- 1. Truvia's total rice acreage will not be expanded in the foreseeable future, nor will rice yields per acre increase appreciably.
- 在可预见的将来,特鲁维亚的水稻总面积不会扩大,每亩水稻产量也不会显著增加。
- 2. Some recent wildfires are among the biggest ever in California in terms of acreage burned, according to state figures and news reports.
- 根据州数据和新闻报道,就燃烧面积而言,最近的野火是加州有史以来最严重的几次野火。
- 3. That's only a small share of the total acreage that could benefit, about half a million acres in all, so it will be vital to prioritize areas at greatest risk of fire or drought.
- 这只是受益总面积的一小部分,共约50万英亩,所以优先考虑火灾或干旱风险最大的地区是至关重要的。
- 4. He has sown coffee on part of his acreage.
- 他在部分自家耕地上种下了咖啡。
- 5. About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide.
- 大约70%的可可豆种植区都用杀虫剂处理过。
- 6. Its total acreage has been decreased to 17.51%, next to CGX 11, ranking the second.
- 其种植面积已减少到17.51%,仅次于桂糖11,居第二位。
- 7. The farm has a considerable acreage.
- 这农场面积有几亩。
- 8. He has a very large acreage under the plough.
- 他有很大面积的耕地。
- 9. He reduced the acreage of his property by selling off several paddocks.
- 他卖掉了一些围场以缩小地产的面积。
- 10. The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.
- 很快,用于谷物生产的总亩地数会减少。
- 11. With the droughts, wildfires scourge more acreage and people resentfully ration.
- 受干旱影响,山火带来的影响更为严重,人们不得不限量供应。
- 12. Acreage allotments, price supports and crop set-asides reshaped the face of American agriculture.
- 播种面积分配制、价格支持和作物丢弃令美国农业面貌一新。
- 13. Large acreage grinding should be avoided at blasting area, otherwise, re-blasting is necessary.
- 冲砂区域尽量避免大面积打磨,若打磨面积所占比例过高,必须重新冲砂;
- 14. Acreage controls and input subsidies work at cross purposes, each increases the cost of the other.
- 耕种面积控制和投入补贴的作用背道而驰,每一方的作用都增加了对方的代价。
- 15. The reserve sustains 200 buffalo and could supportmore if the tribal council can buy or lease additional acreage.
- 当前生活在这个保护区的野牛共有200头,如果部落理事会能够购买或者租赁额外的土地,这里的野牛数量还会增加。
- 16. His Mount Vernon plantation grew to 6,500 acres, and he had other acreage in Virginia and what became West Virginia.
- 他的弗农山庄种植园面积增加到6500英亩,并且在弗吉尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州拥有其他庄园。
- 17. Borlaug's methods often raised yields while reducing acreage, and it seemed for years he'd proven the organic movement wrong.
- 博拉格的方法能有效提升产量,却降低了可耕地面积,而且看起来他要证明有机农业的做法是错误的还需要数年时间。
- 18. Cassava is a superior crop in Guangxi, however, at present its planting acreage is rather limited owing to the low yield.
- 木薯是广西的优势作物,但目前栽培面积还有限,产量低。
- 19. All together in 2010, Shell has added some 1.3 million acres (5, 250 square kilometers) of North America tight gas acreage.
- 2010年,壳牌在北美的致密气藏的面积总共增加了大约130万英亩(约合5250平方公里)。
- 20. While this source of water is untreated, it's a cost-conscious way to flood-irrigate trees and small crops on residential acreage.
- 虽然这种未经处理的水源,这是一个成本意识的方式防洪灌溉树木和住宅面积小作物。
- 21. They also hoped that moving might resolve land allocation issues: Some said they received only half of the acreage they had been promised.
- 这些居民同时希望再次搬迁能解决土地分配的问题,他们当中有些人声称只分到了当初所承诺的土地的一半。
- 22. Already intensively cultivated and mechanised, there are few opportunities for farmers to increase output by improving yields on existing acreage.
- 尽管农民已精耕细作并实现了机械化种植,但仅凭提高现有土地面积的产出已很难让棕榈油产量得到大幅提升。
- 23. Isn't it a result of people owing to money and enjoyment that they chopped down acreage of virgin forests and killed one rare animal after another?
- 不正是一些人为了追求金钱和享受,才砍光了一片又一片的原始森林,猎杀了一批又一批的珍稀动物吗?
- 24. When covered in solar panels, that acreage would generate 600 to 1,000 megawatts of electricity.One megawatt is enough to power a Wal-Mart Supercenter.
- 这些土地装好太阳能板之后将可以生产600到1000MW的电力,而1mw电力足够给一个沃尔玛超市供电。
- 25. When covered in solar panels, that acreage would generate 600 to 1,000 megawatts of electricity.One megawatt is enough to power a Wal-Mart Supercenter.
- 这些土地装好太阳能板之后将可以生产600到1000MW的电力,而1mw电力足够给一个沃尔玛超市供电。