of a French country lane.
- 让这所房子闻名的,是排在到路边的榆树,让人想起法国宁静的乡村小道。
- 7. "We're at the spot where each engineer is personally responsible for at least a million users," and growing, he says, tracing an upward line in the air.
- “我们在场的每个工程师至少负责100万个用户,”而且这个数字还在不断增长,他边说边看着空气中那条不存在的上升的曲线。
- 8. Technically, you could even argue that there is such a thing as flying footballers, namely goalkeepers, who frequently launch themselves into the air in the line of duty.
- 甚至你会觉得球场上真的有足球飞人,那就是守门员。他们为了守住球队最后一道防线,总是把自己扔到空中。
- 9. If the forest gets dry enough, air can get into the vessels that carry water through a tree - kind of like an air bubble in a fuel line - and a tree dies.
- 如果森林干旱到一定的程度,夹杂着空气的水就会从导管进入植物内部——这就像燃油管里的气泡一样——植物会因此而死。
- 10. A perky melody floated through the air - Could that really be "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town?" - for the scores of line dancers who fill the plazas.
- 空气中回响着一支活泼的乐曲——真的是《圣诞老人进城来》那首歌吗——它在为广场上列队起舞的人们伴奏。
- 11. His popular initiatives included starting the bureau's environmental blog and establishing a citizen complaint line for air and noise pollution.
- 他受大众欢迎的举措包括开通环保局的博客和建立空气和噪音污染市民投诉热线。
- 12. Is it mix up with another air line?
- 会不会和别的航线的行李混在一起了。
- 13. NEW round of air wars looms, and more than London's transport links is in the firing line.
- 一轮新的空战即将打响,位于战场最前沿的不仅仅是伦敦的交通运输网。
- 14. A NEW round of air wars looms, and more than London's transport links is in the firing line.
- 一轮新的空战即将打响,位于战场最前沿的不仅仅是伦敦的交通运输网。
- 15. Air China didn't disclose the actual price it will pay for the aircraft, in line with standard industry practice of not revealing price concessions it was able to negotiate.
- 依照不披露协商价格的行业惯例,国航并没有公布实际的交付价格。
- 16. A drift on a Maine lake, hisfishing line whicking through the air. Or standing at the seashore, watching the fog roll in.
- 缅因湖上泛舟、钓鱼,或是在海滨欣赏雾气。
- 17. Following the Nato air strike in Kunduz 10 days ago, bereaved civilians formed a line so that they might receive a charred corpse to call their own.
- 十天之前在北约空袭昆都士之后,失去亲人的市民排成长队,以便能领到一具他们可以为之哭泣的烧焦的尸体。
- 18. The Lantern is on the scene at the Olympics, and he'll start with the good news: Compared with a year ago, the city's air does feel cleaner, and newly planted trees and shrubs line the streets.
- Lantern正在出席奥运会,并且他会以一个好消息来开场:与一年前比,城市的空气确实感觉更干净了,街边也新种植了树木以及花花草草。
- 19. Thus, in Magdalena Medio, staying on the air means walking the line between safe and unsafe discourse—remaining close to the flame without getting burned.
- 因此,在Magdalena流域,通过电台播出节目意味着在表述安全和不安全的言论之间的一条细线上行走,意味着离火焰很近却不被烧着。
- 20. The Indian Navy official said the service hopes to have the Gorshkov and the homemade Air Defense Ship on line by 2015, when the Viraat will be nearing the end of its service life.
- 印度海军官员说,希望Gorshkov和国产防空船的服役能够运行到2015年,因为到那时Viraat也将接近其使用寿命。
- 21. That the effectiveness of the anti-air pollution installations is in line with the designed standards;
- 大气污染防治设施的处理效果达到设计标准;
- 22. He often puts air balls from outside the three-point line.
- 他经常在3分线外投空心球。
- 23. As many as 1, 000 air conditioning units roll off the assembly line daily at one factory, and the manufacturing schedule changes frequently.
- 有一家空调生产企业,工厂日产空调1000多台,生产计划变化频繁。
- 24. If oil vapor or other hydrocarbons to system cause problems, or processes can't deal with oil steam can be in the air, line installed oil steam filter.
- 如果油蒸气或其它烃类物质对系统造成问题,或工艺过程中无法处理油蒸气,则可在空气管线上安装油蒸气过滤器。
- 25. Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line breathing apparatus for use with a full face mask, half mask or a mouthpiece assembly - Requirements, testing, marking.
- 呼吸保护装置。与全罩式面罩、半罩式面罩或口罩一起使用的压缩空气导管呼吸装置。要求、试验和标志。
- 26. Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line breathing apparatus for use with a full face mask, half mask or a mouthpiece assembly - Requirements, testing, marking.
- 呼吸保护装置。与全罩式面罩、半罩式面罩或口罩一起使用的压缩空气导管呼吸装置。要求、试验和标志。