- 1. This recipe is an adaptation of an old favourite.
- 这个食谱是一个传统名食谱的改编。
- 2. Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so.
- 大多数生物在为情势所迫时都能适应。
- 3. Branagh won two awards for his screen adaptation of Shakespeare's Henry the Fifth.
- 布拉纳因他对莎士比亚的《亨利五世》的荧幕改编而获了两次奖。
- 4. This ambitious adaptation perfectly captures the spirit of Kurt Vonnegut's acclaimed novel.
- 这次大胆的改编完美地把握住了库尔特·冯内古特那部广为称赞的小说的精髓。
- 5. As you recall, an adaptation is any feature.
- 正如你所记得的,适应性是任何特征。
- 6. It is an adaptation of Cixin Liu's The wandering earth.
- 这是刘慈欣《流浪地球》的改编。
- 7. They paid attention to the environmental adaptation of cattle raisers.
- 他们把注意力放在养牛者对环境的适应上。
- 8. The skull also lacks a blowhole, another cetacean adaptation for ping.
- 它的头骨也是没有气孔的,这是鲸类动物为潜水而作出的另一适应。
- 9. Here I will stress some smarter and more creative examples of climate adaptation.
- 这里我将着重介绍一些更为智能、更有创意的气候适应示例。
- 10. One really interesting adaptation is the ability to reverse the process of osmosis.
- 一项非常有趣的适应机能是逆渗透能力。
- 11. There are significant contrasts between the Mesopotamian story and its Israelite adaptation.
- 在美索不达米亚的故事和它的以色列改编版之间有明显的对比。
- 12. Another adaptation to the salty environment is the ability to excrete excess salt back to the environment.
- 它们适应咸水环境的另一项进化能力是:将过多的盐分释放回环境中。
- 13. But the most sensible form of adaptation is surely to adapt our energy systems to emit less carbon pollution.
- 但最理智的适应方式当然是调整我们的能源系统,以减少碳污染。
- 14. The adaptation was farming: the global-warming crisis that gave rise to it happened more than 10,000 years ago.
- 适应气候变化的是农业:1万多年前的全球变暖危机导致了这一变化。
- 15. As you recall, an adaptation is a physical or behavioral feature of a species that helps it survive and reproduce.
- 正如你记得的那样,(物种)适应是有助于一个物种生存或繁殖的生理或行为特征。
- 16. The much-anticipated film adaptation of the best-selling novel Fifty Shades of Grey will be release on 13 February.
- 万众期待的由畅销小说《五十度灰》改编的电影将在2月13日上映。
- 17. The developing countries also need to take due adaptation and mitigation actions in the context of sustainable development.
- 发展中国家也需要在可持续发展的背景下采取适当的适应和减缓行动。
- 18. Many of these researchers study evolution and natural adaptation instead of formal logic and conventional computer programs.
- 这些研究人员中许多都研究进化和自然适应,而不是形式逻辑和传统的计算机程序。
- 19. Piaget said: "True adaptation to society comes automatically when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work."
- 皮亚杰说:“当青少年改革家试图将他的想法付诸实践时,就自然而然地真正适应这个社会了。”
- 20. Some plants are woody in type—an adaptation designed to prevent collapse of the plant tissue when water stress produces wilting.
- 有些植物是木本植物,这是一种适应性的设计,以防止植物组织萎缩时,水分胁迫产生萎蔫。
- 21. There are limits to adaptation and loud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required to concentrate on more than one task.
- 适应是有限度的,如果要求一个人集中精力完成好几个任务,那么吵闹的噪音就会带来更大的困扰。
- 22. Recent Indians who were more familiar with broad-based, interior-maritime adaptation, intensified this strategy to cope with the Dorset.
- 近代印度人更熟悉广泛的内海适应性,加强了应对多塞特郡的战略。
- 23. If he is taken back to LA in handcuffs, perhaps film historians will come to regard his most important film as his adaptation of Macbeth.
- 如果他戴着手铐被带回洛杉矶,恐怕电影史学家们会把由他改编的电影《麦克白》视为他的代表作。
- 24. This is a simple adaptation to ensure that germination occurs following the winter conditions rather than immediately prior to their onset.
- 这是一种简单的适应方式,能确保它们在冬季过后发芽,而不是在此之前就早早发芽。
- 25. According to the first of these theories, each inpidual has evolved, aided by natural selection, an adaptation to the rhythmic environment.
- 根据第一个理论,在自然选择的帮助下,每个个体经过进化都适应了这个有规律的环境。
- 26. Animals also have to adapt to desert conditions, and they may do it through two forms of behavioral adaptation: they either escape or retreat.
- 动物也必须适应沙漠环境,它们可能通过两种形式的行为适应来做到这一点:它们要么逃跑,要么撤退。
- 27. According to the first of these theories, each inpidual have evolved, aided by natural selection, an adaptation to the rhythmic environment.
- 根据第一个理论,在自然选择的帮助下,每个个体都进化出了对有节奏环境的适应。
- 28. Some species use their sense of hearing more than their eyes as a matter of adaptation to a particular lifestyle, but their eyes are still functional.
- 为适应特定的生活方式,部分品种的蝙蝠更多地使用听觉,而非视觉,但它们的眼睛依然是看得见的。
- 29. Exposures to odors in natural environments often occur over far longer periods, and the resulting adaptations may differ qualitatively from short-term olfactory adaptation.
- 在自然环境中暴露于气味通常会持续更长的时间,并且所产生的适应性可能与短期嗅觉适应性在质量上有所不同。
- 30. First, at least some of the observed differences between the enzymes of the Atlantic and Pacific fish populations were not random, but were the result of evolutionary adaptation.
- 首先,至少在大西洋和太平洋鱼类种群中观察到的一些酶的差异不是随机的,而是进化适应的结果。