- 1. Every day was exciting and adventuresome.
- 过去的每一天都令人兴奋充满惊险和刺激。
- 2. SARAH: I guess I'm adventuresome, but then I'm scared too.
- 莎拉:我是敢冒险,不过我也很害怕。
- 3. A hungry diner can quickly become a more adventuresome one.
- 一个饥饿的用餐者很快会变成一个相当探索精神的人。
- 4. There are times when people are especially adventuresome - indeed, too much so.
- 有些时期,人们格外喜爱冒险——的确,是太过于冒险。
- 5. Well, are you feeling adventuresome? Do you want to do something dangerous or exciting?
- 噢,你是不是想冒险?想干点危险、刺激的事吗?。
- 6. Not only was she intelligent, she was adventuresome and humorous, compassionate, and playful.
- 她不仅是聪明的,而且爱冒险和有幽默感的;同时也是富有同情心和贪玩的。
- 7. Traveling is one way to stimulate the brain, he said; a less adventuresome way is to do crossword puzzles.
- 旅游是激活大脑的一种方法,较少冒险的方法是玩拼字游戏。
- 8. Researchers at the University of Chicago say timid rats were more likely to develop cancer and to die sooner than more "adventuresome" rats.
- 芝加哥大学研究人员说,胆小的大鼠与那些胆子较大的大鼠相比,更可能得癌症,而且更早死亡。
- 9. Distant journeys are due to be adventuresome fun, for both Mars and Venus are traveling arm in arm in your house of discovery, fun, and learning.
- 有一定距离的旅行将充满冒险的乐趣,因为火星和金星在肩并肩的在你表发现,乐趣和学习的宫内运行。
- 10. Before every experiment, the subjects were pided two groups: adventuresome subjects and conservative subjects, using the risk propensity questionnaire.
- 在每个实验开始之前,我们用冒险倾向问卷把被试分成了冒险和保守两组被试。
- 11. I tell them to be freaky, be adventuresome, but to think five times before committing any of it to camera, 'cuz you can't take it back, and you'll likely want to sooner or later.
- 我告诉她们要另类、具有冒险精神,但是在将自己交给相机前,你一定要忖度再三,因为一旦决定了就无法再挽回,而你往往很快就会反悔。
- 12. Some adventuresome educators and campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school.
- 一些冒险教育家和学校研究者已经开始提出开放性建议说,对于每一个完成高中学业的年轻人来说,大学有可能并不是最好的,最适合的,唯一的一个去处。
- 13. Some adventuresome educators and campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school.
- 一些冒险教育家和学校研究者已经开始提出开放性建议说,对于每一个完成高中学业的年轻人来说,大学有可能并不是最好的,最适合的,唯一的一个去处。