- 1. Too much protein in the diet may advance the aging process.
- 饮食中过多的蛋白质会使衰老的过程提前。
- 2. It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the aging process.
- 作为衰老进程的一部分,它明显发生在老年男性身上。
- 3. Scientists would soon be able to manipulate human genes to control the aging process.
- 科学家将很快能够通过操控人类基因来控制衰老的过程。
- 4. What matters is understanding that aging is curable.
- 重要的是要明白,衰老是可以治愈的。
- 5. What matters is to understand that aging is curable.
- 重要的是要明白衰老是可以治愈的。
- 6. This, they said, helps guard against the aging process.
- 他们说,这有助于防止衰老过程。
- 7. The process of aging can ultimately be brought under control.
- 衰老的过程可以从根本上得到控制。
- 8. The only way to cure aging is to find ways to repair that damage.
- 治疗衰老的唯一方法,是找到修复损伤的方法。
- 9. Right now, people think of aging as natural and something people can't control.
- 现在,人们认为衰老是自然的,是无法人为控制的。
- 10. Biophysicist Alex Zhavoronkov believes that aging should be considered a disease.
- 生物物理学家亚历克斯·扎沃龙科夫认为,衰老应被视为一种疾病。
- 11. "Like much research into aging, these results support common sense," says Seeman.
- 塞曼说:“与很多老龄化的研究一样,这些结论只是证明了一些常识。”
- 12. Aging happens to all of us, and is generally thought of as a natural part of life.
- 我们每个人都会衰老,衰老通常被认为是生命中自然的一部分。
- 13. He said that describing aging as a disease creates incentives to develop treatments.
- 他说,将衰老描述成疾病,会促使人们寻找衰老的治疗方法。
- 14. You will face problems in the aging of the population that have never been faced before.
- 你们将面临人口老龄化带来的前所未有的问题。
- 15. You will face the problems in the aging of the population that have never been faced before.
- 你们将面临前所未有的人口老龄化问题。
- 16. If aging were recognized as a disease, it would attract funding and change the way we do health care.
- 衰老若被视为是疾病,则会吸引资金,并改变医疗保健方式。
- 17. We believe that to focus on longevity as primarily an issue of aging is to miss its full implications.
- 我们认为,如果只把长寿看作一个老龄化问题,就是不理解它的完整意义。
- 18. While aging is inevitable, scientists are finding out that certain changes in brain function may not be.
- 尽管衰老是不可避免的,科学家们却发现大脑功能的某些变化或许并非不可避免。
- 19. But if aging were recognized as a disease, it would attract funding and change the way we do health care.
- 但如果老龄化被视为一种疾病,那它将吸引资金(投入)并改变我们从事医疗工作的方式。
- 20. In academic circles, people take aging research as just an interest area where they can try to develop interventions.
- 在学术界,人们把衰老研究作为一个兴趣领域,在其中尝试开发干预措施。
- 21. Thus aging and death should not be seen as inevitable, particularly as the organism possesses many mechanisms for repair.
- 因此,衰老和死亡不应被视为不可避免的事,尤其是在生物具有诸多自我修复机制的情况下。
- 22. The medical community also takes aging for granted, and can do nothing about it except keep people within a certain health range.
- 医学界也认为衰老是理所当然的,除了让人们维持一定程度的健康,他们无能为力。
- 23. In that light, aging itself might be seen as something treatable, the way you would treat high blood pressure or a vitamin deficiency.
- 从这个角度来看,衰老本身可能是可以治疗的,就像治疗高血压或维生素缺乏症那样。
- 24. The conflict has been surfacing since 2002, when the corporation bought Vermont's only nuclear power plant, an aging reactor in Vernon.
- 冲突从2002年以来就初现端倪,那时公司购买了佛蒙特州唯一的核电站,那是一个位于弗农的老化反应堆。
- 25. Citizens of the world's wealthiest countries may live longer than previously predicted, according to a study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging.
- 美国国家老龄化研究所赞助的一项研究显示,世界最富裕国家的居民可能比此前预计的寿命更长。
- 26. Before you see the plastic surgeon, before you plunk down half a paycheck on that pricey anti-aging cream, in fact, before you do anything, put on sunscreen.
- 在你去看整形医生之前,在你花掉一半薪水在昂贵的抗衰老面霜上之前,事实上,在你做任何事情之前,先涂上防晒霜。
- 27. At around age 60, "muscles really start to break down," say Kathryn Starr, an aging researcher, "and because of that, the protein needs of an older adult actually increase."
- 在60岁左右,“肌肉真的开始分解,”一位研究衰老的研究员凯瑟琳·斯塔尔说,“也正因为如此,老年人对蛋白质的需求实际上增加了。”
- 28. Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population, Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and risk of porce.
- 考虑到日益增长的老龄化人口的医疗费用,Karraker认为决策者应该意识到疾病和离婚风险之间的关系。
- 29. One possibility relates to the ATP-making machinery's emission of free radicals, which are thought to contribute to aging and to such age-related diseases as cancer by damaging cells.
- 一个可能的解释与制造ATP的组织释放出的自由基有关,人们认为它通过破坏细胞来促进老化,并且导致这种像癌症一样的和年龄有关的疾病。
- 30. Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population, Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and the risk of porce.
- 考虑到对于老龄化人口健康护理费用日益增长的的关注,卡拉克认为决策者应该意识到疾病和离婚风险之间的关系。