- 1. He was handpicked for this job by the Admiral.
- 他是被海军上将亲自挑选出来做这份工作的。
- 2. The admiral visited the ships under his command.
- 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。
- 3. He abused the Admiral in the grossest terms.
- 他用最粗俗的字眼辱骂那位海军上将。
- 4. The fleet admiral ranks in the navy of the United States.
- 五星上将位列美国海军中。
- 5. Admiral: Shall we go?
- 将军:可以走了吗?
- 6. He 's the admiral that defeated Napoleon.
- 他就是打败拿破仑的那位海军将军。
- 7. The Admiral resumed her pacing around the room.
- 海军恢复在她的起搏都在房间里。
- 8. I would say we are status quo, "Admiral Wren said."
- 我认为,我们是保持现状。
- 9. Finally Admiral McIntyre resumed, saying: "The end came very suddenly."
- 最后麦金太尔将军继续说:“这一切来得太突然了。”
- 10. Its sister, the Admiral Kuznetsov, is the flagship of Russia’s navy.
- 它的姊妹舰“库兹涅佐夫”号现在已经是俄海军旗舰。
- 11. "It is very clear to me [that] we will need more resources," the admiral said.
- 他说:“我们需要更多的人力和物力资源,这在我看来是显而易见的。”
- 12. Admiral Mullen said he has received no information that such an incident happened.
- 马伦将军说,他没有得到有关此类事件发生的信息。
- 13. The country's senior admiral has ascribed Iran's success in building its first frigate to Mr Khamenei's encouragement.
- 国家高级海军将领把伊朗成功打造首架护卫舰归功于哈梅内伊的鼓励。
- 14. Admiral Nagano also represented Japan at the London Conference, 1935-36, and it was there that he finally blasted the 5-5-3.
- 永野元帅还代表日本出席了1935年到1936年的伦敦会议,这一次他终于向5-5-3开火了。
- 15. He did not give an exact figure for the fighters, which are due to be deployed on the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.
- 由于要在库兹涅佐夫航母部署,他没有给出战斗机的确切数量。
- 16. Japan’s leading military officer, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, warned Japan was going to war for oil, and would be defeated because of lack of oil.
- 日本的主要军事将领海军上将 IsorokuYamamoto当时警告日本,为了石油加入战争到最后很可能因为缺乏石油而战败。
- 17. We also notice that the Motorola Admiral runs on the Android OS, but the version seems to be outdated so it might be Android 2.2 or Android 2.1.
- 同时我们也注意到摩托罗拉admiral运行安卓系统,但是版本好像稍为有些过时,应该是安卓2.2或2.1。
- 18. One answer would be the Admiral Byng solution, in memory of the sailor executed for incompetence; let a big bank go bust "to encourage the others".
- 船长拜恩方案(为了纪念因渎职而被处死的水手)不失为答案之一;让一家大银行倒闭以谋求杀鸡儆猴之效。
- 19. One answer would be the Admiral Byng solution, in memory of the sailor executed for incompetence; let a big bank go bust “to encourage the others”.
- 船长拜恩方案(为了纪念因渎职而被处死的水手)不失为答案之一;让一家大银行倒闭以谋求杀鸡儆猴之效。
- 20. A number of small portraits, more evocative than important, depict among others Khair ad-Din Barbarossa, a pirate who became admiral of the sultan’s fleet.
- 还有一批小肖像画,历史意义虽不重要却令人浮想联翩,其中一幅描绘的是绰号巴巴罗萨的凯尔丁,一个担任苏丹舰队海军司令的海盗。
- 21. Admiral Mullen said he has not seen details of the proposal, but is encouraged that an Afghan leader offered the idea as a way to increase border security.
- 马伦将军说,他还没有看到建议的细节,但是由一名阿富汗领导人提出这个方案,作为加强边界安全的途径,这使他感到振奋。
- 22. "I will not go so far as to say that progress in Iraq from a military perspective has reached a tipping point, or it is irreversible," said Admiral Mullen.
- 马伦说:“现在我并不会认为从军事角度看伊拉克取得的安全进展达到一个转折时刻,或者说取得了不可逆转的进展。”
- 23. The Navy wanted the Viraat back in service as quickly as possible because of continued delays in delivery of the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
- 海军希望Viraat能尽快恢复服务,因为俄罗斯海军Admiral Gorshkov航空母舰已继续拖延交付。
- 24. The logic of this defensive pattern imposes on Admiral Nagano an ironclad duty: he must, either by defensive or offensive measures, make the southern arc secure.
- 防守模式的分析给永野元帅下了一个死命令:他必须,用防守的方案也好,攻击的方案也好,保证南部防线的安全。
- 25. Others such as Abraham Lincoln and Admiral Horatio Nelson might also have owed part of their leadership ability to having asymmetrical faces, the theory suggests.
- 这样的例子还包括亚伯拉罕·林肯和海军上将霍雷肖·纳尔逊。这种理论的支持者认为,这些领导人卓越的领导力与他们不对称的长相有关。
- 26. Others such as Abraham Lincoln and Admiral Horatio Nelson might also have owed part of their leadership ability to having asymmetrical faces, the theory suggests.
- 这样的例子还包括亚伯拉罕·林肯和海军上将霍雷肖·纳尔逊。这种理论的支持者认为,这些领导人卓越的领导力与他们不对称的长相有关。