- 1. But don't agonize over what to write.
- 但是,不要绞尽脑汁来想到底写什么。
- 2. Once you make your choice, don't agonize over it.
- 一旦做出了决定,就不要再犹豫了!
- 3. As a mother, I agonize over what my children will inherit.
- 作为一个母亲,我对我的孩子们将要继承的东西感到极度痛苦。
- 4. People who agonize don't act. People who act don't agonize.
- 痛苦的人不采取行动,采取行动的人不痛苦。
- 5. Why do you agonize yourself with the thought of your failure?
- 你为何总是对于你的失败念念不忘而自我折磨呢?
- 6. There's no reason to agonize over telling people you're job hunting.
- 没有理由为告诉他人你正在找工作而感到苦恼。
- 7. Do not agonize about falling asleep. The stress will only prevent sleep.
- 不要为睡不着觉而烦恼,这种压力只会让你更难入睡。
- 8. If you're anything like me you'll agonize over what to write in the CARDS.
- 你可能也像我一样发愁贺卡里该写些什么。
- 9. Most people agonize about the perfect time for a real estate transaction.
- 最烦恼的人对完美的时候了房地产交易。
- 10. I agonize over my columns and website to avoid adding to the burden of guilt.
- 我苦苦思索写出了一些文章,并把它们放在网站上,以避免加重这种内疚。
- 11. Stuttering has caused millions of people to agonize over this speech disorder.
- 演讲过程中结巴使很多人对演讲混乱而感到极度痛苦。
- 12. If you agonize over falling asleep, you might find it even tougher to nod off.
- 如果你入睡困难,那么你可能发现想打个盹都很难。
- 13. That's where the experience helps. You agonize over it and then you dismiss it.
- 这种时候经验就很有帮助,你会烦恼一阵子然后把它抛诸脑后。
- 14. Men are much more likely to agonize over how to get a woman than how to keep her.
- 男人更可能因怎样泡妞而烦恼,而不是怎样与女人相处。
- 15. You'll have enough to worry about in college than to agonize over the severing of old ties.
- 你将更需要担心你的大学生活而不用为与老朋友严峻的关系感到痛苦。
- 16. So they agonize during the decision making process and then worry even after they’ve made a decision.
- 所以他们在做决策的过程中是十分痛苦的,甚至是在做出决定之后。
- 17. So they agonize during the decision making process and then worry even after they've made a decision.
- 所以他们在做决策的过程中是十分痛苦的,甚至是在做出决定之后。
- 18. Use ints where they make sense, but don't agonize over the performance implications of int versus Number.
- 在int具有意义的地方使用int,但是不要被int与Number的性能问题所煎熬。
- 19. Many career women agonize over every career choice, and yet sail almost at random into boyfriend relationships.
- 许多职业女性会为每一个职业选择殚精竭虑,对于找男朋友却几乎持一种随意草率的态度。
- 20. And, often I am taken aback by that old person who lives in my mirror, but I don't agonize over those things for long.
- 而且,面对镜子我总会被里面的老家伙吓一跳,可我并不会为此难过痛苦很久。
- 21. When I was young I used to really agonize over why China had to be so poor, so weak, and so backward compared to the West?
- 小的时候曾经有一个问题令我极度痛苦:为甚么比起西方中国这么穷、这么弱、这么落后呢?
- 22. Sam, you're the most agile of us all. Use your agility to catch up araton. Come on Sam, don't agonize your assignment, just do it.
- 山姆,你是我们所有人当中最灵敏的。运用你的灵敏劲去报道城里世界级马拉松参赛选手的最新情况。好了,山姆,用不着为这点任务弄得痛苦不堪,就动手干吧。
- 23. Many parents agonize over what toys to buy their children and regret the cost when a child loses interest in a dearly-bought gift.
- 许多家长为给孩子买什么玩具而烦恼,在孩子玩腻了这些玩具后,又心疼花了这笔钱。
- 24. Of course, I tremble and agonize while it lasts, and all my words about the beneficial effects of suffering vanish under the torture.
- 当然,在经受它的时候,我颤抖与煎熬着,苦痛之际,我关于苦难之好处的话语全都没有了。
- 25. They enjoy last minute let's make dinner together"dates because they not only avoid hassling with attire and transportation but also dun't have time to agonize."
- 他们喜欢约会到最后说:“我们一起去吃晚饭吧”,因为这样既无需为着装和交通发愁,而且也没时间去烦恼。 。
- 26. Well, agonize no more -- because a study in the journal Science suggests that simply washing your hands after making a tough choice can keep you from second-guessing.
- 在做出艰难的选择后只要洗洗手就能让你摆脱事后的自我批评呢。 --这可是《科学》杂志上的一项研究推荐的方法哦!
- 27. We know that our decision will open certain doors, but we often cannot know which ones it will close. We agonize over the decision, but sometimes agonizing does not help.
- 我们知道,我们的决定将开启某些大门,却往往无法知道同样的决定会关闭哪些大门。
- 28. I'm sorry but those decisions you agonize over just don't make any difference. The color you paint your house, whether you should let your child do x, where you go on vacation, etc.
- 原谅我这么说,但是那些令你苦恼的决定真的改变不了什么,比如你把房间刷成什么颜色,你是否应该让孩子做某事,你在哪里度假等等。
- 29. I'm sorry but those decisions you agonize over just don't make any difference. The color you paint your house, whether you should let your child do x, where you go on vacation, etc.
- 原谅我这么说,但是那些令你苦恼的决定真的改变不了什么,比如你把房间刷成什么颜色,你是否应该让孩子做某事,你在哪里度假等等。