- 1. In his sworn affidavit, Roche outlined a history of actions against him by the church.
- 在其宣誓了的书面陈述中,罗奇罗列了教会反对他的行动经过。
- 2. The appeal is adjourned for affidavit to be obtained.
- 为获得宣誓书,上诉被推迟。
- 3. The lawyer invited his client to subscribe the affidavit.
- 律师请他的当事人在宣誓书上签了名。
- 4. The lawyer invited his client to subscribe the affidavit.
- 律师请他的客户在宣誓证言上签了名。
- 5. "You tried to cut my head off you're going to jail" the man screamed the affidavit notes.
- 证词上这样记载——男子大吼道:“你这是要砍我的头啊,等着蹲大牢吧!”
- 6. "You tried to cut my head off, you're going to jail," the man screamed, the affidavit notes.
- 证词上这样记载——男子大吼道:“你这是要砍我的头啊,等着蹲大牢吧!”
- 7. Please fill out this lost passbook affidavit and list the code word you used when you opened your account.
- 请您填写一下这张丢失存折声明书,并写出您开立帐户时所用的暗语。
- 8. Murray is not the first physician to have provided propofol to Jackson, according to the search warrant affidavit.
- Murray并不是第一个给杰克逊提供异丙酚的医生,根据搜查令宣誓证言,杰克逊管麻醉剂叫“牛奶”。
- 9. But an affidavit filed by Eastern Health as a response to the lawsuit shows the error rate is actually much higher.
- 但在东部卫生组织回应这场官司的宣誓书中,误差率实际上远远高于预期。
- 10. In his rage, he smashed the sea strainers with a hammer and drilled the hole to sink the vessel," the affidavit said.
- 在盛怒之下,他抡起锤子砸烂了海水过滤器,又在船身上凿了个洞。
- 11. The affidavit said the coroner had told police that Mr. Jackson's death was likely due to 'lethal levels' of propofol.
- 证词说,验尸官向警方表示,杰克逊可能死于致死剂量的异丙酚。
- 12. In ancient Chinese societies, testimony of witness, as well as affidavit, was recognized as a kind of legal evidence.
- 除了重视口供,中国古代社会也重视证人证言等其他种类的证据。
- 13. Your mother must have submitted all support documents and her affidavit; otherwise she might have abandoned her claim.
- 你的妈妈必须通过所有她所提供的文件和书面陈述,否则她的申请就会被驳回。
- 14. I make this affidavit based upon my personal knowledge and understanding of the matters set forth below in this affidavit.
- 本人作证是基于个人对事务的经历和了解,因此对以下证词负责。
- 15. A month later, as part of their separation agreement, Paul signed an affidavit in which he renounced all claims to "Two's Company."
- 一个月以后,作为他们分手协议的一部分,保罗签署了一份声明,断然否定《两个伙伴》的所有权利。
- 16. I will not respond to much of the Plaintiff's Affidavit as I do not believe it is relevant to the issues the Court has to consider.
- 因为我不相信原告人的誓章与法院审理的案件相关,所以我不对原告人的誓章做过多答复。
- 17. Woolfolk broke down in tears after authorities replayed her conversation with the AirTran operator, Gates reportedly wrote in an affidavit.
- 据报道,盖茨在口供中写道,在有关官员重播了她与穿越航空公司操作员的对话后,伍尔福克留下了泪水。
- 18. Subsequent to the affidavit being made public, Dr. Murray's attorney, Ed Chernoff, issued a statement challenging the accuracy of some aspects of the document.
- 证词公布后,莫瑞的律师切尔诺夫(EdChernoff)发表声明,质疑该文件中的一些情况的准确性。
- 19. Dr. Murray acknowledged giving propofol to Mr. Jackson on the morning he died, according to a police affidavit filed in court in connection with the investigation.
- 据警方向法庭提交的与调查相关的证词,莫瑞承认在杰克逊去世当天早上向他提供了异丙酚。
- 20. Affidavit - a voluntary, written, or printed declaration of facts, confirmed by oath of the party making it before a person with authority to administer the oath.
- 由陈述者在有行使宣誓权的人前所宣誓确认的,对于事实的自愿的、书面陈述。
- 21. Affidavit - a voluntary, written, or printed declaration of facts, confirmed by oath of the party making it before a person with authority to administer the oath.
- 由陈述者在有行使宣誓权的人前所宣誓确认的,对于事实的自愿的、书面陈述。