- 1. They had no permanent address.
- 他们没有固定的地址。
- 2. What's your email address ?
- 你的电邮地址是什么?
- 3. Do you know his address?
- 你知道他的地址吗?
- 4. The address is 44 Colville Crescent.
- 地址是科尔维尔新月街44号。
- 5. The address must be printed in full.
- 地址必须以正体详尽填写。
- 6. I forgot to ask him for his address.
- 我忘记向他要地址。
- 7. I need to get hold of Tom's address.
- 我需要找到汤姆的地址。
- 8. Someone has been spoofing my address.
- 有人一直在冒用我的电邮地址发送电邮。
- 9. The address was in Anna's handwriting.
- 这个地址是安娜的笔迹。
- 10. Do you still live at the same address?
- 你还住在原地址吗?
- 11. They each have their own email address.
- 他们每个人都有自己的电子邮件地址。
- 12. I'll just jot down the address for you.
- 我得赶快把地址给你写下来。
- 13. I called his address up on the computer.
- 我在计算机上调出了他的地址。
- 14. I'll give you my address and phone number.
- 我会告诉你我的地址和电话号码。
- 15. The police officer took my name and address.
- 警察记下了我的姓名和地址。
- 16. Write down the address before you forget it.
- 把地址记下来,免得忘了。
- 17. I made the mistake of giving him my address.
- 我真不该把我的地址给他。
- 18. I managed to cajole his address out of them.
- 我终于从他们那里套出了他的地址。
- 19. The name and address are written in capitals.
- 姓名和地址都大写。
- 20. We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.
- 我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。
- 21. I looked your address up in the personnel file.
- 我从人事档案里查到了你的地址。
- 22. A large address label was gummed to the package.
- 包装袋上贴上了一大张地址签条。
- 23. Have you got his name and address and everything?
- 你知道他的名字、地址及其他情况吗?
- 24. He was to address a public assembly on the issue.
- 他要对公众集会发表演说谈论这个问题。
- 25. Each student has been given their own email address.
- 每个学生都得到一个自己的电子邮件地址。
- 26. I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting.
- 现在请主席向大会致辞。
- 27. The former owner had not left any forwarding address.
- 前物主没有留下任何转寄地址。
- 28. The address is 2025 M Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20036.
- 地址是华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿西北,M街2025号,邮编20036。
- 29. Have you moved yet? Pls. advise address, phone no., etc.
- 你已经搬家了吗?请告知你的地址、电话号码等。
- 30. They heckled him and interrupted his address with angry questions.
- 他们对他起哄,以愤怒的诘问打断他的演说。