- 1. Aggression is by no means a male-only trait.
- 攻击性决不是男性独有的特征。
- 2. Sport became the perfect outlet for his aggression.
- 运动成为他攻击性心理的最佳出路。
- 3. Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany.
- 上个月他与德国签署了一份新的互不侵犯条约。
- 4. Naked aggression and an attempt to change frontiers by force could not go unchallenged.
- 对公然侵略和企图用武力改变疆域,人们不会坐视不管。
- 5. By this means, they signal their level of aggression or readiness to mate.
- 通过这种方式,它们表明了自己的攻击性或交配意愿。
- 6. Numerous biological structures and chemicals appear to be involved in aggression.
- 攻击行为似乎与许多生物结构和化学物质有关。
- 7. In the case of human aggression, violence cannot be simply reduced to an instinct.
- 就人类的侵略而言,暴力不能简单地归结为一种本能。
- 8. When he weeded out "the most doubtful measures of aggression", only 28% supported a connection.
- 当他排除“最可疑的攻击手段”时,只有28%的人支持这种联系。
- 9. Southern historians clung instead to a notion of the South's unanimity in the face of Northern aggression.
- 相反,南方的历史学家坚持认为,面对北方的侵略,南方是一致的。
- 10. War may be a natural expression of biological instincts and drives toward aggression in the human species.
- 在人类物种中,战争可能是生物本能和侵略冲动的自然表现。
- 11. Their aggression is, although cute in a way, that at most they will try to snatch a sandwich from you at a picnic.
- 他们的攻击性,虽然在某种程度上很可爱,但他们最多只会在野餐时试图从你手中抢走一块三明治。
- 12. It is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats.
- 对于任何一种猴子来说,拥挤不可能使其像老鼠一样显著地增强攻击性。
- 13. War of aggression launched by fascists has brought scourges to mankind but also enlightened people throughout the world.
- 法西斯发动的侵略战争给人类带来了浩劫,也教育了世界人民。
- 14. According to psychodynamic theory, the best ways to prevent harmful aggression may be to encourage less harmful aggression.
- 根据心理动力学理论,预防有害攻击的最好方法可能是鼓励危害较小的攻击行为。
- 15. An offshoot of the biological approach called sociobiology suggests that aggression is natural and even desirable for people.
- 社会生物学是生物学方法的一个分支;据社会生物学理论表明,攻击性是与生俱来的,甚至是人类所希望得到的。
- 16. Further, children whose fathers are warm, loving, and accepting toward them have higher self-esteem and lower rates of aggression and behavior problems.
- 此外,如果孩子的父亲对他们表现出热情、慈爱和宽容,那么孩子的自尊心会更强,他们的攻击性和发生行为问题的概率也会更低。
- 17. Aggression is a kind of innate survival mechanism, an instinct for self preservation, that allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence.
- 攻击性是一种天生的生存机制,一种自我保护的本能,使动物能够保护自己不受生存威胁。
- 18. Black bear cubs use trees for defense, whereas brown bears and polar bears, which regularly inhabit treeless environments, rely on aggression to protect their cubs.
- 黑熊幼崽用树来防御,而经常生活在没有树的环境中的棕熊和北极熊则依靠攻击性来保护它们的幼崽。
- 19. When Jonathan Freedman, a social psychologist at the University of Toronto, reviewed the literature, he found only 200 or so studies of television-watching and aggression.
- 多伦多大学的社会心理学家乔纳森·弗里德曼在回顾相关文献时,只发现了大约200项有关看电视和攻击性的研究。
- 20. People decide whether they will act aggressively or not on the basis of factors such as their experiences with aggression and their interpretation of other people's motives.
- 人们会根据自己的侵略经历和对他人动机的理解等因素来决定自己是否会采取侵略行为。
- 21. Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf said yesterday there was no danger of the country going to war with neighboring India, but that Pakistani forces would be ready to repel any aggression.
- 巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫昨天表示,巴基斯坦没有与邻国印度发生战争的危险,但巴基斯坦军队将做好准备击退任何侵略。
- 22. He channels his aggression into sport.
- 他把他的好斗劲倾注于体育比赛之中。
- 23. Aggression is often the result of fear.
- 好斗情绪通常是害怕所致。
- 24. The research shows that computer games may cause aggression.
- 研究显示,电脑游戏可能引起好斗情绪。
- 25. The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent.
- 恶棍的挑衅让人感到受伤、愤怒而又无力。
- 26. The documentary For the Sake of Peace brings the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea alive on screen.
- 纪录片《为了和平》将抗美援朝战争鲜活地呈现在银幕上。
- 27. If AI does eventually prove to be our downfall, it is unlikely to be at the hands of human-shaped forms like these, with recognisably human motivations such as aggression.
- 尽管最终证实,人工智能意味着人类的没落,我们也不太可能受到这些人形的机器控制,他们带有鲜明的人类动机,比如敌对性。
- 28. If AI does eventually prove to be our downfall, it is unlikely to be at the hands of human-shaped forms like these, with recognisably human motivations such as aggression.
- 尽管最终证实,人工智能意味着人类的没落,我们也不太可能受到这些人形的机器控制,他们带有鲜明的人类动机,比如敌对性。