- 1. It was a chance to start afresh.
- 这是个重新开始的机会。
- 2. They believe that the only hope for the French left is to start afresh.
- 他们认为留下来的法国人的惟一希望是重新开始。
- 3. For another, as Gottlieb notes, people confronted with over-validation often hear their complaints afresh and start arguing back.
- 另一方面,正如戈特利布所指出的,面对过度确认,人们往往重新会听取他们的抱怨,然后开始反驳。
- 4. I hope that these facts I have stated in this letter may determine you to make a clean break with your past and start afresh.
- 我希望这封信中举述的事实能使你翻然悔悟,弃旧图新。
- 5. The work will have to be done afresh.
- 这工作得重新再做了。
- 6. Thinking afresh is the easier bit.
- 重新思考还是比较容易的方面。
- 7. You must begin afresh.
- 你必须重新开始。
- 8. Martin paused from his rhapsody, only to break out afresh.
- 马丁暂停了他的狂欢颂,只是为了重新说下去。
- 9. Just as you can search posts, so too can you create them afresh.
- 正如您可以搜索帖子,您也可以重新创建帖子。
- 10. Every week, profit forecasts for corporate Japan are slashed afresh.
- 每周日本企业的利润预测都在不断减少。
- 11. If an object is needed, it is retrieved from the pool and not created afresh.
- 如果需要一个对象,就从池中获取它,而不需要重新创建它。
- 12. Yellow-the intermediation has been already broken afresh of body function balance.
- 黄-重新调解已经破坏的身体机能平衡性。
- 13. Rather than amend the club's constitution again, let us discard it and start afresh.
- 与其修改俱乐部的章程,不如将其废弃并重新制定。
- 14. Will you not this day claim afresh to be immersed and drenched in these waters of life?
- 今天你愿不愿意浸沉在生命的水里?
- 15. Nazeera received a loan of $150 [LKR 15,000] and a cash grant of $50 [LKR 5000] to start afresh.
- Nazeera获得了一笔150美元(15,000斯里兰卡卢比)的贷款和一笔50美元(5000斯里兰卡卢比)的现金赠款,以便从头开始。
- 16. Mr Jobs is famously unsentimental, and took being forced out of Apple as an opportunity to think afresh.
- 赵博思先生的不感情用事是出了名的,他将被迫离开苹果公司作为一次重新思考的机会。
- 17. It means thinking afresh about the relationship between people and their world and acting accordingly.
- 它标志着人类和他们世界、相应行为关系的重新认识。
- 18. Yet as late as 1571 an English law banned interest-taking afresh, with special penalties for rates above 10%.
- 但1571年一部英国法律重新限制收取利息,并惩罚利率大于10%的企业。
- 19. Organisers say the event in Milan aims to help porcing couples with legal proceedings and how to start afresh.
- 活动的组织者表示,这次在米兰的活动旨在帮助那些正在准备离婚的夫妇通过正规的法律程序来结束他们的婚姻,然后重新开始。
- 20. The project has also been helped by building on existing technology and modifying it rather than starting afresh.
- 而且,研发该项目只需利用现有的技术并稍作修改,而不需要另起炉灶。
- 21. Over 30 intellectuals from around the world converged on Goa last weekend to look afresh at poverty, justice and environmental issues.
- 来自世界各地三十余名知识分子上周末齐聚印度果阿,重新审视贫穷、公义及环境问题。
- 22. While leopard print has been everincreasing in popularity, New York Fashion Week has suddenly provided afresh alternative: tiger print.
- 当豹纹还在时尚界热度不减,纽约时装周已出现了新的流行趋势——虎纹。
- 23. If not part of a dynamic cluster, the sequence of steps would be to stop the problem server, and then restart the problem server afresh.
- 如果不是动态集群的一部分,则操作步骤的顺序将是先停止问题服务器,然后重新启动问题服务器。
- 24. We're loving San Francisco, missing our loved ones on Guam terribly... but the most interesting thing to me has been the idea of starting afresh.
- 我们爱旧金山,但也很想念那些在关岛的我们深爱的人…但最令我感兴趣的当属那些对又一次重新开始的无限遐想。
- 25. We're loving San Francisco, missing our loved ones on Guam terribly... but the most interesting thing to me has been the idea of starting afresh.
- 我们爱旧金山,但也很想念那些在关岛的我们深爱的人…但最令我感兴趣的当属那些对又一次重新开始的无限遐想。